Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Virgo

Capricorn Solar Eclipse January 4, 2011

This Capricorn solar eclipse takes place at 13Capricorn38. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is new, conjunct the Sun and within 18 degrees of the north or south node. The moon has been at its darkest point and will now begin to show light. That is why a solar eclipse can often bring something new into your life. It is about planting new seeds, laying a foundation (especially true for a Capricorn eclipse) and reaching toward new goals and experiences. While a lunar eclipse is often quite emotional, a solar eclipse is more goal oriented (think Sun energy) and puts us into a “let’s get on with it” mood.

This Capricorn new moon solar eclipse will be especially felt by the cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra). Anyone with planets near 13 degrees of any of the Cardinal signs will also feel this eclipse more strongly. This eclipse belongs to the cycle of eclipses known as the Saros Series 13 North. All eclipses in the long cycle of eclipses that belong to this Saros Series 13 will have somewhat the same flavor to them. All eclipses that occur in this Saros cycle emphasize group associations. (As you read the information that follows think about how a group of some kind can be used to further your goals.)

The solar Capricorn eclipse occurs as part of a rolling stellium consisting of North Node, Pluto, Sun, Moon, and Mars in Capricorn, with Sun, Moon and Mars square to Saturn in Libra. Squares are simply challenges. Traditional astrologers saw squares as rather dire affairs as in “run for the hills there is a square in your chart.” Most modern astrologers have come to believe that squares, while challenging at the time, hold a hidden blessing. Squares call for action and will push you into action. They make us accomplish something. Easy aspects, such as trines and sextiles, make our life flow easily, but we often overlook the easy aspects and accomplish nothing.

The point is that the squares set in motion by this eclipse will have the effect of propelling us to take some kind of action. As mentioned above it is a good time to start things with a view toward longevity. With the square to Saturn it is important to build a firm foundation under our new goals and activities. Capricorn and Saturn are always in the mix for the long haul and will require that firm foundation.

The Sabian symbol for this eclipse at 14 degrees Capricorn is “An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture” (from Lynda Hill’s excellent book 360 degrees of Wisdom). The key to this eclipse is to decide what you would like to build that will stand the test of time or what you want others to remember you by and then Go for It!


I would love to hear your questions and comments on this and all articles.

Copyright December 4, 2010.

118 comments to Capricorn Solar Eclipse January 4, 2011

  • Thomas


    My sister born 9/11/1955 at 8:15pm , Cleveland Ohio. Has a very difficult chart with all the bunching of planets with all her planets in houses 5-8. In 1978 she was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia. Although she doesn’t think there is anything wrong with her. She does not take meds nor does she work. She did complete an online college degree. She lives with me 6/21/1960 4:14AM, Cleveland,ohio. She will not do anything for her self and I nor my Mother can get through to her. These eclipses seem to be very strong this year. What are your thoughts with her and action we should take.

    Thank you

  • jewelinthelotus

    I am curious how this transit affects the 1st house. This is squaring my natal sun in the 9th – Libra and is transiting my rising, which is 16degree36 Capricorn. Thank you!

  • gigi1280sacre


    How will this effect the éclise on us?
    Gigi born 17 janvier 1953 at 03:45 am
    Robert was born 27 decembre 1947 at 00:02 am
    Do l believe a return to my forme spouse?

  • zeusvibe

    I am a Cancer, the moon child and am a little on edge.

    I have a 13:02 degree Sun in Cancer and 13:57 degree mercury in Cancer. All in the 4th house. My rising sign is 13:53 Virgo and obviously my ascendant is 13:53 Pisces.

    My question is from reading Robert Hand to James Braha to Liz Greene and finally, the late and brilliant, Howard Sasportas. The opposition for the eclipse will be in my 10th house. From all I read, it would be a devastating blow to my career sector as well as home, relating to family, the neighborhood, love, etc.

    In addition, since Capricorn is Cancer’s 7th Solar house, all my business partnerships are changing as they have already started. I feel as if I am on a slippery slope. I’m wondering is the textbook version, “A Fall From Grace” accurate. It surely feels that way! I would appreciate any comment at this critical time.

    Finally, with Saturn in my second house, I truly am feeling the financial woes. Am I in still in control of my destiny since my chart is (4) conjunctions, the Sun along with Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. Sun/Jupiter 3.33 degrees apart. I am a true optimist and feel I can truly rise to any occasion.

    Is “Zeus” going to fall or make it to January 22nd, when Jupiter enters Aries and moves into my 8th house?

    Thanks for listening. Knowledge is key!

  • Amanda81

    Hi! And thanks in advance for your time. I was born Jan. 4th 1964 at 11:36AM in Quincy, MA. I am so sick of being single!! Can you offer me any suggestions on how I can break this cycle? I have done internet dating (thinking about what you said about groups) anything else?

    Thank you!


    • Ruby

      Amanda81, Your chart shows that you are a very indpendent (Saturn and Venus in Aquarius in 11th house of receiving love and Uranus in Virgo in 5th house of love), business minded lady (Mercury, Mars & Sun in the 10th house). I would say that you need to really look at whether (being totally honest) you really want to commit to an intimate, committed relationship. If so, are you willing to give up some of your independence and ambition to make it work. Also, you have Neptune in Scorpio in the 7th house of relationships square your Saturn/Venus conjunction in the 11th. Please do some soul searching on whether you are idealizing relationships. I know the above will sound harsh, but once you have clarified your need for independence, you will be able to attract the kind of relationship you need. Being independent minded does not rule out a good relationship, it just makes it a little harder to find some one who will support your needs.

  • Bridget

    I just noticed that this eclipse is trine my venus at 13 Virgo. After being hammered by the last few eclipses this year, especially in love, I’m crossing my fingers that this may bring me some luck in that department, even despite pluto being on top of my ascendent. Love your thoughts!

    Oct 16th 1972, 1:04 pm Chicago, IL


    • Ruby

      Bridget, Regarding the trine of the solar eclipse to your Venus in Virgo, remember that trines need a push from you to bring benefit. Otherwise they just sit there and do nothing. I hope you have made yourself available to attact someone. More than the trine to Venus, what I do like about your current chart is transiting Venus conjunct natal Neptune in your 11th house of love received, friends and hopes and wishes. Is there someone out there who would like to give you love, but you just haven’t seen it? This transit will also make you more aware of whether or not you are truly ready to receive love. Many of us have a hard time receiving from others.

  • Denton

    just wondered how my relationship is going to work out with this woman. My brithtime is 9/26/1947 10:20 PM Denver, CO and hers is March 30, 1952 no sure of her other details hope you can provide just a little insight. thank you.

    • Ruby

      Denton, A synastry reading is way beyond the scope of the brief comments given here. In a quick glance I note that her North Node is conjunct your Moon. This would indicate a past life or karmic connection of some sort. You have much to learn from each other or unresolved issues to work on. Also, her Pluto is conjunct your Saturn in Leo. This is further confirmation of that idea. If you are both ready to work very hard on the relationship the Moon/Node connection can tie you together. However, much give and take will be required.

  • maria

    Hi Astroherb, could you please tell me how this eclipse will effect me? I am born 16.01.1979, Trnava, Slovakia at 2.15pm. I have Mercury in Capricorn 11°12’25 in house 7, Sun in Capricorn 25°48’30 and Mars in Capricorn 26°45’0,5 both in house 8, Thank you very much 🙂 All the best in new year!

  • Violet

    This eclipse is taking place on my ascendant in 13:51 Capricorn, which is conjunct my Mars at 13:23 Capricorn, with Moon at 10:31 Capricorn. What can I expect with regard to my life and finances? I just turned 30 with my birthday at 9:10am on 12/9/80 in DE.
    Also, my Ascendant is square Jupiter (Libra in 9th at 7:13), Saturn (Lib 9th at 8:23), and Pluto (Lib 9th at 23:40) and my Ascendant is sextile Venus at 19:13 Scorpio in my 10th house. Love & Travel?

    • Ruby

      Violet, With transiting Pluto sitting in your 12th house, you have been in the process of examining some of your deeply held fears and hang ups. Of course, this will go on for quite some time. With the transiting eclipse on your Moon and Mars in the 12th house it will facilitate this process. You may feel long buried “stuff” coming to the surface emotionally (Moon) which will tend to free you in many ways as you deal with them. I believe when transiting Sun goes over your 1st house Sun/Mars that you will feel a surge of energy to move forward in some way. The 9th house of travel is indeed highlighted, though you might want to be careful with actual foreign travel with Saturn (natally and transiting) and natal Pluto in the mix. A possibly more advantageous use of the 9th house might be some type of higher mind involvement (metaphysics, religion, spirituality, reading good books, philosophy etc.) Regarding travel, you may find yourself traveling for humanitarian reasons. If so, just take a few safety precautions.

  • jc

    Hi, I have the moon in Capricorn at 14o at the 12th house, any hint of what to expect? Thank you!!

    • Ruby

      JC, The eclipse falling on your natal moon in Capricorn in the 12th house would be a call for you to express your feelings more. A 12th house moon often has trouble expressing. This is doubly true with a Capricorn Moon. The Sun shining a light on that moon is urging you to express those things that really matter to you.

  • sooviktr

    Hello 🙂
    im sorry to bother! im a bit worried, that on every website, it sais that my new year starts with the “big bang” 😀
    more of the reason, that i was born at the same exact time that the eclipse is about to take place – on top of everything, i was born in Estonia – east of europe,, where it s supposed to be seen 😀
    so, im copricorn, borned on 4 th of january in Estonia and at the same time – i was born in 1983. Now im living in Argentina. Im a bit worried, how my birthday is gonna be 😀
    what would you recommend? how can i handle my birthday? 😀
    Thank you very much for your attencion!

    • Ruby

      Sooviktr, the eclipse fell in your 10th house of career and public standing and squared transiting Saturn in your 6th house of work and service. I would think that new things could be coming in with regard to your career. With the square to Saturn be prepared for hard work along with it.

  • annapurna

    How might this solar eclipse effect me if my Moon sign is Capricorn (Born Jan. 26, 1979 @ 2:07am)? I am currently feeling quite lost with seemingly no insight to grasp hold of. It’s as if my intuition has blown a breaker.

    • Ruby

      Annapuna, you did not leave a birth place, so I couldn’t tell what area of your life is being affected. The eclipse does not fall on your moon. However, the transiting planets have been going over your Moon. In particular, transiting Pluto is within 2 degrees of your Moon. This could definitely be making you feel lost. You are being called to completely transform the area of your life (house) where your natal moon is located. A Pluto transit will often make a person feel quite lost because they are moving toward something new. However, they often have to give up what they have before they can move on.

  • kathywow

    Hi there, My birthday is December 28th 1964. I wanted to know if this Jan 4th Eclipse will facilitate my love life, meaning will I get engaged to my partner or moveto the next level in our relationship. Relationship has been in stagnation for a while….

    • Ruby

      Kathywow, I am unable to tell how it could affect your love life because you did not leave a birth time or place. However, the eclipse will square transiting Saturn in Libra. Because Libra is the sign of relationships, it is possible that it could solidify an existing relationship. I am not positive though because of the lack of information.

  • jackieland24

    Hi Astroherb,

    I would like to know how the solar eclipse will affect me. I was born on 12/24/74 at 11:24PM in Jersey City, NJ. I feel that there is a lot going on in the past 2 weeks…planning the launch my business and going through a recent and unexpected break up (on New Years Day off all days). I noticed in your Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse article where you stated that people may make rash and hasty decisions and the breakup felt that way.

    Your insight is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Ruby

      Jackieland24, The lunar eclipse was square transiting Jupiter/Uranus in your 7th house of relationships. When Uranus is triggered breakups can also occur. However, with Jupiter there you can probably work things out if you wish to. As far as the solar eclipse, it falls in your 4th house of home conjunct Venus and opposes Saturn in the 10th house of public (business). It also squares transiting Saturn in your 1st house. It seems to me that you might need to prepare thoroughly at home before launching the business. Also, it occurred to me that your business might have to do with home products. If so, this would be good energy for it. In any case, be prepared to work very hard with Saturn being highlighted.

  • artemis

    The solar eclipse, saturn in the 7th house and being kicked into action.
    I would be so grateful if you could offer me some insight into this transition for me. I have moved back to this country after living overseas for many years in a genuine attempt to improve my love relationship prospects. I’m curious to know if this event will lead me to some kind of positive, longed for breakthrough or if I should join a monastery now;) I wouldn’t usually ask, but this is so important to me and I’m very interested to understand it more deeply so that I can consciously work with it.

    I know very little about astrology and it would be more than wonderful of you to help me.

    31.07.60 Preston England 2.10 am

    • Ruby

      Artemis, The solar eclipse on your natal Saturn would spark the need for a new beginning in some way. People with natal Saturn in the 7th sometimes do marry much later than the average person. However, the good news is that once they do marry, they often have long, stable relationships. The interesting thing about your chart is that the eclipse was also square transiting Saturn in Libra in your 4th house. Is there something about your family of origin that is keeping you from having a long term relationship? Also notable is that transiting Pluto and North Node are in your 7th house of relationships. Something about how you deal with relationships needs to be totally transformed. Are you too cautious? Are you too worried about how a potential partner appears to others? Ask yourself these and other questions. Once you have a clue, spend time seriously working on yourself with regard to the answer.

      • artemis

        hello astroherb, thank you so much for your response, its woken a flicker of excitement and optimism in my heart. Funnily enough I am now living in the flat at the top of my mother’s house, which is completely unexpected for both of us. My childhood was very difficult due to the adults in my life and surprisingly and honestly this base is now where I feel safe. This transformation in the relationship has taken years of personal development to get to this place of healing and acceptance. I understand that Pluto is the planet of transformation, but the North Node? I’d appreciate it if you could tell me more about what the North Node represents in this context.
        Your words are a real salve to my soul, an affirmation that I am on the right track. Yes, I have been cautious and really rather unlucky in the past, but now I’m in a more favourable environment for ‘fishing’ Thank you again for your inspiration.

      • Ruby

        Artemis, thank you for the feedback. I can’t remember what I said about the nodes in my comment. I use the nodes extensively in my readings as they are very important in telling you what you are moving toward (North Node) and what you need to move away from for your own growth (South Node). The South Node is old habit patterns that are no longer serving you. The North Node often feels uncomfortable because it is something that you are not used to. However, using the North Node will speed up your spiritual evolution. Hope this helps.

  • Armaan

    Feedback… 🙂

    The eclipse was in conjunction with my Moon.

    I was very calm and “prepared” in some way especially after reading these inspiring words from astroherb!
    So, I had decided to write down some words in a piece of paper for what i leave behind this major period of my life, and about new things i desire. These days, i have gone for Christmas holidays in my hometown, nearby the sea. So i said to spend some time in the sea the day of the eclipse. But i got up very late that day. I went for a coffee, everything sweet and calm… But, after midnight i got “eclipsized” and took the piece of paper with the things i leave behind and went to the sea and put it in. It was like a ceremony. A bit creepy, but i think i left the fear underwater… It was a symbolic action. And yes, i have a huge urge to get on with some things and persons.

    Happy New Year… 🙂

    • Ruby

      Armaan, thank you so much for sharing. Rituals of any kind seem to work well for events such as this. It shows an intention, which is key.

  • krinkler

    This solstice and eclipse has had me buzzing! I understand that the Lunar Eclipse was all about Gemini and Sagittarius, ending that which should not go on and beginning a new. I’m a Gemini (5/24) born during a lunar eclipse at midnight, Sagittarian moon, Capricorn ascendant, Sagittarius in the 11th AND 12th houses. I felt the Lunar eclipse INTENSELY and still am. I understand that this Solar Eclipse has to do with Uranus and it’s in Capricorn. In my birth chart is Uranus in Libra, 9th house in 29 degrees! I feel whooped over the last eclipse. I believe I understand the pertinence of my birth chart with the lunar eclipse. How would a solar eclipse be pertinent to someone with Uranus in 29 degrees and a Capricorn ascendant? Is that another cosmic final exam? I feel like I need a long nap.

    The great shift our planet is in is amazing. What a great time to be alive. Thank you so very much for any insights!!

    • Ruby

      Krinkler, I’m not sure why you stated that the Capricorn solar eclipse was all about Uranus. Actually, the lunar eclipse would have activated your natal Uranus through a sextile (easy energy). It also activated transiting Uranus through a quincunx (frustration). What you would be feeling with the Capricorn solar eclipse on your ascendant is a renewed sense that action is needed. You should be more ready to move forward with things that were held back. However, (depending on the degree of your ascendant) you may have transiting Pluto sitting on your ascendant. If so, that would account for a lot of what you have been feeling. Pluto is often not an easy energy to work with because it can often call for total transformation in some area of your life. While usually not pleasant while it is happening, it does bring an improved life once you get through the hard part.

  • sara

    Hi, dear Astroherb! I’m a newbie (Taurus) and already loving the site. Thank you so much for giving us readers your wisdom!

    I have a question: Every time I’ve had Saturn visiting a house it has meant a total demolition of that life area. For example 5 years ago it was my living conditions and I had to sell my home. 2 years ago my marriage ended up in divorce and left me broken-hearted.

    Now I’m feeling a strain in my job. I’ve had some problems with my boss last year but was persistent in standing up for myself (he was leading in un-ethical and illegal ways) and repairing our relationship. Since then it’s quite harmonious between us though I don’t have much respect for him left and I feel my job has gotten repetitive and boring. I don’t find joy or inspiration in it either (a really bad thing since I work in a very creative industry) and am thinking of quitting next week. Money has never been a motivation for me and I can afford it.

    But I want to know is this normal? Should I have been just taking it in in all these areas (home, love, work) and repair them (vs. leaving)? Or is Saturn opening up better options for me to choose from? I’d really love to do what’s right and healing for me in terms of astrological lessons.

    • Ruby

      Sara, Saturn is a taskmaster and teacher and can bring limitations and lessons. However, it sounds to me like you have learned your lesson in your current situation. The fact that you were able to make a harmonious situation out of it seems to say that you have worked on your issues as Saturn requires. Saturn never requries us to stay in an unhealthy situation forever. The angst we feel under a Saturn transit is a wake up call that something is wrong. What many people do not realize is that Saturn also brings rewards. When we do the work Saturn will eventually bring rewards. Your reward in this case would be your renewed sense of what it takes to make you happy in a job. The reward is complete when you find another job that meets or exceeds your list of what makes a happy work situation.

  • olga


    My husband Brad was born Jan. 6, 1964, in Grundy Center, Iowa, USA at 11:03 a.m. CST. I was born Jan. 3, 1971, in Komrat, Moldova 12:58 p.m. We celebrated our birthdays in Singapore as well as for the Solar eclipse on January 4. What effect will the solar eclipse have on us and is there anything special we should do to maximize our benefit. My husband has a job interview in Singapore that day, is it a good time to do so? Thanks.

  • misschris2025

    Great job with the website and the very useful information!

    Like everyone else, I was just wondering how the eclipse would be affecting me…I was born on March 25, 1982 in Hull (Quebec) Canada. Thank you in advance for your insights!!

    • Ruby

      Misschris2025, The Capricorn eclipse did not directly fall on any of your natal planets. However, the planets transiting Capricorn are opposing your Libra Mars and Saturn in the 4th house of your chart. You may be feeling some sort of restriction or anger around the home. The good news is that on February 11, 2011, Jupiter will go into your 10th house conjunct your natal Sun and Moon. This should give a boost to your career in some way.

  • dixiechick

    Hi astroherb,
    I’m new here… found your site really interesting. I can relate to a lot of things from the eclipse article. I need to ask a question about my relationship.
    We were together for over an year, and things started to get bad by Jan 2011 and we broke up in Feb. He felt he couldn’t hang on anymore. I suddenly feel the need to change myself… basically rectify a lot of mistakes. Been really low. And april was a bad month… My therapist says I’m under depression!
    I was born on 3rd June 1987, Kolkata India, 11:20 am
    He was born on 20th December 1987, Delhi, India
    So as you can see I’m a Gemini and he’s a Sag. The eclipse has totally effected us. He says he still loves me and I feel the same way.
    Is there any chance of us getting back together? How am I supposed to go about it?
    Please advice!

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