Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Gemini

Astrology Transits February 2025 – Connection

Image from 123rtf

True spirituality is to be aware that if we are interdependent with everything and everyone else, even our smallest, least significant thoughts, words and actions have real consequences throughout the universe. -Sogyal Rinpoche

The month of February, with the emphasis on Aquarius and then Pisces, is about connection, cooperation, friendship, and groups. When Pluto entered Aquarius earlier this year, it set the stage for the next 20 years. Individuals and nations are all struggling to embrace new, cooperative worldviews in the midst of some of the most challenging times in history.

It is good to remember that the slow-moving planets (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn) set up the conditions. It then takes time for the faster-moving planets to connect with the slower planets in order to trigger something new. This is also very true of full moons, new moons and eclipses. I want everyone to remember that we are in the very beginning of a long, tedious process of change toward a more loving, compassionate way of being. February’s planetary movement gives us a glimpse of what can be.

The chaos that we now see is the Universe’s way of clearing out the old, outworn ideas. It’s not pretty, but it’s necessary in the larger, evolutionary sense. When you start to feel despondent and hopeless with everything you hear in the news, please try to put it into context. Goodness will prevail, but we need to be very patient and to do what we can to foster connection no matter how small of an act that might be. The planet’s movement through Aquarius and then Pisces will help us with that.


February 1: Uranus Turns Direct at 23 Degrees Taurus. Unpredictable Uranus direct in Taurus unleashes the ability to revamp your financial patterns, revisit your security needs, and to revitalize your approach to money and possessions.


February 3: Venus Conjunct Neptune and North Node at 28-29 Degrees Pisces. Mars Square Chiron at 29 Degrees Cancer/Aries. Use Venus conjunct Neptune and the North Node to tune into your true desires. Because the North Node energy feels foreign to us, you may need to push back against old habits to fully use this energy. Retrograde Mars in the moody sign of Cancer will tend toward defensiveness and brooding rather than confronting and resolving issues. Mars square Chiron will either bring out anger around the things that wounded you in the past, or will help you take action towards healing those wounds. It’s okay to feel anger, but to be productive, you must then go deep within (Neptune) to heal that anger.


February 4: Venus Enters Aries. Venus in Aries until June 6 energizes you and you feel the need to be more adventurous and impulsive in matters related to relationships and money. While Venus in Aries is excellent for bringing excitement back into your life, it has its less advantageous side. Use Venus in Aries to take small risks and to meet new people, go new places and, generally, be more adventurous. Just be careful not to become too pushy to those around you.


February 4: Jupiter Stations Direct at 11 Degrees Gemini. When Jupiter turns direct, we can actually feel the change in the atmosphere. Business interactions begin to move forward and a feeling of optimism permeates the air. You may find your words and conversations turning to what is possible, instead of what you had perceived to be impossible. That is especially true today, when Jupiter is trine Mercury in air signs Gemini and Aquarius.


February 7: Sun and Mercury Quincunx Mars at 18 Degrees Aquarius/Cancer. You might feel a little out of sorts today when the Sun and Mercury are conjunct and in a quincunx aspect to Mars. You know an adjustment (quincunx) needs to be made, but you don’t feel ready to act just yet. Watch your communication as you may come across as angrier and/or more frustrated than you intended.


February 7: Venus Sextile Pluto at 2 Degrees Aries/Aquarius. A little push or intensity (Pluto) can go a long way now. Don’t belabor a point, but state your case and let it go, especially when interacting with friends or loved ones (Venus). When used in a positive way, Venus sextile Pluto can help you accomplish much more than usual.


February 8-9: Sun and Mercury at 19 Degrees Aquarius Sextile Chiron at 19 Degrees Aries. The Sun and Mercury conjunct in Aquarius stimulate your mind and provide an ideal time to write and to discuss ideas with others. Indeed, any form of communication is favored. The Sun and Mercury in an air sign and Chiron in a fire sign helps you process old wounds in a non-emotional way.


February 9: Mars Trine Saturn at 18 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. Mars trine Saturn is an auspicious time to accomplish those things that require discipline and persistence. You may not see results immediately, because Mars is still retrograde. However, any delays will prove to be beneficial.


February 9-11: Sun and Mercury Square Uranus at 23 Degrees Aquarius/Taurus. It’s best to refrain from discussing politics or religion when the Sun and Mercury are square Uranus. Both sides in any discussion will have a tendency to hold rigid and/or radical views. In addition, the Sun square Uranus triggers restless feelings that can lead to the need for rebellion and revolt.


February 12: Full Moon at 24 Degrees Leo at 8:53 AM EST. This Leo Full Moon is charged and full of tension due to the T-square of the Sun, Moon and Uranus. Your nervous system is on high alert and your impatience is elevated and ready to erupt at any time. Retrograde Mars in Cancer square Chiron only adds to the stress, as it may result in a feeling of anger towards past hurts and grievances. You can best navigate this Full Moon in Leo by engaging in active sports or physically taxing work. The Leo energy also favors any type of creative activity.

February 14: Mercury Enters Pisces. Mercury in Pisces brings a lovely energy to your Valentine’s Day celebration. When in Pisces, Mercury becomes more romantic, dreamy and intuitive. Mercury is in Pisces until March 3rd.


February 18: Sun Enters Pisces. The Sun in Pisces until March 20 is geared more toward introspection, intuition, spirituality and seculsion than overt accomplishment. Becausee Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, it urges us to take some quiet time. The quiet Sun in Pisces helps us prepare for the new beginnings and high activity level of the Sun when it enters Aries on March 20. Your creativity and intuition may be at an all time high, especially if you have planets in any of the water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio). Be wary of a tendency toward escapism and the tendency to look at the world with rose colored glasses.


February 20: Sun at 2 Degrees Pisces Sesiquiquadrate Retrograde Mars at 17 Degrees Cancer. Mercury Square Jupiter at 11 Degrees Pisces/Gemini. Be wary of grandiose and/or unrealistic ideas when Mercury is square Jupiter. The Sun sesiquiqu8adrate Mars brings a sense of agittaion without a known cause. Thankfully, it’s a short-lived aspect.


February 22: Neptune Conjunct North Node at 28 Degrees Pisces Opposing South Node at 28 Degrees Virgo. When Neptune is in aspect to the Nodes, its time to pay attention to your life purpose. Ask yourself: “Are you moving toward your right livilihood or are you just drifting along (Neptune) doing what seems to be easiest?”.


February 23: Mars Stations Direct at 17 Degrees Cancer. Let the action begin! Everything that has felt sluggish and mired in quicksand will now come to life. Though we will all feel the change as Mars ends its retrograde period, those with mid to late degrees of the cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries) will feel it the most. Dust off and implement any plans or projects that you put aside, as you can now make significant progress.


February 27: New Moon at 9 Degrees 40 Minutes Pisces. Mercury Sextile Uranus at 23 Degrees Pisces/Taurus. This magical New Moon in Pisces is especially tuned to music, water and all matter of artistic and creative work. Pay attention to the subtle and intuitive insights you get at this time. This Pisces New Moon is particularly beneficial to those who are doing spiritual and/or healing work, both individually and professionally. Mercury sextile Uranus opens the floodgates to let unusual, innovative ideas flow in. Ask for divine guidance during this auspicious New Moon.

March 1: Venus Stations Retrograde at 10 Degrees Aries. Old relationship issues, or even old relationships may appear when Venus is in retrograde motion until April 13. Use this time to evaluate your values and your relationship expectations.


Interesting astrological insight that came across my news feed today from Time Magazine: “New studies on samples from the asteroid Bennu found that the samples contained the precursors to life in a watery environment and DNA and RNA, suggesting similar asteroids were the building blocks of life on Earth.” I have always felt that the reason astrology works is because our DNA is connected to the planets, asteroids and other heavenly bodies as part of the divine plan. This could confirm that notion. I would love to hear your thoughts.


Moon Movement During February 2025: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


February 1:    Moon enters Aries

February 3:    Moon enters Taurus

February 6:    Moon enters Gemini

February 7:    Moon enters Taurus

February 8:    Moon enters Cancer

February 10: Moon enters Leo

February 12: Full Moon at 24 Degrees 6 Minutes Leo at 8:53 AM EST

February 12: Moon enters Virgo

February 15: Moon enters Libra

February 17: Moon enters Scorpio

February 20: Moon enters Sagittarius

February 22: Moon enters Capricorn

February 26: Moon enters Aquarius

February 27: Moon enters Pisces

February 27: New Moon at 9 Degrees Pisces 40 Minutes at 7:44 PM EST

March 1:         Moon enters Aries



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.




Astrology Transits January 2025 – Looking Backward and Forward

“Embrace what is, honor what was, love what will be.”– Patti Digh

In my opinion, there are two major times during the year that are especially opportune for assessing your life and for setting new goals. One of those times is at the New Year celebrated on January 1st each year. That is the traditional time when we set new goals and aspirations for the coming calendar year. Our celebration of New Year’s Day has significance, because it unites people from all walks of life in an acknowledgment of the past and the expression of optimism for a better future. It embodies the expression of Saturn (limitation and the past) and the expression of Jupiter (forward-thinking optimism). When you consider that December is ruled by Jupiter and January is ruled by Saturn, the combination of the two energies is especially appropriate.

The other time for personal assessment is every year at your birthday. In fact, I tell my clients that the absolute best time to get an astrology reading is near their birthday each year. The solar return chart cast for your birthday tells you the major energy working in your chart in the coming year and where that energy is most likely to play out (i.e. relationships, home, career, finances, etc.). It will also help you navigate your year ahead in the best possible way. Of course, you can get an astrology reading at any time. An astrology reading is recommended at any time that circumstances in your life are changing or are especially perplexing.

Now, on to the energy of January 2025:


January 3: Venus at 1 Degree Pisces Quincunx Mars at 1 Degree Leo. Venus in Pisces quincunx Mars in Leo begs you to let go of your ego (Mars in Leo) in order to work out any relationship problems that arise now. Your feelings for someone can be unclear now as your emotions fluctuate between love (Venus) and hate (Mars). Stay the course, as this aspect works itself out quickly and equilibrium will return soon enough.


January 3: Venus Enters Pisces. Mars Opposition Pluto at 1 Degrees Leo/Aquarius. Venus is exalted in Pisces where it favors creative endeavors and brings compassion and intuitive abilities. Meanwhile, Mars opposition Pluto brings a surge of energy and the will to move forward despite obstacles. Its wise to guard against the more negative manifestation of Mars opposition Pluto, which is willfulness, anger and controlling behavior.


January 4: Sun Sextile Saturn at 15 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. Relationships with authority figures are enhanced when the Sun is sextile Saturn. The sign of Capricorn is serious and goal-oriented, while the sign of Pisces softens the energy. Compassionate endeavors are especially favored under this aspect. It would be a good day to volunteer at a non-profit near you.


January 5: Pluto at 1 Degree Aquarius Trine South Node at 1 Degree Libra and Sextile North Node at 1 Degree Aries. There is no better time to contemplate your life purpose and whether your life is in tune with that purpose. Pluto, the planet of transformation, can help you make any necessary life changes to bring your life into balance.


January 6: Mars at 0 Degrees Leo Sesiquiquadrate Saturn at 15 Degrees Pisces.  Retrograde Mars re-enters Cancer. Mars is at zero degrees Leo early in the day when it is sesiquiquadrate Saturn, creating a conflict between the need to act and the need to limit action. Later in the day, transiting Mars moves backward from Leo into Cancer, where it will stay until February 24th when it will move forward once again.


January 8: Sun Square Chiron at 19 Degrees Capricorn/Aries. When the Sun is square Chiron in Aries, we are reminded to assess and honor our leadership qualities. Ask yourself: “What have I started in the last year?” If you can’t think of anything, now is a good time to begin something new no matter how small.


January 8: Mercury Enters Capricorn and Squares the South Node at 1 Degree Capricorn/Libra; and also, the North Node at 1 Degree Capricorn/Aries. Mercury square the Nodes is a short-lived aspect that can bring tension and indecision due to old karmic patterns. You may have trouble deciding between two paths of action or feel that your life direction is not working as it should.


January 12: Mars Trine Neptune at 27 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. Sit back and let the world go on without your active participation when Mars is trine Neptune in the water signs of Cancer and Pisces. Spend some time in contemplation now to re-evaluate your spiritual and compassionate goals. This is a good time to find new, or deepened, soul connections to the spiritual or charitable endeavors of your choice.


January 13: Full Moon at 24 Degrees Cancer. Sun at 23 Degrees Capricorn trine Uranus at 23 Degrees Taurus. Mercury at 7 Degrees Capricorn Sesiquiquadrate Uranus at 23 Degrees Taurus. The Cancer Full Moon, in a wide conjunction with Mars, sets the stage for a rather challenging time. A Full Moon in Cancer is almost always fraught with buried emotional overtones. Combine that with the unpredictable Uranus energy and the fixity of Uranus in Taurus and you have the recipe for sudden and stormy outbursts from yourself and others. Stay as calm as possible and relaize that “this too shall pass.” On the positive side, this Cancer Full Moon is an excellent time to let go of old, emotional attachments and baggage.



January 14-15: Venus Square Jupiter at 12 Degrees Pisces/Gemini. Venus at 12 Degrees Pisces Sesiquiquadrate Mars at 27 Degrees Cancer. Sun at 26 Degrees Capricorn Opposition Mars at 26 Degrees Cancer. Self discipline flies out the door when Venus is square Jupiter. You feel empowered and believe (falsely)  that you are invinciable and can tackle anything. Venus sesiquiquadrate Mars in water signs Pisces and Cancer bring an emotional element that can attract the ire of those around you. Its okay to charge ahead under this aspect, just don’t do so impetuously and without addressing other’s feelings, especially since the Sun is opposing Mars. 


January 18: Venus Conjunct Saturn at 16 Degrees Pisces. Venus conjunct Saturn brings a sense of clear-eyed reality to matters relating to relationship, finances and value. Unlike the energy on January 14 and 15, this is a good time to assess your finances and to solidify relationship and partnership matters.


January 19: Sun Enters Aquarius and Conjuncts Pluto, Trine North Node in Libra and Sextile South Node in Aries. Venus Conjunct Saturn at 16 Degrees Pisces. Relationship matters take center stage when the Sun and Pluto aspect the North and South Nodes on the Aries/Libra relationship axis. The Sun in Aquarius asks you to detach from the over-wrought need to control the situation (Pluto) and instead to look to the past (South Node) for ways to heal any relationship rifts. Your soul will rejoice (North Node) when such emotional bridges are built.


January 28-29: Mercury Enters Aquarius and Conjuncts Pluto. Strong, possibly startling, words and ideas are common under this short-lived Mercury conjunct Pluto aspect.


January 29: New Moon at 9 Degrees 51 Minutes Aquarius trine Jupiter at 11 Degrees Gemini. New beginnings of all kinds are favored when the Aquarius Moon is conjunct the Sun and trine Jupiter in Gemini. When Uranus turns direct on January 30 the gates to the future are opened. Its now time to chart your future course. Matters concerning technology, community and communication are especially favored.


January 30: Uranus Turns Direct at 23 Degrees Taurus. Watch for sudden, unexpected events when Uranus turns direct. The stock market may go into a crazy time of wild swings, but should bring an increase over time. However, this is not the time to take big chances on any matters pertaining to money and relationships.


Year 2025 Generally: Just a reminder that several outer planets are changing signs in 2025. Year 2025 is exceptionally important, because of the major shifts that we are now beginning to experience. I gave a talk recently at A Spiritual Center in Carbondale, CO, about the astrological energy in force in 2025 and beyond. If you haven’t already listened to my forecast, you can find it on YouTube at See below, if you wish to book a reading to help you understand this potentially life-changing energy.


Moon Movement During January 2025: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


January 1:     Moon enters Aquarius

January 3:     Moon enters Pisces

January 5:     Moon enters Aries

January 7:     Moon enters Taurus

January 9:     Moon enters Gemini

January 11:   Moon enters Cancer

January 13:   Full Moon at 24 Degrees Cancer at 5:26 PM

January 14:   Moon enters Leo

January 16:   Moon enters Virgo

January 18:   Moon enters Libra

January 21:   Moon enters Scorpio

January 23:   Moon enters Sagittarius

January 26:   Moon enters Capricorn

January 28:   Moon enters Aquarius

January 29:   New Moon at 10 Degrees Aquarius at 7:35 AM

January 30:   Moon enters Pisces



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.


Astrology Transits December 2024 – Joy and Optimism

Image from 123rtf

Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to illuminate the world” — Oprah Winfrey

As I scanned December’s transits, I noted a few areas of concern, but also the definite return of a more joyful and optimistic turn of events. Though we can focus on the many, many ways we can be fearful, depressed and anxious, the New Moon in Sagittarius on December first brings a much-needed dose of optimism. It brings a desire to become more active and to go about our daily tasks with a touch of optimism. It truly is a new starting point to take us into 2025, which is full of zero-degree new beginnings.

Fire sign Sagittarius wants us to go out and play in the snow, go on a hike or swim a few laps in the pool. Or, alternatively, to learn something new, whether through travel, a new book or an exciting new course of study.

Some proven ways to take advantage of this forward-moving energy is to:

  1. Take a trip, go to a museum, join a debate or join a group that explores ideas.
  2. Let your curiosity run loose.
  3. Take a course, read a book or refresh your spiritual practice.
  4. Focus on what brings you joy and purpose. The Sun in Sagittarius is a great time to revive your commitment to yourself and to speak your own truth.


December 1: New Moon at 9 Degrees Sagittarius at 1:21 AM ET. The Sagittarius New Moon brings back a sense of optimism and the urge to leave your past traumas behind. The New Moon  in Sagittarius helps you transition from the dark, lonely time of facing your fears that you experienced last month, into a time of hope and optimism. The challenges remain, but it is as though you are peaking out of a dark room into a shaft of light. The New Moon in Sagittarius urges you to continue to express what you know is right and true. Even if the road sometimes seems lonesome and long, right thinking and right action will prevail.

December 2: Venus Trine Uranus at 24 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. You may be feeling a little bored, so shake things up today by doing something different. Take a new route to work, go to a new restaurant, or go on an adventurous, out-of-the-ordinary date.


December 4:  Sun Square Saturn at 13 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Venus Sextile Neptune at 27 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. The Sun square Saturn is a low-energy aspect. You may become painfully aware of undone tasks and the restrictions in your life. Interactions with authority figures (Saturn) can be problematic now, so its not the best time to bring up touchy issues at work. You may just want to get away from it all under the Venus sextile Neptune aspect. The tendency for high Idealism and escapism are heightened how.


December 6: Mars Turns Retrograde at 06 Degrees Leo. Mars retrograde in Leo until February 23, 2025, will highlight conflicts and issues regarding your ego and the perceived lack of the proper appreciation and acknowledgment from others. During Mars retrograde:

  • Take time to examine your motivations.
  • Avoid impulsive actions and decisions.
  • Practice patience.
  • Evaluate why and how you express anger and frustration.
  • When angry or frustrated feelings pop up, find something active to do or immerse yourself in a creative endeavor or hobby.


December 7: Sun Opposition Jupiter at 16 Degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. The Sun opposition Jupiter in the mutable signs of Sagittarius and Gemini brings a sense of optimism and self-confidence. You are not in the mood to follow all of the rules and “what ifs’ now, but want to just go where your heart leads you. You have a good chance of success under this aspect, especially if you curb any tendencies toward impulsiveness and over-optimism. While the Sun is opposite Jupiter,  it’s best to practice moderation, humility, and patience.


December 7: Venus Enters Aquarius. Venus Conjunct Pluto and Ceres at Zero Degrees Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius brings a sense of universal love and well-being and the sense that the world is your family. However, Venus conjunct Pluto can bring out the green-eyed monsters known as jealousy and compulsion. Be careful here that your emotions don’t overrule your common sense.


December 7: Neptune Turns Direct at 27 Degrees Pisces. Neptune turns direct today and begins it’s journey to a conjunction with the North Node on February 28 and a conjunction with Saturn in late spring. It’s time to dust off and reactivate those dreams that were put aside during Neptune’s retrograde period.


December 15: Full Moon at 24 Degrees Gemini. Sun Quincunx Uranus at 24 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. Mercury Turns Direct at 6 Degrees Sagittarius. It’s all about communication under this Gemini Full Moon. Consider letting go of entrenched beliefs, doubts and old stories that are no longer valid. You know the ones. They play in your head over and over and over with no resolution in sight. Ask yourself: “Do I really need to hang on to beliefs (Sagittarius) that are only limiting my freedom (Uranus) and sabotaging my peace of mind?” Instead, let in the unexpected insights and inspiration t(Uranus) that are the gifts of this full Moon in Gemini.

December 18-19: Sun Square Neptune at 27 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Venus Trine Jupiter at 14 Degrees Aquarius/Gemini. The Sun square Neptune can make you feel a little depressed and/or tired. If possible, take some time to rest and recharge. Venus trine Jupiter later in the day will help you regain your sunny, optimistic outlook. Because the Sun is right on the Galactic Center it is a profound time for the entire world.


December 21: Sun Enters Capricorn at 9:21 AM.  When the Sun leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn today, there is a major shift from the light-hearted, fun loving Sagittarius energy into a more structured, disciplined mode. Your attention turns to responsibility, hard work, practicality and discipline. You may now become serious about your career plans and /or your place in the world.


December 24: Sun Quincunx Mars at 4 Degrees Capricorn/Leo. Jupiter Square Saturn at 14 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. December 25: Moon Enters Scorpio at 3:06 AM. TheSun quincunx Mars is a somewhat challenging aspect that makes it harder to understand others’ angry or agitated (Mars) feelings. Jupiter square Saturn can escalate such misunderstandings, while the Moon in Scorpio makes everyone want to dig deeply and intensely into feelings. Emotions will be intense. Tread lightly and try not to discuss old family issues or other loaded subjects such as politics.


December 28-29: Venus Square Uranus at 23 Degrees Aquarius/Taurus. Sun at 8 Capricorn Sesiquiquadrate Uranus at 23 Degrees Taurus. Chiron Turns Direct at 19 Degrees Aries. Both the Sun and Venus are making challenging aspects to Uranus today. Venus square Uranus can bring unexpected events, especially regarding love and money. Proceed with an open mind and try not to create a conflict just to shake things up and/or to assert your independence.


December 30: New Moon at 10 Degrees Capricorn at 5:26 PM. I like how the Capricorn New Moon occurs just before the New Year. A New Moon in Capricorn is excellent for:

  • Making a list of those things you want to modify or remove.
  • Setting new goals and methods to achieve the things on your list.
  • Creating the structure (Capricorn) and habits to keep you on track to accomplish those goals.
  • Examining your emotions regarding any change and letting go of any negative, non-productive emotions (New Moon).
  • Look at how you can nurture (Moon) yourself as you make those changes.

Blessed Holidays and a Wonderful, Optimistic New Year to all of my loyal readers and your families. You are appreciated more than you know. Be safe out there as you ring in the New Year.

Astrology Transits September 2024 – Simplicity Among Complexity

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci

Now for the complexity! Retrograde Pluto moves back into Capricorn and Uranus begins its retrograde motion. The chart for the full Moon partial lunar eclipse on September 17 features a rare kite formation. Then, just a couple of days later, the planets form a yod configuration containing Venus, Uranus and Pluto. Expect the unexpected and avoid power struggles of all kinds this month. The good news is that amazing breakthroughs of all kinds can happen when you least expect them.

August 28:   Mercury Stations Direct at 21 Degrees Leo.

September 1: Uranus Stations Retrograde at 27 Degrees Taurus.

September 1: Pluto Retrogrades Into Capricorn. Pluto moves backward into Capricorn returning us to the energy of Pluto in Capricorn, where it resided from 2008-now. Issues around power, government, patriarchal focus and the “haves” versus the “have-nots” will once again be a major focus. When Pluto goes direct on October 13 and finally moves into Aquarius on November 20, we will begin a long, slow shift into a (sometimes startling) new paradigm.


ALERT! I will be giving a talk at The Spiritual Center in Carbondale, CO on October 13 at 10:00 AM. Everyone is welcome to attend. The focus of my talk will be a discussion on the major, major, shifts that will take place in 2025 and 2026. The year 2025 will truly usher in a paradigm shift that will be the beginning of a completely different mindset.


September 2: New Moon at 11 Degrees Virgo at 9:55 PM EST. Mercury Trine Chiron at 23 Degrees Leo/Aries. The Virgo New Moon spotlights the need for Virgo’s talents of clarification, organization and order. Take this time to center yourself. Clear out clutter in both your mind and in your surroundings.

September 3: Mars Square Neptune at 29 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. Now is not the time to push yourself. You may be feeling extra tired, confused or off-center. Everything will be clearer and more focused after tomorrow when Mars, now at 29 Gemini, moves into Cancer and forms a quincunx aspect to Pluto.


September 4: Mars Quincunx Pluto at 29 Degrees Gemini/Capricorn. Mars is quincunx Pluto today. Then later in the afternoon, Mars moves into Cancer where it will stay until November 4. Mars in Cancer pinpoints family matters and emotional connections. You may feel the need to fight for causes that you hold dear and will be challenged to clarify your own beliefs about family and country.


September 7: Mercury Square Uranus at 27 Degrees Leo/Taurus. Scattered thoughts today, but also the possibility of having “lightning-strike” breakthrough ideas. Be mindful as you navigate your day, but leave room for sudden insights and ideas.


September 8: Sun Opposition Saturn at 16 Degrees Virgo/Pisces. Venus at 12 Degrees Libra Sesiquiquadrate Uranus at 27 Degrees Taurus. The veil of foggy thinking is lifted when the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces. You can accomplish a lot today if you use your imagination (Pisces) in a grounded, practical (Saturn) manner.


September 9: Mercury Enters Virgo. Mercury sextile Mars and Mars and Mercury Inconjunct Pluto. Pluto retrograde at 29 degrees Capricorn is at the apex of a yod formed by the sextile of Mercury and Mars. The yod indicates “fate” and the inconjunct aspect indicates a need to make adjustments.


September 11:  Venus Quincunx Saturn at 15 Degrees Libra/Pisces. Relationship and money matters may seem a little out of sync today or maybe Venus quincunx Saturn just brings a bad hair vibe.


September 12: Sun Square Jupiter at 20 Degrees Virgo/Gemini. Sun square Jupiter is an excellent configuration for opening yourself up to opportunities and expanding your horizons. Though a square can be challenging, Sun and Jupiter bring a sense of optimism and confidence that can lead to big accomplishments.


September 15: Venus Trine Jupiter at 20 Degrees Libra/Gemini. I was tempted to insert a whole row of smiley faces here, because Venus trine Jupiter in air signs is such a light-hearted combination. This aspect is excellent for tuning into your true heart’s desire. Enjoy!


September 16: Mars at 7 Degrees Cancer Square North Node at 7 Degrees Aries and South Node at 7 Degrees Libra. You are being pushed (Mars) to let go of outworn desires and habits (South Node) in order to take advantage of new opportunities that may appear out of the blue.


September 17-18: Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 Degrees Pisces at 10:34 PM, EDT. When you look at the chart for this Pisces Lunar Eclipse, your eye is drawn to the opposition between Saturn and Mercury and to the Moon/Neptune conjunction and its opposition with the Sun. Saturn and Mercury speak to your structures and limitations, while the Moon/Neptune conjunction is very much about your intuition, imagination and openness to mystical input.

In addition, the Moon/Neptune conjunction forms a rare kite formation with the Sun, Pluto and Uranus.  Because a kite combines a grand trine with a sextile, it represents a stellar opportunity for spiritual growth, creative breakthroughs and intuitive connections with “all that is.”

Use this special Lunar Eclipse in Pisces to restructure what isn’t working (Saturn and Pluto), while being open to cosmic input (Moon and Neptune).

September 20: Sun Opposition Neptune at 28 Degrees Virgo/Pisces. Venus Quincunx Uranus at 29 Degrees Libra/Taurus. Venus Quincunx Neptune at 29 Degrees Libra/Pisces. Its best to delay important decisions for a few days when Neptune is opposed by the Sun. In addition, Venus is at the apex point of a yod formed by Neptune sextile Uranus, Venus quincunx Uranus and Venus quincunx Neptune. Venus quincunx Uranus can bring unexpected results, especially around money and relationship matters (Venus). Venus quincunx Neptune adds a sense of unreality and confusion.

A yod often indicates a dramatic event and is known as the “finger of God” or “finger of fate” aspect. If your natal planets are in a tight aspect to any of the three planets, it can indicate an event that will change everything you thought you knew about your life. It sounds ominous, but can be beneficial if you use the energy wisely and conscientiously.

The chart below shows both the kite formed by the Grand Trine of Sun, Uranus and Pluto with the sextile of Pluto/Neptune and Uranus/Neptune and the yod formed by Uranus, Neptune and Venus that was discussed above. The universe is truly preparing us for new dimensions.

September 22: Sun Enters Libra at 8:43 AM, EDT. Venus Square Pluto at 29 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. Venus at 29 Degrees Libra Sesiquiquadrate Saturn at 15 Degrees Pisces. Venus square Pluto is an intense, challenging aspect that can be problematic when interacting with others. Venus at 29 degrees Libra, before entering Scorpio, urges you to complete and/or tidy up unfinished relationship issues. The Sun in Libra promotes a willingness to compromise.


September 26: Mercury Enters Libra. Venus at 5 Degrees Scorpio Sesiquiquadrate Jupiter at 21 Degrees Gemini. The signs of Scorpio and Gemini have very little in common so Venus and Jupiter in those signs need to make big concessions (sesiquiquadrate) to make their association work. If either Venus or Jupiter are aspecting your natal birth chart you may find that your associations with others takes more work than usual to remain positive.


September 28: Sun Conjunct South Node at 6 Degrees Libra Opposing North Node at 6 Degrees Aries. Venus at 6 Degrees Scorpio Quincunx North Node at 6 Degrees Aries. A little bit of fate, both positive and challenging, presents itself when the Sun and Venus make contact with the transiting Nodes. Relationship matters come under focus (Venus) and emotions are tense and deep (Venus in Scorpio). Think before you speak and/or act to avoid unnecessary relationship snafus.


Moon Movement During September 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

September 1:         Moon enters Virgo

September 2:         New Moon at 11 Degrees Virgo at 9:55 PM EST

September 4:         Moon enters Libra

September 7:         Moon enters Scorpio

September 9:         Moon enters Sagittarius

September 11:       Moon enters Capricorn

September 14:       Moon enters Aquarius

September 16:       Moon enters Pisces

September 17:       Full Moon Lunar Partial Eclipse at 25 Degrees Pisces

September 18:       Moon enters Aries

September 20:       Moon enters Taurus

September 22:       Moon enters Gemini

September 24:       Moon enters Cancer

September 26:       Moon enters Leo

September 29:       Moon enters Virgo



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.