Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Scorpio

Astrology Transits February 2025 – Connection

Image from 123rtf

True spirituality is to be aware that if we are interdependent with everything and everyone else, even our smallest, least significant thoughts, words and actions have real consequences throughout the universe. -Sogyal Rinpoche

The month of February, with the emphasis on Aquarius and then Pisces, is about connection, cooperation, friendship, and groups. When Pluto entered Aquarius earlier this year, it set the stage for the next 20 years. Individuals and nations are all struggling to embrace new, cooperative worldviews in the midst of some of the most challenging times in history.

It is good to remember that the slow-moving planets (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn) set up the conditions. It then takes time for the faster-moving planets to connect with the slower planets in order to trigger something new. This is also very true of full moons, new moons and eclipses. I want everyone to remember that we are in the very beginning of a long, tedious process of change toward a more loving, compassionate way of being. February’s planetary movement gives us a glimpse of what can be.

The chaos that we now see is the Universe’s way of clearing out the old, outworn ideas. It’s not pretty, but it’s necessary in the larger, evolutionary sense. When you start to feel despondent and hopeless with everything you hear in the news, please try to put it into context. Goodness will prevail, but we need to be very patient and to do what we can to foster connection no matter how small of an act that might be. The planet’s movement through Aquarius and then Pisces will help us with that.


February 1: Uranus Turns Direct at 23 Degrees Taurus. Unpredictable Uranus direct in Taurus unleashes the ability to revamp your financial patterns, revisit your security needs, and to revitalize your approach to money and possessions.


February 3: Venus Conjunct Neptune and North Node at 28-29 Degrees Pisces. Mars Square Chiron at 29 Degrees Cancer/Aries. Use Venus conjunct Neptune and the North Node to tune into your true desires. Because the North Node energy feels foreign to us, you may need to push back against old habits to fully use this energy. Retrograde Mars in the moody sign of Cancer will tend toward defensiveness and brooding rather than confronting and resolving issues. Mars square Chiron will either bring out anger around the things that wounded you in the past, or will help you take action towards healing those wounds. It’s okay to feel anger, but to be productive, you must then go deep within (Neptune) to heal that anger.


February 4: Venus Enters Aries. Venus in Aries until June 6 energizes you and you feel the need to be more adventurous and impulsive in matters related to relationships and money. While Venus in Aries is excellent for bringing excitement back into your life, it has its less advantageous side. Use Venus in Aries to take small risks and to meet new people, go new places and, generally, be more adventurous. Just be careful not to become too pushy to those around you.


February 4: Jupiter Stations Direct at 11 Degrees Gemini. When Jupiter turns direct, we can actually feel the change in the atmosphere. Business interactions begin to move forward and a feeling of optimism permeates the air. You may find your words and conversations turning to what is possible, instead of what you had perceived to be impossible. That is especially true today, when Jupiter is trine Mercury in air signs Gemini and Aquarius.


February 7: Sun and Mercury Quincunx Mars at 18 Degrees Aquarius/Cancer. You might feel a little out of sorts today when the Sun and Mercury are conjunct and in a quincunx aspect to Mars. You know an adjustment (quincunx) needs to be made, but you don’t feel ready to act just yet. Watch your communication as you may come across as angrier and/or more frustrated than you intended.


February 7: Venus Sextile Pluto at 2 Degrees Aries/Aquarius. A little push or intensity (Pluto) can go a long way now. Don’t belabor a point, but state your case and let it go, especially when interacting with friends or loved ones (Venus). When used in a positive way, Venus sextile Pluto can help you accomplish much more than usual.


February 8-9: Sun and Mercury at 19 Degrees Aquarius Sextile Chiron at 19 Degrees Aries. The Sun and Mercury conjunct in Aquarius stimulate your mind and provide an ideal time to write and to discuss ideas with others. Indeed, any form of communication is favored. The Sun and Mercury in an air sign and Chiron in a fire sign helps you process old wounds in a non-emotional way.


February 9: Mars Trine Saturn at 18 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. Mars trine Saturn is an auspicious time to accomplish those things that require discipline and persistence. You may not see results immediately, because Mars is still retrograde. However, any delays will prove to be beneficial.


February 9-11: Sun and Mercury Square Uranus at 23 Degrees Aquarius/Taurus. It’s best to refrain from discussing politics or religion when the Sun and Mercury are square Uranus. Both sides in any discussion will have a tendency to hold rigid and/or radical views. In addition, the Sun square Uranus triggers restless feelings that can lead to the need for rebellion and revolt.


February 12: Full Moon at 24 Degrees Leo at 8:53 AM EST. This Leo Full Moon is charged and full of tension due to the T-square of the Sun, Moon and Uranus. Your nervous system is on high alert and your impatience is elevated and ready to erupt at any time. Retrograde Mars in Cancer square Chiron only adds to the stress, as it may result in a feeling of anger towards past hurts and grievances. You can best navigate this Full Moon in Leo by engaging in active sports or physically taxing work. The Leo energy also favors any type of creative activity.

February 14: Mercury Enters Pisces. Mercury in Pisces brings a lovely energy to your Valentine’s Day celebration. When in Pisces, Mercury becomes more romantic, dreamy and intuitive. Mercury is in Pisces until March 3rd.


February 18: Sun Enters Pisces. The Sun in Pisces until March 20 is geared more toward introspection, intuition, spirituality and seculsion than overt accomplishment. Becausee Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, it urges us to take some quiet time. The quiet Sun in Pisces helps us prepare for the new beginnings and high activity level of the Sun when it enters Aries on March 20. Your creativity and intuition may be at an all time high, especially if you have planets in any of the water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio). Be wary of a tendency toward escapism and the tendency to look at the world with rose colored glasses.


February 20: Sun at 2 Degrees Pisces Sesiquiquadrate Retrograde Mars at 17 Degrees Cancer. Mercury Square Jupiter at 11 Degrees Pisces/Gemini. Be wary of grandiose and/or unrealistic ideas when Mercury is square Jupiter. The Sun sesiquiqu8adrate Mars brings a sense of agittaion without a known cause. Thankfully, it’s a short-lived aspect.


February 22: Neptune Conjunct North Node at 28 Degrees Pisces Opposing South Node at 28 Degrees Virgo. When Neptune is in aspect to the Nodes, its time to pay attention to your life purpose. Ask yourself: “Are you moving toward your right livilihood or are you just drifting along (Neptune) doing what seems to be easiest?”.


February 23: Mars Stations Direct at 17 Degrees Cancer. Let the action begin! Everything that has felt sluggish and mired in quicksand will now come to life. Though we will all feel the change as Mars ends its retrograde period, those with mid to late degrees of the cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries) will feel it the most. Dust off and implement any plans or projects that you put aside, as you can now make significant progress.


February 27: New Moon at 9 Degrees 40 Minutes Pisces. Mercury Sextile Uranus at 23 Degrees Pisces/Taurus. This magical New Moon in Pisces is especially tuned to music, water and all matter of artistic and creative work. Pay attention to the subtle and intuitive insights you get at this time. This Pisces New Moon is particularly beneficial to those who are doing spiritual and/or healing work, both individually and professionally. Mercury sextile Uranus opens the floodgates to let unusual, innovative ideas flow in. Ask for divine guidance during this auspicious New Moon.

March 1: Venus Stations Retrograde at 10 Degrees Aries. Old relationship issues, or even old relationships may appear when Venus is in retrograde motion until April 13. Use this time to evaluate your values and your relationship expectations.


Interesting astrological insight that came across my news feed today from Time Magazine: “New studies on samples from the asteroid Bennu found that the samples contained the precursors to life in a watery environment and DNA and RNA, suggesting similar asteroids were the building blocks of life on Earth.” I have always felt that the reason astrology works is because our DNA is connected to the planets, asteroids and other heavenly bodies as part of the divine plan. This could confirm that notion. I would love to hear your thoughts.


Moon Movement During February 2025: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


February 1:    Moon enters Aries

February 3:    Moon enters Taurus

February 6:    Moon enters Gemini

February 7:    Moon enters Taurus

February 8:    Moon enters Cancer

February 10: Moon enters Leo

February 12: Full Moon at 24 Degrees 6 Minutes Leo at 8:53 AM EST

February 12: Moon enters Virgo

February 15: Moon enters Libra

February 17: Moon enters Scorpio

February 20: Moon enters Sagittarius

February 22: Moon enters Capricorn

February 26: Moon enters Aquarius

February 27: Moon enters Pisces

February 27: New Moon at 9 Degrees Pisces 40 Minutes at 7:44 PM EST

March 1:         Moon enters Aries



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.




Astrology Transits November 2024 – Intense Soul Searching

Image by Roman Mikhailiuk from 123rft

Water gushing out of thousands of springs at different places cannot move the wheels of a big engine to carry out very heavy tasks. But the channeled flow of the same water in the bed of a stream will, however, be irresistible and can become a source of tremendous energy. — Gulzarilal Nanda

As Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19, beginning its long, slow, 20-year transit through that sign, it will make a tense opposition to Mars in Leo. This combination can lead to an extreme desire for power and aggression and compulsive, yet spur-of-the moment decisions. Overall, the watch phrase is: “Think before you act or speak.”

There is no doubt that we are dealing with strong energy at this time. However, remember that Aquarius is the sign of community, groups, cooperation and innovation. Pluto, the great transformer, when in Aquarius, urges us to come together and channel our energy to solve problems and to enhance our living conditions. The more we work together, the more we will accomplish. Mars moving into Leo is the sparkplug you need to move forward in your own personal growth. Change is all around us and Mars in Leo gives you the needed courage to change long-standing issues.


November 1: New Moon at 9 Degrees Scorpio at 5:46 AM EDT. A Scorpio New Moon brings up intense feelings and profound insights. This New Moon in Scorpio is an excellent time to take a deep look into your motivations and actions. Especially, ask yourself whether you are coming from a place of integrity and peace or from a place of fear and paranoia. The vast changes we are experiencing now and next year are an opportunity to collectively move mountains. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, leads the way as it moves into forward-thinking Aquarius on the 19th.


November 2: Mercury Enters Sagittarius. Jupiter Sextile Chiron at 20 Degrees Gemini/Aries. Mercury in Sagittarius brings a desire to expand your intellectual horizons, to go traveling and/or exploring. Jupiter sextile Chiron brings an ease to those matters that have been troubling you, especially those from the past. Chiron in Aries pushes you to take constructive action rather than to silently stew about past hurts or slights.


November 3: Venus Opposition Jupiter at 20 Degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. Venus trine Chiron at 20 Degrees Sagittarius/Aries. You will most likely feel like playing hooky from school or work when Venus is opposition Jupiter in the playful signs of Sagittarius and Gemini. Venus trine Chiron helps you to see past hurts or wounding in a positive, more light-hearted way. Venus opposing Jupiter asks you to look at where your life has gotten out of balance and to take the necessary steps to regain that balance.


November 3-4: Mars Opposition Pluto. Mars Enters Leo. Sun at 12 Degrees Scorpio Sesiquiquadrate Neptune at 27 Degrees Pisces. Sun Trine Saturn at 12 Degrees Scorpio/Pisces. Mars opposition Pluto just before the United States election is not an aspect I would choose. It shows power struggles, anger, violence and rash, impulsive decisions. Mars in Leo, the sign of leaders and leadership, only amplifies the energy. The Sun sesiquiquadrate Neptune brings an overlay of uncertainty and hidden forces behind everything. Luckily, the Sun trine Saturn helps to bring calm and discipline to cool off the overheated Mars opposition Pluto energy.

On a personal level, Mars opposition Pluto is superb for accomplishment. You have the mindset to move ahead despite any obstacles.


November 7: Venus Quincunx Uranus at 25 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. Venus quincunx Uranus can amplify impatience and rash decisions (Uranus). Be especially careful with money and romantic matters (Venus).


November 9: Venus Square Neptune at 27 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Bring out the paint bushes and easels when Venus is square Neptune. Your creativity and intuition are enhanced but, alas, so is your tendency to be unrealistic or overly idealistic. You may expect more of your romantic partner than is realistic or you may see qualities in them that simply do not exist. If possible, delay decisions until Venus enters Capricorn on November 11 when you will have a more realistic viewpoint.


November 11: Sun Quincunx Jupiter at 19 Degrees Scorpio/Gemini. Sun Quincunx Chiron at 19 Degrees Scorpio/Aries. The Scorpio Sun quincunx both Jupiter and Chiron form a yod aspect with the Sun at the apex. Use this dynamic aspect to go deeply within (Scorpio Sun). Ask yourself: Where am I sabotaging myself? The Sun quincunx Chiron can illuminate needed adjustments.


November 11: Venus Enters Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn until February 4, 2025, is an excellent time to assess your career and financial goals.


November 14: Venus Quincunx Mars at 3 Degrees Capricorn/Leo. Venus Square the North Node (3 Degrees Aries) and South Node (3 Degrees Libra). When Venus is quincunx Mars and square the Nodes, something has to give and decisions must be made, especially concerning finances and relationshp matters,


November 15: Saturn Turns Starionary Direct at 12 Degrees Pisces. Hopefully, you came to some concrete decisions during Saturn’s retrograde period from June 29 until today. It is now time to add action to those decisions.


November 15-26: Full Moon at 24 -25 Degrees Taurus Conjunct Uranus Opposition Sun at 24 Degrees Scorpio.. Watch for unexpected emotional reactions when the Taurus Full Moon is conjunct Uranus and opposite the Sun in Scorpio. When both the Moon and Sun are in fixed signs, there is a danger of stubborn and unyielding positions. Uranus can break that logjam but, unfortunately, it brings the danger of chaotic, unreasonable actions. Keep a low profile under this Full Moon in Taurus.


November 18:  Sun Trine Neptune at 27 Degrees Scorpio/Pisces. If possible, use the Sun trine Neptune to sit in quiet meditation. Both the Sun and Neptune in water signs give you deep insights into your spiritual needs. Your intuition will be at an all-time high level (especially for Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). This aspect is especially beneficial for those of you in the creative or spiritual professions.


November 19: Pluto Enters Aquarius. Tiny, but mighty, Pluto moving into Aquarius begins a 20-year shift toward a more humanitarian, inclusive mindset, with less emphasis on capitalism, authoritarianism and patriarchal views. You won’t notice Pluto’s sojourn into Aquarius on a daily basis but, rest assured, Pluto is working behind the scenes to transform your outlook.

I gave a talk about the major shifts in year 2025 when all the outer planets, plus Saturn, change signs. I am busy editing it and hope to post it for viewing some time soon.


November 20-21: Sun Enters Sagittarius. The Sun in Sagittarius brings a welcome movement from intense, introspective Scorpio to more light-hearted, fun-oriented Sagittarius. The heavy energy of the last few weeks begins to dissipate and it should be easier to see the big picture. Intellectual and travel matters are favored. Plan a trip or, even better, take a trip to someplace new.


November 26: Mercury turns retrograde at 22 Degrees Sagittarius. Its time to re-examine your beliefs when Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15. 


November 27: Sun Trine Mars at 6 Degrees Sagittarius/Leo. The Sun trine Mars is an action-oriented aspect that favors starting something new and/or using your burst of energy and motivation to complete projects that have been stagnant for way to long. Be aware that Mercury is retrograde until December 15 and double check any detailed plans or contracts before proceeding.


November 28: Venus Square Chiron at 20 Degrees Capricorn/Aries. Venus square Chiron on Thanksgiving Day provides an opportunity to heal old emotional, family scars.


November 30: New Moon at 9 Degrees Sagittarius. The Sagittarius New Moon brings back a sense of optimism and the urge to leave your past traumas behind. A Sagittarius New Moon acts as a guide to transition from the dark times of facing our fears (Scorpio energy at the Full Moon) into a time of hope and optimism. Though the challenges remain, it is as though you are peeking out of a dark room into a shaft of light. The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is “A golden-haired goddess of opportunity.” It speaks to continuing with what you know is right, even if the road sometimes seems lonesome and long. Right thinking and right action will prevail.


Moon Movement During November 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


November 1:       New Moon at 9 Degrees Scorpio at 5:46 AM EDT

November 2:       Moon enters Sagittarius

November 5:       Moon enters Capricorn

November 7:       Moon enters Aquarius

November 9:       Moon enters Pisces

November 11:     Moon enters Aries

November 13:     Moon enters Taurus

November 15:     Full Moon at 24 Degrees Taurus at 1:28 PM

November 15:     Moon enters Gemini at 11:08 PM

November 18:     Moon enters Cancer

November 20:     Moon enters Leo

November 22:     Moon enters Virgo

November 25:     Moon enters Libra

November 27:     Moon enters Scorpio

November 30:     Moon enters Sagittarius

December 1:       New Moon at 9 Degrees Sagittarius at 0:21 EST



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.


Astrology Transits August 2024 – Let Yourself Shine

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” – Hafiz

Amid all of the craziness in the atmosphere due to the Mars/Uranus square last month, and continuing through August, there is reason for optimism with some strong Venus and Jupiter energy. However, Uranus remains front and center and unexpected change is the order of the day. That energy becomes especially intense around the time of the Full Moon on August 19 (see below). Incidentally, transiting Uranus will be in trine to the US Pluto at the time of the US Democratic National Convention from August 19 through August 22nd. Expect the unexpected as literally anything could happen during the coming days.


It won’t be a boring month and opportunities of all kinds are yours for the taking. However, you might need to give up the idea of control and let the events unfold as they will. Transiting Pluto triggers the desire for control, while transiting Uranus says: “Let go, let go. There is a whole new universe out there to be experienced and its yours for the taking.”


The sign of Leo is about individuality and being true to yourself. Uranus is about breaking free of limitations. I highly recommend that you read, or re-read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” by Richard Bach. It is a beautiful story about freedom, taking chances, honoring your true self and flowing with what is around you. The message in the story is timeless and will help you navigate these chaotic times.


August 2: Venus Square Uranus at 26 Degrees Leo/Taurus. Venus square Uranus is a somewhat volatile connection that may have you questioning your love life and security goals. You are more open to unusual and/or more exciting relationships now. Venus square Uranus brings a longing for more freedom and excitement and a general feeling of boredom with your everyday life. When Venus is square Uranus your money and security needs may fluctuate wildly. This is not the time to make long-term money or relationship decisions.


August 4: New Moon at 12 Degrees Leo at 7:12 AM EST. Venus Quincunx Neptune at 29 Degrees Leo/Pisces. The New Moon in Leo is like the Star card in Tarot. It is about letting yourself be seen and acknowledging the star that you are. Venus quincunx Neptune calls for an adjustment in how you perceive yourself. Venus relates to your appearance and powers of attraction. Neptune can present a foggy picture of your beliefs about yourself. Use this Leo New Moon to reassess yourself. You are much more attractive and charismatic than you let yourself express to the larger world. The Leo New Moon urges you to turn a page in how you allow yourself to interact with others.

August 4: Venus Enters Virgo. Venus Quincunx Pluto at Zero Degrees Virgo/Aquarius. Venus is in Virgo until August 29. Venus in Virgo sharpens your ability to discern the truth of a situation. Venus quincunx Pluto calls for a major adjustment in matters relating to love and money. You have the discernment (Virgo) to make good decisions on far-reaching matters (Pluto).


August 6-7: Sun Sextile Jupiter at 15 Degrees Leo/Gemini. Mercury Conjunct Venus at 2 Degrees Virgo. Sun sextile Jupiter and Mercury conjunct Venus are both short-lived, but oh so pleasant, optimistic and playful aspects. Give yourself permission to take a break today; even if only for a few hours.


August 10: Sun Quincunx Saturn at 18 Degrees Leo/Pisces. When the Sun is quincunx Saturn is not a good time to push forward. Take a few days to pull back and to make adjustments (Quincunx) to what you have already started. You will have an over-abundance of energy in a couple of days when Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in aspect to Pluto.


August 12: Mars and Jupiter Conjunct at 15 Degrees Gemini Sesiquiquadrate Pluto at 0 Degrees Aquarius. Mars conjunct Jupiter is a high-energy aspect that brings back your zest for life. Your creative juices are once again flowing and your ability to problem solve is heightened. Because Mars and Jupiter are sesiquiquadrate Pluto, you do need to be wary of pushing yourself and others.


August 14: Mercury Enters Leo. Mars Conjunct Jupiter at 16 Degrees Gemini. Mercury in Leo brings clear thoughts with a touch of fun and optimism. Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini amps up your decision-making ability. Both Mercury in Leo and Mars conjunct Jupiter benefit negotiations and enhance the ability to settle disputes. The caveat is that you might be feeling extra rebellious toward authority figures. This is not the time to confront authority figures. Mars in Gemini can mean “angry words” and Mercury in Leo can make you indiscrete in what you say.


August 16: Mars Square Saturn at 17 Degrees Gemini/Pisces.  Mars square Saturn is much different than Mars conjunct Jupiter on August 14. Saturn dampens the mood and points out our limitations and restrictions. Mars in stressful aspect to Saturn can cause you to lash out at others rather than trying to work out a solution. In addition, Saturn in Pisces adds a certain amount of fogginess and uncertainty to issues. Tread carefully.


August 18: Sun Conjunct Mercury Square Uranus at 27 Degrees Leo/Taurus. Anything goes when the Sun and Mercury are conjunct and both square Uranus. The Sun conjunct Mercury makes you more talkative. Sun and Mercury square Uranus brings sudden insights and brilliant ideas can pop up out of the blue (Mercury and Uranus). Unpredictable Uranus is strong all month. Uranus transits urge you to go-with-the flow as surprises are the norm.


August 19:  Full Moon at 27 Degrees Aquarius Opposition Sun at 27 Degrees Leo at 2:25 PM EDT. 

Sun Square Uranus at 27 Degrees Leo/Taurus. 

Venus Square Jupiter at 18 Degrees Virgo/Gemini. 

Venus Opposition Saturn at 17 Degrees Virgo/Pisces.

Jupiter Square Saturn at 17 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. 


This Aquarius Full Moon is testy and unpredictable. The Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Both Leo and Taurus are fixed signs, so neither wants to give an inch in any disagreements. Leos, Scorpios, Aquarians and Taureans will strongly feel this fixed energy.




  • Sun square Uranus: expect the unexpected and try to go with the flow as much as possible. The tendency now will be to dig in your heels and resist change.
  • Venus square Jupiter: brings a tendency to be overly optimistic with little or no regard for reality. This aspect can be highly beneficial if you use Venus opposition Saturn (see below) to plan carefully and wisely.
  • Venus opposition Saturn: causes a tendency to be feel overly pessimistic, inhibited, limited and depressed. Used wisely it will help you achieve your goals.
  • Jupiter square Saturn: presents a challenge from moodiness, inconsistency and dissatisfaction with oneself and others. Expansion and optimism (Jupiter) are challenged (square) by pessimism, moodiness, and self-limitation (Saturn).

Keep yourself grounded and balance optimism with reality during this helpful, yet challenging Full Moon in Aquarius.

August 21: Sun Quincunx Neptune at 29 Degrees Leo/Pisces. Try not to push yourself when the Sun is quincunx Neptune. Your energy level may be low and you are more susceptible to illness, deception and drug-related events. Use these couple of days to contemplate a more balanced, spiritual way of everyday life. Little changes can have a big impact now.


August 22: Sun Enters Virgo. Sun Quincunx Pluto at 0 Degrees Virgo/Aquarius. Venus Square Mars at 21 Degrees Virgo/Gemini. The Sun in Virgo cools off the hot, active, exuberant Leo energy. Its time to get organized, make plans, attend to details and to pay more attention to living a healthy lifestyle. Venus square Mars challenges you to use Mars’ energy to work (Virgo) toward your goals.


August 27: Venus Trine Uranus at 27 Degrees Virgo/Taurus. Loosen up the “shoulds” in your life when Venus is trine Uranus. Because both Venus and Uranus are in earth signs, the trine aspect can help you make unusual, but potentially beneficial, money moves.


August 28: Venus Opposition Neptune at 29 Degrees Virgo/Pisces. Things are not as they appear to be when Venus is opposition Neptune. You are being challenged to use your reasoning ability (Venus in Virgo) in a balanced way (Venus) with your intuition and sixth sense (Neptune in Pisces). Use your imagination and then run the result through Virgo’s realistic, painstaking lens.


August 29: Venus Enters Libra and Trines Pluto at Zero Degrees Libra/Aquarius. Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra and loves being there. Venus in Libra tends to be overly accommodating and even wishy washy. When Venus trines Pluto she develops a steel spine and is not afraid to ask for what she wants. Libras, especially, can use this energy to set limits and to go after what they want.


Moon Movement During August 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


August 1:    Moon in Cancer

August 3:    Moon enters Leo

August 4:    New Moon at 12 Degrees Leo at 7:12 AM EST

August 5:    Moon enters Virgo

August 8:    Moon enters Libra

August 10:  Moon enters Scorpio

August 13:  Moon enters Sagittarius

August 15:  Moon enters Capricorn

August 17:  Moon enters Aquarius

August 19:  Full Moon at 27 Degrees Aquarius at 2:25 PM EST

August 19:  Moon enters Pisces at 6:51 PM EST

August 21:  Moon enters Aries

August 23:  Moon enters Taurus

August 25:  Moon enters Gemini

August 28:  Moon enters Cancer

August 30:  Moon enters Leo



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.


Astrology Transits July 2024 – Friends and Family (what to expect in July 2024

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” — Richard Bach

July opens with the Sun in Cancer. The sign of Cancer relates to family, ancestors and your nurturing instincts. Honor and nurture your family now, whether it is your birth family or the family you have gathered close to you because they have your back and your heart.


Saturn began its yearly retrograde motion on June 30 at 19 degrees Pisces and will move backwards until November 17. Your projects may seem to slow down during this time giving you a chance to revise what is not working. Though progress may not be as visible during the summer, Saturn is still doing its work of grounding, structuring and solidifying. You would be wise to follow Saturn’s lead.


Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces. on July 3 and will remain in retrograde motion until December 9. Retrograde Neptune calls for deep reflection on the nature of realty versus the ability to dream and intuit a new, kinder reality. Use this time to tune into your subconscious and to meditate on your deepest desires. Saturn and Neptune both retrograde in the sign of Pisces are custom designed to help you dream your dreams and to then manifest them in a realistic way.


July promises to be an exciting month with Mars and Uranus conjunct on July 15 and Mars entering Gemini on July 20. Busy, busy, busy and lots of short trips and quick conversations are on tap with Mars in Gemini.


July 2-3: Mercury Enters Leo.


July 5: New Moon at 14 Degrees Cancer at 5:57 pm EST. Mars Sextile Saturn at 19 Degrees Taurus/Pisces. The Cancer New Moon focuses the solar and lunar energy in the sign of Cancer. Its time to re-evaluate your connection to home, ancestors and family. Mars sextile Saturn is a harmonious aspect that energizes, yet restrains. It is an excellent time to nurture (Cancer) your family, friends, garden or the wildlife around you, especially if you are feeling depressed or more emotional than usual. Your energy is high, but not combustible, as is true in some Mars’ transits.

July 10: Sun Trine Saturn at 19 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. Sun trine Saturn is one of the very best aspects for steady accomplishment. The Sun brings energy and Saturn supplies the hard work and practical “stick-to-it” attitude. Any tasks relating to water are especially favored due to the Sun and Saturn both being in water signs.


July 11: Venus Trine Neptune at 29 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. Venus Enters Leo. Venus Opposition Pluto at 1 Degree/Leo/Aquarius. Venus trine Neptune is dramatically different than yesterday’s energy. When Venus is Trine Neptune there is a dreamy, diffused quality and the need for accomplishment flies out the window, though Venus opposition Pluto may bring an unwelcome intensity to your personal relationships. This is a good time to let life flow and to refrain from power struggles with those close to you. Venus enters Leo at the end of the day bringing a spark of expressive and creative energy. Push your comfort zone and put yourself front and center during Venus’ transit of Leo until August 4.


July 14: Venus Sesiquiquadrate Saturn at 3 Degrees Leo; Saturn at 19 Degrees Pisces. The sesiquiquadrate aspect is an aspect of irritation that often indicates that choices and decisions need to be made. Ask yourself: What am I ignoring? What actions need to be taken that I have been putting off? Saturn in Pisces can bring a certain amount of confusion.


July 15: Sun Square Chiron at at 23 Degrees Cancer/Aries. Mercury Quincunx Saturn at 4 Degrees Leo/Pisces. Mars Conjunct Uranus at 26 Degrees Taurus. Challenging but, potentially, very freeing vibes abound now. Sun square Chiron spotlights cosmic energy custom-made to bring forth old wounds for healing. Mercury quincunx Saturn says that an adjustment needs to be made in your habitual thought patterns. Have you gotten into the habit of negative thinking?

Mars conjunct Uranus brings renewed energy to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that we experienced earlier this year. Mars brings the energy and Uranus brings the tension, electricity and excitement! Their combined energy can bring accidents and political unrest. The antidote to Jupiter/Uranus’ over stimulation is to slow down and practice mindfulness. Doing so, releases the positive attributes of this aspect – freeing you from ruts and outdated ways of thinking and living.


July 18: Sun Sextile Uranus at 26 Degrees Cancer/Taurus. The Sun is your very essence, while Uranus brings sudden change, rebellion and a desire for independence and revolution. Sun sextile Uranus adds to the vibrations of Mars conjunct Uranus discussed above, but with a more mellow, positive flavor.


July 20: Mars Sextile Neptune at 29 Degrees Taurus/Pisces. Mars Enters Gemini. In the early part of the day, you may feel like withdrawing from the world to meditate or to take a nature walk. When Mars enters Gemini in late afternoon you will want to socialize, talk (maybe too much) and kick ideas back and forth with another person.


July 21:  Full Moon at 29 Degrees Capricorn at 6:16 AM EDT. 

Sun Trine Neptune at 29 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. 

Jupiter Square Uranus at 26 Degrees Leo/Taurus. 

Venus Sextile Jupiter at 12 Degrees Leo/Gemini. 

Mars Trine Pluto at Zero Degrees Gemini/Aquarius. 


The Capricorn Full Moon would normally be a very grounded, uneventful time. However, this Capricorn full Moon is like a summer picnic. Sun trine Neptune adds an emotional, mysterious overlay, with maybe a raindrop (or teardrop) or two. Jupiter square Uranus brings a sense of optimism coupled with a dash of rebellion. Venus sextile Jupiter brings love and romance. Finally, Mars trine Pluto brings the drama and possibly fraught conversation (both Mars and Pluto in air signs). There is something here for everyone. Just stay grounded and enjoy what is going on around you.

July 22: Sun Enters Leo at 3:44 am EDT.  Social activities, fun, creativity and “strutting your stuff” are part of the picture when the Sun is in Leo until August 23. Take some time to give yourself an “atta girl” or “atta boy” pat on the back.


July 23: Sun Opposition Pluto at Zero Degrees Leo/Aquarius. Venus at 14 Degrees Leo Sesiquiquadrate Neptune at 29 Degrees Pisces. Sun opposition Pluto may lead to power struggles with others, especially authority figures. The Sun in Leo wants attention and Pluto in Aquarius doesn’t easily give you that. In addition, Venus in a harsh aspect to Neptune confuses the issue. Its best to back off from any confrontations or disgruntled feelings until this short-lived aspect sorts itself out in a few days.


July 25: Mercury Enters Virgo at 6:41 PM. When Mercury is in Virgo, we feel a need to interpret the world through an orderly thought process. Mercury in Virgo is good for organizing, categorizing, cleaning, and planning. This would be a good time to make business or domestic plans, to review your health and nutrition or to begin a new class or study.


July 31: Venus at 23 Degrees Leo Sesiquiquadrate North Node at 29 Degrees Pisces. Your perceptions about your love life and/or money matters may be a little murky right now. Decisions need to be made, but wait a few days to take action, when the right decision will be much clearer.


Moon Movement During July 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


July 1:          Moon in Taurus

July 2:          Moon enters Gemini

July 4:          Moon enters Cancer

July 5:          New Moon at 14 Degrees Cancer at 6:57 pm EST

July 6:          Moon enters Leo

July 9:          Moon enters Virgo

July 11:       Moon enters Libra

July 14:       Moon enters Scorpio

July 16:       Moon enters Sagittarius

July 19:       Moon enters Capricorn

July 21:       Full Moon at 29 Degrees Capricorn at 6:16 AM EDT

July 21:       Moon enters Aquarius at 7:42 AM EDT

July 23:       Moon enters Pisces

July 25:       Moon enters Aries

July 27:       Moon enters Taurus

July 29:       Moon enters Gemini

July 31:       Moon enters Cancer



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.