Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Libra

Year 2025 and Beyond – What the Planets Say

The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and Satur7n all change signs in 2025, greatly altering our political, economic and social conditions over the next 20 years . Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19, which starts the slow metamorphosis of our known world. Pluto is followed by Saturn, Neptune and Uranus all moving to zero degrees of a new sign in the first six months of 2025.


Even though we live in challenging times, I believe that we are in a period of reset that can lead to a much more inclusive, compassionate outlook over time. We are just beginning. A look back in history and forward into the future can be helpful in understanding where we are and where we may be going.


I have posted a video on YouTube about the astrological significance of these changes. You can access the video by clicking on the arrow in the video that follows. Let me know if you have any questions.


Please contact me at if you have any questions or wish to schedule an astrology reading.


Astrology Transits January 2024 – A Blank Page

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one. — Brad Paisley

Calendar year 2024 promises to bring lots of change and even some chaos. However, the ability to embrace and be open to change will bring some surprisingly beneficial results.

The year 2024 in Chinese astrology is the year of the Dragon. Chinese astrology portrays it as a year full of creativity and new ideas, with returning prosperity. Chinese astrology fits with Western astrology in many ways.

Calendar year 2023 was so very challenging for so many of us. Pluto in the last degrees of Capricorn was especially challenging to those with late degrees of the Cardinal signs, since it was in late Capricorn and formed a square to late Aries, Cancer, and Libra Suns. As it moves into Aquarius on January 21, the energy will dramatically shift. However, Pluto moves so slowly that we usually don’t feel it’s energy on a day-to-day basis. But when it aspects a natal planet it is felt, often in a big way.

Uranus in Taurus all year was a planetary contest of wills. Uranus likes change, while Taurus really doesn’t like change at all. The fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius were right in the middle of the tug of war.

If you have always wanted to learn astrology, I have two classes starting in January. One is for those who have no, or very little, astrology knowledge. The other is a once-monthly astrology practice class where you can learn and practice more advanced astrological skills. Scroll to the end of this email for specific details on the two classes.

Overall, I think 2024 will be easier to navigate and will feel more optimistic and expansive. The big caveat is that you need to stay loose and learn to go with the flow. Change is here. The more you fight it, the harder it will feel. Focus on what you want in 2024 — not what you don’t want. Enjoy year 2024!!


January 1: Venus Square Saturn at 3 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. If you have been wanting to sit with another person to map out your expectations for each other during the coming year, Venus square Saturn is the time to have that discussion. Just be aware that Saturn can make you seem a little cold or uncaring. Use Venus to project caring and love as you map your New Year journey together. If you’re not feeling the love, take some time to be alone to improve your relationship with yourself. Venus rules both love and money, so this would be a good time to tune up your financial situation for the coming year.


January 3: Mercury Direct at 22 Sagittarius. Since Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius has been in opposition to Gemini, the sign of communication, this retrograde has been especially potent. Take what you have learned (Sagittarius) and realistically apply it as Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 14.


January 4: Mars Enters Capricorn. Mars, the planet in action, likes being in Capricorn, the sign of hard work, realistic expectations and success and is said to be “exalted” when in Capricorn. Mars in Capricorn until February 12 is a great time to finish old projects or to begin something new. The drive of Mars coupled with the steadiness of Capricorn promises a high likelihood of success.


January 6: Sun Square Chiron at 15 Degrees Capricorn/Aries. The Sun is your identity, while Chiron shows where you have been physically or emotionally wounded. Sun square Chiron challenges you to become aware of your wounds and to grow and learn from the negative events in your life. Be kind to yourself as old issues come to the surface of your consciousness to be worked on once more. Because the square occurs in the Cardinal signs, issues around career or expressing yourself fully in the world, may be especially relevant.


January 8: Mercury Square Neptune at 25 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Mercury square Neptune can feel a lot like Mercury retrograde. Your thinking may be distorted, discussions may go sideways and instructions you receive and give may be unclear and ambiguous. Use this energy to write out your dreams so they can be manifested by your subconscious.


January 9: Sun Trine Uranus at 29 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Mars Sextile Saturn at 4 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. Trines and sextiles are easy, flowing energies. Sun trine Uranus has you fired up ready to make changes, while Mars sextile Saturn brings a burst of focused energy. A word of caution with this easy energy is that you will tend to coast along and not take advantage of them. Take meaningful action and you have the recipe for success.


January 11: New Moon at 20 Degrees Capricorn Square South Node at 20 Degrees Libra and North Node at 20 Degrees Aries. New Moon Trine Uranus at 19 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. The sign of Capricorn relates to structure, authority, ambition and career. The New Moon in Capricorn at the beginning of a new year is perfect for assessing your goals and for implementing changes to manifest those goals. The South Node is about looking to the past to understand what worked or didn’t work. The North Node is about moving forward with what is pertinent to your life now.

The New Moon trine Uranus can spark some “out-of-the-blue” and/or unusual events that can move you forward. Remember: Uranus events can be disruptive, but they are beneficial in getting you out of ruts and stale situations.

January 12: Mars Trine Jupiter at 5 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Mars trine Jupiter is custom made for taking actions that will bring the hoped for results. Your energy is high (Mars) and so is your confidence and optimism (Jupiter). Add personal effort and you have the key for big achievements.


January 13: Mercury Enters Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn brings wise and careful thinking conducive to productive planning. Carefully evaluate new ideas and seek knowledge where needed, especially regarding career and business matters.


January 14: Venus Quincunx Uranus at 29 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. Events and people around you may seem disorganized, unpredictable and even chaotic. However, the insights you gain now, could open up an exciting new path.


January 15: Sun Sextile Neptune at 25 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. Artists, musicians and all creative people, take note. Sun sextile Neptune brings intuition, creativity and imagination to the forefront. The sign of Pisces enhances your creativity, while the sign of Capricorn grounds your inspiration and brings it down to earth. Enjoy this dreamy, yet purposeful, time.


January 19: Mercury Trine Jupiter at 6 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Mercury trine Jupiter is excellent for teaching, learning and brainstorming. Your thoughts (Mercury) are positive (Jupiter), yet grounded and security conscious (Capricorn/Taurus). However, Venus Square Neptune, at the same time, cautions you to avoid making big decisions for a few daysLearn and brainstorm now, but act in a few days.


January 20: Sun Conjunct Pluto at 29 Degrees Capricorn. The Sun conjunct Pluto today certainly calls for caution and mindfulness. Clashes with authorities or authoritarian people, broken down machinery and other “crises” are not uncommon under this aspect. However, Sun conjunct Pluto is superb for deep soul searching and for rooting out subconscious triggers and hang-ups.

Pluto moves into Aquarius on January 20, 2024, where it will stay (except for a brief retrograde in the fall) until 2044. Pluto in Aquarius promises to bring long lasting, startling, innovative changes around technology and our concept of brotherhood/sisterhood. Aquarius sun signs or ascendants may feel their entire worldview changing during this slow-moving transit.


January 23: Venus Enters Capricorn.  Venus, the planet of blessings received, is in Capricorn until February 16, 2024. Use Venus in Capricorn to make and strengthen connections with business partners, suppliers and co-workers. Venus in Capricorn is also conducive to launching and promoting an artistic venture.


January 25: Full Moon at 5 Degrees Leo, Sun at 5 Degrees Aquarius. T-Square Jupiter at 6 Degrees Taurus. The Full Moon in Leo focuses our attention on individualistic pursuits versus going along with the group. As the Full Moon forms a T-square with Jupiter in Taurus, we are advised to be true to our values (Taurus) while walking the tight rope between our individual ego needs (Leo) and the needs of the group (Sun in Aquarius). Easy right???

January 27: Sun Square Jupiter at 8 Degrees Aquarn square Jupiter can be very beneficial. It gives you the optimism, energy and drive to accomplish big things. Just be careful not to take on more than you can handle.


January 28: Venus at 6 Degrees Capricorn Sextile Saturn at 6 Degrees Pisces and Trine Jupiter at 6 Degrees Taurus. Venus sextile Saturn is an easy energy that brings the steadiness of Saturn to the ease and love of Venus. Venus trine Jupiter adds the frosting on the cake by adding a sense of optimism and well being. Both finances and relationships thrive when Venus is Trine Jupiter.


January 29: Mars Trine Uranus at 19 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Mars trine Uranus can bring breakthroughs, but it can also bring breakdowns. This is a volatile, freedom-loving, revolution provoking transit. Ask yourself: What do I need to break away from? Where is my inner being demanding freedom? The answer can be external circumstances, but it is just as often internal restrictions and limitations (Capricorn) that you are placing on yourself for no good reason.

Moon Movement During January 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

January 1:     Moon in Virgo

January 2:     Moon enters Libra

January 5:     Moon enters Scorpio

January 7:     Moon enters Sagittarius

January 9:     Moon enters Capricorn

January 11:   New Moon at 20 degrees 44 minutes Capricorn

January 11:   Moon enters Aquarius

January 13:   Moon enters Pisces

January 15:   Moon enters Aries

January 18:   Moon enters Taurus

January 20:   Moon enters Gemini

January 22:   Moon enters Cancer

January 25:   Moon enters Leo

January 25:   Full Moon at 5 Degrees 14 Minutes Leo

January 27:   Moon enters Virgo

January 30:   Moon enters Libra




I will be teaching two online astrology classes via Zoom starting in January.

  •  A beginning astrology class staring on January 24, 2024, at 6:00 pm MSTFIND OUT MORE.
  • and
  • An intermediate astrology class where we get together and learn new techniques, while also practicing reading charts.  FIND OUT MORE,


I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.

Astrology Transits December 2022 – Seeking Knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. ― Albert Einstein


The sign of Sagittarius and its ruling planet Jupiter are in focus with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all transiting Sagittarius as December begins. Both Sagittarius and Jupiter relate to wisdom, higher mind activities and anything that expands the mind, such as travel or studies. In the meantime, Neptune and Jupiter are transiting Pisces. Both Neptune and Pisces relate to intuition, imagination and everything known and perceived without the use of the five senses.


In addition, Sagittarius brings an aura of lightheartedness that is sorely needed and appreciated after the deep, Scorpio energy that we experienced last month. I love how the energy is continually changing, giving us a new perspective and a new learning environment each month. Sometimes our earth-centered classes are filled with serious, life changing curriculum (Scorpio transits) and other months the curriculum is more light hearted and enjoyable (Sagittarius transits). Enjoy the robust December Jupiter/Sagittarius energy!


December 1:  

Venus Opposition Mars at 19 Degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. Creative and sexual energy will be high under the Venus opposition Mars transit. 

Mercury Square Neptune at 22 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Words may be confusing and/or deceptive when Mercury is square Neptune.

Venus Sextile Saturn at 19 Degrees Sagittarius/Aquarius. Venus sextile Saturn brings everything down to earth. It helps you avoid the potential pitfalls of Venus opposition Mars and Mercury square Neptune.


December 4:  Sun Trine Chiron at 12 Degrees Sagittarius/Aries. 

Venus Square Neptune at 22 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Sun trine Chiron assists in learning (Sun in Sagittarius) how to heal (Chiron) yourself through knowledge. Venus square Neptune assists in healing through unconventional channels or methods. Pay attention to your intuition now.


December 6: Mercury Square Jupiter at 29 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Mercury Enters Capricorn. Mercury square Jupiter helps you see the big picture and gives you a sense of optimism regarding your plans and goals. The downside is that it can make you a little lax and careless in taking care of the details and tying up loose ends. You might want to wait until later in the day, or tomorrow, to put your plans in motion. When Mercury enters Capricorn the flightiness of Mercury square Jupiter will be tempered by the sober Capricorn energy.


December 7:  Full Moon at 16 Degrees Gemini. Sun in Sagittarius Quincunx Uranus at 15 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. Change time! The Full Moon in Gemini with the Sagittarius Sun quincunx Uranus is a dual confirmation that it is time for a change. This Gemini Full Moon sets the tone for year 2023. Year 2023 has several planets changing signs and is all about teetering on the rim of big change. I will be giving a talk at the Spiritual Center on January 8, 2023, about the big changes in store for us in year 2022.


The Gemini Full Moon is a light hearted moon. The Moon conjunct Mars wants action and intellectual stimulation. Enjoy lively conversations and intellectual exploration (Sun in Sagittarius) under this full moon.


December 8: Sun Opposition Mars at 16 Degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. Mind your own business and don’t confront others during this challenging, feisty transit. You, and everyone around you, may be feeling extra aggressive and angry. The need to assert yourself is strong. You would be wise to curb that impulse as it can only lead to trouble. This is especially important if you have planets or points in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).

December 9: Venus Square Jupiter at 29 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Venus Enters Capricorn. The somewhat challenging energy continues when Venus is Square Jupiter. Your self-control and impulse control are not fully operating at this time. Be careful when shopping as you could overspend on unneeded, impulse purchases. On a positive note, Venus square Jupiter is good for socializing, so long as you don’t give off an arrogant vibe (Jupiter).


December 12: Sun Sextile Saturn at 20 Degrees Sagittarius/Aquarius. Sun sextile Saturn is superb for getting things done. Saturn gives you self-discipline and the will to work hard to complete your tasks. This would be an excellent time to clean out the junk drawer or to tackle work-related tasks that require concentration and diligence.


December 14: Sun Square Neptune at 22 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Try to take things easy and don’t push yourself when the Sun is square Neptune. Your energy may be low and things may not be what they seem. 


December 17:  Mercury Trine Uranus at 15 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Enjoy this short-lived (5 days approximately) transit while you can. Though Mercury trine Uranus only lasts a short time, it is excellent for problem solving using new, unexpected and even startling ideas. The well-known depiction of a light bulb over the head perfectly fits Mercury trine Uranus.


December 18: Mars Sesquiquadrate Pluto at 12 Degrees Gemini/Capricorn. Your ambition soars when Mars aspects Pluto. However, be very careful not to foster conflict with others. You could find yourself on the losing end of any such conflict.


December 19: Venus Square Chiron at 12 Degrees Capricorn/Aries. Venus Quincunx Mars at 12 Degrees Capricorn/Gemini. Mars Sextile Chiron at 12 Degrees Gemini/Aries. Venus square Chiron can unearth hurtful emotions around your closest relationships. However, Mars sextile Chiron offers a solution. Taking action (Mars) by talking through any such disagreements (Gemini) can go a long way towards solving any areas of disagreement. 


December 20: Jupiter Enters Aries. Let the action begin! Jupiter, the planet of abundance, optimism, and everything big, and even over-the-top, performs well in fiery Aries. Use your renewed sense of optimism to move your projects forward. This is especially true for the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). 


December 21: Sun Enters Capricorn. Sun Square Jupiter at 0 Degrees Capricorn/Aries. The winter solstice begins when the Sun enters Capricorn. It then forms a square to Jupiter in Aries. Though squares are typically thought of as challenges, I rather like this configuration. Capricorn is known to bring steady progress, while Jupiter in Aries fires everything up and gets things moving. Use this energy to re-activate your goals and projects as both stable Capricorn and optimistic Jupiter will help you succeed.


December 23: New Moon at 1 Degree Capricorn Sesquiquadrate Uranus. The Capricorn New Moon is part of a rolling stellium consisting of five planets in Capricorn. Use this auspicious time to carefully look at your goals and to revise your plans where needed. Capricorn is a business sign. Planets transiting Capricorn are especially helpful in the areas of business or commerce, though Capricorn planets can be helpful for all projects and endeavors. The Capricorn New Moon sesquiquadrate Uranus could bring disruptions, but Moon Uranus transits can also bring brilliant insights, especially with Venus and Mercury trine Uranus.

December 24, Christmas Eve: The Moon in Capricorn is custom made for family and family traditions. On Christmas Day the Moon in Aquarius has you feeling a little restless and ready to tackle new horizons – out with the old and in with the new. 

December 28: Venus Sextile Neptune at 23 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. Pull back from too much activity when Venus is sextile Neptune. Venus sextile Neptune brings a peaceful respite from more dynamic energy. The main danger is that you can be easily deceived. This is not the best time to buy, sell or borrow or to enter into a new romantic relationship.


December 29: Mercury Turns Retrograde at 24 Degrees Capricorn until January 17, when it turns stationary direct at 8 degrees Capricorn. Its time to recheck all business communication. 


December 30: Sun Quincunx Mars at 9 Degrees Capricorn/Gemini. When the Sun is Quincunx Mars, something has to give and/or an adjustment has to be made. Mars in Gemini wants immediate action around a communication snafu, while the Sun in Capricorn cautions you to take your time when making adjustments. Because Mercury is now retrograde, I would advise you to look at the history of the matter in question before you make a reasoned (Sun in Capricorn) adjustment.


December 31: Sun Trine the North Node at 10 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus and Sun Sextile South Node at 10 Degrees Capricorn/Scorpio. The Sun Trine the North Node and Sun sextile South Node on the last day of the year speaks to letting go of the past (South Node) and embracing the new (North Node). It is about becoming your true and authentic self (Sun trine North Node). As you make your New Year’s resolutions, spend some time contemplating why you are here and how you can fulfill your life purpose.




Moon Movement During December 2022: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


December 1:     Moon enters Aries

December 4:     Moon enters Taurus

December 6:     Moon enters Gemini

December 7:     Full Moon at 16 Degrees 1 Minute Gemini

December 9:     Moon enters Cancer

December 11:   Moon enters Leo

December 14:   Moon enters Virgo

December 16:   Moon enters Libra

December 18:   Moon enters Scorpio

December 21:   Moon enters Sagittarius

December 21:   Winter Solstice at 4:48 p.m. EST

December 23:   Moon enters Capricorn

December 23:   New Moon at 1 Degree, 32 Minutes Capricorn, 5:16 am EST

December 25:   Moon enters Aquarius

December 27:   Moon enters Pisces

December 29:   Moon in Aries

December 31:   Moon enters Taurus




I will be giving a presentation at the Spiritual Center in Carbondale, CO on January 8, 2023, at 10:00 am MST, in which I will present some of the major energy shifts that will take place in 2023 and 2024. If you live near Carbondale and can make it, I would love to see you there.


I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Venmo or Zelle. Send an email to to schedule your reading.



Astrology Transits November 2021 — Emotional Deep Diving

You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level. — Eckhart Tolle

November emphasizes the sign of Scorpio and, by aspect, all of the fixed signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo).  The Scorpio energy can be challenging because we are tasked with deep diving into our emotions, actions and reactions. At the same time, November features lots of Uranian energy, especially at the beginning of the month. The key is to “let go to hang on.”  Scorpio is a fixed sign that resists change, while Uranus is the planet of surprises, changes, breakthroughs and unexpected events. During November, the Sun, Mercury and Mars are all tweaking Uranus, bringing sudden happenings of all kinds.

The Sun, Mars and Mercury in Scorpio for most of the forecast period are about experiencing deep emotions that can lead to transformation on a profound level.  The New Moon on November 4 and the Full Moon Eclipse on November 19 are especially charged with this transformative energy. Take time to go within and to let yourself feel during these potent times.

October 23: Sun entered Scorpio.

October 30:  Mars Enters Scorpio.

November 1-2: Mercury Square Pluto at 23 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. The energy now will be similar to that felt between September 20 and October 4.  Mercury was square Pluto at that time also. Mercury retrograded backwards away from Pluto. Now, as it moves forward it is once again squaring Pluto. Typically, when a planet makes the third pass over a natal planet it becomes supercharged.  So . . . Mercury square Pluto once again brings up issues around power and transformation.  Mercury in Libra is more apt to negotiate and compromise, while Pluto in Capricorn may be in power play mode. Pluto here may want to know, “what’s in it for me.”  Tread lightly.

November 3-5:  Sun opposing Uranus at 11 Degrees Scorpio/Taurus. Those around you may seem to be erratic or strange and we all feel restless and unfocused under Sun opposition Uranus. Watch emotional eating when this tension filled aspect activates your emotions.  The restless feeling is teaching you to focus on what you DO want.  Acknowledge the gift, as it will be helpful later when the energy is less charged. There is no better aspect for getting unstuck!

November 4:  New Moon at 12 Degrees Scorpio Opposition Uranus. Mercury Enters Scorpio and Venus Enters Capricorn Sextile Each other. The New Moon and Sun are in a tight opposition to Uranus, a very challenging, chaotic and tumultuous energy pattern.  Watch for hidden agendas, aggression and unexpected happenings of all kinds. Secrets may be revealed. Watch the news for more on this in the public sphere. Venus sextile Mercury helps smooth out the abrupt Uranian and emotional Scorpionic energy. 

Use this powerful energy to break out of old, stale habits, to transform your life in deep, meaningful ways (Scorpio) and to contemplate ways to express your own unique self (Uranus). This configuration can truly be an amazing tool to reset your life.

November 10-13  This time period contains both sublime and very challenging energy.

Sun Trine Neptune at 19 Degrees Scorpio/Pisces. Sun trine Neptune is a gentle, compassionate, and mystical connection.  Enjoy helping others, immersing yourself in music or going on a mini retreat. This energy is especially lovely for the water signs (Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer).

Mercury Square Saturn at 7 Degrees Scorpio/Aquarius and Mercury Opposition Uranus at 7 degrees of Scorpio/Aquarius/Taurus.  The fixed Sun signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo) or those of you with planets from 2 degrees to 17 degrees of fixed signs may feel like you can’t win or that you are being buffeted by forces beyond your control. Practice deep breathing and stay focused.  You may give some thought to whether your fixed nature is a plus or a minus. Learn to give a little, while holding on to your core values (Taurus). Above all, monitor your emotions and your tendency to become controlling and fixated when under stress.

November 14-15: Sun Square Jupiter at 22-23 degrees of Scorpio/Aquarius.  While Sun square Jupiter can bring a welcome sense of optimism, the downside is a tendency to bring excess into all areas of your life. Think big, but think realistically under this expansive energy.

November 15-19: Sun sextile Pluto between 23-25 Scorpio/Capricorn; Mars opposing Uranus from 11-12 Scorpio/Taurus (November 16-19).  Sun sextile Pluto is superb for clearing and cleaning, whether it is your house or a work situation that has become disorganized and disheveled.  Mars opposition Uranus will give you a burst of energy and you might be surprised how much you can accomplish. However, be mindful!  Mars opposition Uranus can bring accidents, or other undesirable outcomes due to impulsive, unfocused actions.

November 19:  Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 27 Degrees Taurus/Scorpio.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19 urges you to wrap up loose ends and let go of those people, places and things that no longer serve you. We each have an inner knowing when the things around us are no longer helpful, or are even destructive to us. Your intuition is at an all-time high now, so use that sixth sense to guide you in your transformation. The veil between the material world as we know it and the unseen world of intuition is always thin during an eclipse. When the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, it raises your intuition several fold. This eclipse opens the gateway to transformation that will be felt for the next two years as we continue to have eclipses along the Scorpio/Taurus axis.

November 20-21: Mercury Sextile Pluto at 23 Degrees Scorpio/Capricorn and Mercury Square Jupiter at 23 Degrees Scorpio/Aquarius. Mercury sextile Pluto gives you the ability to look beneath outer appearances to discern the Truth. Use this helpful energy to examine, scrutinize and probe the deeper mysteries.

November 21:  Sun Enters Sagittarius.

November 24:  Mercury Enters Sagittarius. 

November 29-30: Sun Conjunct Mercury, Mercury Trine Neptune and Sun Sextile Saturn. Mercury Sextile Saturn and Venus Sextile Neptune. The introspective, rather somber mood lightens up considerably with the Sun in Sagittarius, followed by Mercury in Sagittarius on November 24.  The month ends in an array of easy aspects further lightening the emotional landscape.

  • Use the Sun conjunct Mercury to start a new venture, initiate helpful conversations and to put forward your plans for the future. The Sun sextile Saturn helps to put a firm foundation under your planning.
  • Use Mercury trine Neptune to daydream a little, but mostly to add imagination and passion to your ideas and plans.
  • Sun sextile Saturn and Mercury sextile Saturn ensures that your dreams and imagination are rooted in practicality and that they are totally doable.
  • Venus sextile Neptune arouses your imagination and gets the creative juices flowing. Spend time around beauty, tour an art gallery or enjoy nature under this auspicious sextile. If you have a special someone in your romantic life, you will feel closer than ever.  Consider a candlelight dinner.

Next Month:  Total Solar Eclipse at 4 Degrees Sagittarius on December 4, 2021.

Moon Movement During November 2021: Note: The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

November 1:       Moon enters Libra

November 3:       Moon enters Scorpio

November 5:       Moon enters Sagittarius

November 7:       Moon enters Capricorn

November 9:       Moon enters Aquarius

November 12:     Moon enters Pisces

November 14:     Moon enters Aries

November 16:     Moon enters Taurus

November 19:     Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 27 degrees 14 minutes Taurus

November 19:     Moon enters Gemini

November 21:     Moon enters Cancer

November 24:     Moon enters Leo

November 26:     Moon enters Virgo

November 29:     Moon enters Libra

December 1:       Moon enters Scorpio


I am recuperating from a very busy summer and early fall. I will be teaching another astrology class in the near future.  Let me know if you are interested in attending an astrology class. Reach out to me at