Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Scorpio

Sun and Venus in Aries – Enthusiasm, Charisma and Action


The Sun enters Aries on March 20 at the spring equinox. This is a big shift and it’s time to hit reset. The spring equinox for Western astrologers is akin to New Year’s Day. From contemplative, dreamy and quiet, we move to dynamic, active, impulsive and fiery.  Use this enterprising energy to start new projects and to confidently go after what you want. This “take charge” energy is great for entrepreneurial projects.


When Venus enters Aries on March 21 our sexual energy is high and we are ready to express our active, charismatic, can-do attitude.  The Sun and Venus in Aries expands your entrepreneurial and executive abilities.  This dynamic energy is excellent for launching a new business, especially those related to beauty, fashion or self-love.


Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius is superb for tackling those projects you have put off for way too long.  Mars gives you the energy and oomph and Saturn gives you the discipline to start and finish even the most mundane task. Might be a good time to get a jump on cleaning out the garage or even the junk drawer.


Things become a little testy on March 23 under a challenging Mercury square Mars aspect.  As they say, “keep your nose clean” and your mouth shut until this contentious energy moves on by the 28th.



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