Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Aquarius

Astrology Transits June 2018 – Bridge to Quieter Times




“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson



Photo by Sasha. Stories on Unsplash



June opens with a waning Sagittarius Full Moon and the Sun and Mercury in Gemini, which act like a bridge between the earthy, yet explosive, energy of last month and the calmer, more cerebral energy of June. The emphasis is now on the mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini).


June 5-7, Mercury conjunct Sun in Gemini square Neptune at 16 degrees Pisces.

Something unknown may be revealed in more detail or secrets may be exposed. Be extra careful of fraudsters and flim flam schemes as you are more apt to deceive yourself at this time. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Better to use this energy to tune into your creative side or go to see a fantasy movie. If you are a writer or poet your imagination will be at an all-time high. Use this time to jump start your muse.

Due to the Gemini influence, communication in all matters of expression is favored through June 21st. Take this time to express your feelings and ideas and to make note of them for future use. The Gemini new Moon on the 13th is an especially opportune time to use this excellent communicative energy. For those of you who have a book, article or blog post rattling around in your brain, now is the time to brush those ideas off and actually publish them in some way.


June 14, Venus square Uranus at 1 degree Leo/Taurus.

Relationship matters are volatile under this challenging energy. There is an air of unpredictability and stubbornness in the cosmic soup at this time. Better to wait a week before addressing any relationship issues. You may be unsure of what you want in a committed relationship.  One minute you want more freedom and the next minute you want more security.  Snap decisions are discouraged at this time.


June 17, Neptune turns retrograde at 16 (nearly 17) degrees Pisces.

Neptune is retrograde until November 25, 2018. During this lengthy stint in retrograde motion, Neptune only moves three degrees backwards, so not much will change other than the Neptunian energy will become more intense. Retrograde Neptune also favors revisiting your inner imagination and muse for helpful stories, dreams and imagination. Your dreams (both daydreams and night dreams) may become more vivid.

Retrograde Neptune in trine to retrograde Jupiter is a superb time to face your fears and to determine the difference between false hopes and wishes and false fears and anxieties. When Jupiter moves forward on July 10, you will then be in a better position to move confidently forward.


Summer Solstice on June 21

When the Sun enters the family-oriented sign of Cancer,we officially shift into the summer season in the northern hemisphere. Plan a small celebration to be with family and/or those who are like family to you.


June 26, Mars turns Retrograde at 9 degrees Aquarius until the end of August.

When any planet is retrograde, it becomes extra potent and its effects are felt more strongly. The energy of a retrograde planet becomes more intense and matters regarding that planet slow down and are unable to easily be expressed. Retrograde Mars slows the hectic, frazzled pace of last month. Mars retrograde:

  • The emphasis shifts from action to more of a thoughtful mode.
  • This is not the best time to start a dispute or argument or to file a lawsuit. Your bargaining power is less than optimum.
  • Be mindful when starting a new project or when initiating a new action. You may be feeling extra tired or sluggish during Mars’ retrograde motion.
  • You may be more prone to injuries and accidents due to carelessness or inattention. Mars, along with Mercury, rules cars and machinery. Keep your machines tuned and in good shape.
  • This is not the best time for elective surgery. If practical, it would be best to postpone such surgery. Be extra careful with knives, scissors, guns and all other sharp and/or dangerous objects.

Do use this Mars retrograde time to:

  • Make an inventory of your life — where you are, versus where you want to be.
  • Because Mars rules your desires, it is an especially opportune time to reassess your desires versus your reality.

After Mars goes retrograde, five planets will be in retrograde motion, including Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. This summer is not the best time to initiate new projects or actions. Rather, it is a time to reassess your life, so you can move forward in the fall.


June 27, The Capricorn full Moon conjuncts Saturn and opposes the Cancer Sun at 5 degrees Cancer/Capricorn.

This full Moon can be an emotional sink hole due to the emotional Moon trying to combine its energy with Saturn, the planet of limitation and responsibility.  The opposition to the Sun has the effect of stifling your urge to express yourself to those you are close to.  I can almost hear a collective sign of “why me” during this challenging full Moon.

Any emotional confrontations started at this time, can turn into an out-of-proportion power play when the solar eclipse of July 12 opposes Pluto at 20 degrees Cancer/Capricorn.  Choose your battles.

Next month:  A solar eclipse on July 12 at 20 degrees Cancer and a total lunar eclipse on July 27 at 27 degrees Aquarius/Leo. 


My summer mini reading series begins on June 6, 2018. I will be doing readings at the Nu.Topia Tour the Mystery event held at the Wheeler Opera House in Aspen, Colorado on:

Wednesday, June 6th – 2pm to 5pm
Thursday, June 7th – 2pm – 4pm
The summer farmers market season begins on June 16.  Here is my schedule:

Aspen Saturday Market – Saturday, June 16 – Oct. 6, 2018

Basalt Sunday Market –Sunday, June 17 – Sept. 30, 2018

Carbondale Mountain Fair –Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 27-29, 2018

I would love to see you at any of the events.  Stop and say “hi.” 

I look forward to seeing you this summer.


3 comments to Astrology Transits June 2018 – Bridge to Quieter Times

  • Ruby

    Though we often think of retrograde planets in a negative way, I feel like it could be a welcome respite to the over wrought energy of the last few months. A little less drama and angst would certainly be a welcome change for me.

    Of course, retrogrades amplify a planet’s energy, so we do need to be careful of anger, frustration and impatience during Mar’s retrograde movement.

    How about you? How are you experiencing the slower energy of retrograde Mars?

  • hi Ruby,

    and thanks for the deatailed explanation. i have a question for you that you maybe you can help me with. I’m a Capricorn sun with Gemini rising. So for horoscopes or year predictions which ones should I read- the ones for Capricorn OR for Gemini? Also which personality traits are more predominant for me-Capricorn or Gemini, or viceversa? I’m confused.

    • Ruby

      I appreciate your comment. It’s hard to tell whether you should read your ascendant sign or your Sun sign, because different astrologers use diffeernt methods to write their predictions. When I say that a certain sign will be affected, I am talking about the Sun sign, but also about anyone who has significant planets in that sign or on the ascendant, IC, descendant or midheaven. Your best bet would be to read both the ascendant sign and the Sun sign predictions and see which seems to be true over time. The energies of Capricorn and Gemini are very different, so you should be able to determine which rings true over time. You can also try reading both and try to blend them.

      Your Capricorn traits are the most predominant, but your Gemini traits may be noticed more by those close to you. Our ascendant is our mask to the world. We can show that side of ourselves, or not. Thus, we often only show our ascendant traits to those close to us or show it in non-threatenting situations. Our Sun sign is our public face that we show to everyone.

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