Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Full Moon
Full Moon

The moon is currently in Leo

Astrology Transits December 2023 – Seeking Truth and Wisdom

Sometimes it’s not enough to know what things mean, sometimes you have to know what things don’t mean. ― Bob Dylan


Sagittarius is the sign of truth, especially “truth as you see it.” Your truth may not be my truth, nor should it be. We are each given a unique and special birth chart as a guidepost to understanding ourselves and our interactions with others. Use this time when the Sun moves through Sagittarius to fine tune your beliefs by questioning everything. In the meantime, experience something new, plan a trip, read a few philosophy books and/or listen to some thought-provoking podcasts.


This would be an ideal time to reflect on your journey through the dark night of the soul;and the deep soul searching you may have experienced when several planets were transiting Scorpio last month. Now, as the planetary energy shifts to Sagittarius, it is time to do some judicious editing. What insights were helpful and what insights have no meaning for you, at least at this time. Enjoy the more light hearted energy of Sagittarius.


December 1: Mercury enters Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn turns our attention to practical matters and matters related to commerce.


December 3: Venus Square Pluto at 28 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. Venus square Pluto challenges you to re-evaluate your relationships and your relationship to money and security. Be wary of manipulative tactics by you or others. Instead, try to understand and confront the fear that prompts such behavior. 


December 3: Mars Quincunx Jupiter at 6 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. Mars quincunx Jupiter brings out your fighting spirit. Avoid conflict now. Instead, direct your energy towards positive projects. You can accomplish a lot now if you tweak your approach and proceed mindfully.


December 4: Venus Enters Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio brings out the intensity around relationships. Be aware that you and your partner (or others in your life) may be more secretive and/or intense at this time. As Venus is also square Pluto, don’t push too hard. It may be difficult to gauge the intensity surrounding you.


December 6: Mercury at 5 Degrees Capricorn Sesquiquadrate Uranus at 20 Degrees Taurus. You may feel like “something has to give” when Mercury is sesquiquadrate Uranus. Your ideas may be challenged resulting in extreme mental tension. Both you and others may express “radical” views that push each other’s buttons. Avoid rigidity (Taurus) in your thinking and talking. By tomorrow, Mercury trine Jupiter leads to positive thinking and good judgment.


December 6: Neptune Turns Direct at 24 Degrees Pisces. What did you dream about when Neptune was retrograde? What did you wish to create, but didn’t feel the time was right? You can now put all those dreams into action. Use your intuition to guide you as you manifest your dreams and creative endeavors.


December 9: Venus Opposition Jupiter at 6 Degrees Scorpio/Taurus. Venus opposition Jupiter is a party-time transit that indicates pleasurable activities and an optimistic viewpoint. Be careful not to overindulge in food and drink or to overspend.


December 12: New Moon at 20 Degrees Sagittarius Quincunx Uranus at 20 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. Venus at 20 Degrees Scorpio Sesquiquadrate Neptune at 24 Degrees Pisces. All New Moons are excellent for beginning something new. This Sagittarius New Moon is especially primed to help you release old energy patterns, habits and hurts. Sagittarius is about new adventures, travel and expanding your horizons. Uranus is the sign of freedom and throwing off limitation and worldly weights. Venus in aspect to Neptune brings answers through spiritual insights (Neptune in Pisces) and love (Venus).

December 13: Mercury Turns Retrograde at 8 Degrees Capricorn. Mercury moves backward through Capricorn until it stations direct on January 2, 2024 at 22 degrees Sagittarius. This is another chance to re-evaluate your thoughts and “truths.” Mercury turning direct right after New Year’s Day is excellent for business and career matters in early 2024.


December 15: Mars Trine Chiron at 15 Degrees Sagittarius/Aries. Take another look at those you are angry with or alienated from when Mars is trine Chiron. It is quite likely that your anger and frustration (Mars) come from your own internal hurts and trauma (Chiron). Ask yourself what it is about the other person’s actions that stir up your hurtful, sad and angry feelings. Mars trine Chiron can bring a relationship breakthrough when used in this way.


December 16: Sun Square Neptune at 24 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Allow yourself to dream and let your thoughts flow unchecked when the Sun is square Neptune. This is not the time for accomplishment or for clarity, but rather a time to let imagination and inspiration have center stage. Record your thoughts, dreams and impressions and refer to them later – perhaps when Mercury is sextile Saturn on the 21st.


December 18: Mercury Trine Jupiter at 5 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Mercury trine Jupiter is extremely helpful in looking at the big picture. Because both planets are in earth signs, any conclusions reached now are positive (Jupiter) yet grounded (Capricorn/Taurus).


December 21: Sun Enters Capricorn at 10:27 PM EST. The Sun at zero degrees Capricorn at the solstice is one of the four very important Aries Points of the Zodiac. Any planet at zero degrees of a sign has enhanced energy and “oomph.” Set your intentions now for the new year of 2024. In my opinion, December 21 is more beneficial for setting intentions and resolutions than New Year’s Day. So set your intentions now and reaffirm them on January 1.


December 21: Venus Opposition Uranus at 19 Degrees Scorpio/Taurus. Mars Quincunx Uranus at 19 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. With the Sun at the solstice, Venus opposition Uranus and Mars quincunx Uranus, there is an “upset the apple cart” feeling to today’s energy. Unpredictable events may occur. Opportunities may suddenly appear and/or opportunities may suddenly disappear. Venus opposing Uranus and Mars quincunx Uranus can be hard on the nerves. Uranus’ job is to shake things up and bring new ways of looking at things. Even if opportunities disappear, something better is waiting to appear. The Sun in Capricorn tempers the impulsive energy and brings rational and logical thinking, concentration, focus and organization. Steady, focused actions allow you to break through obstacles and bring success.


December 23: Mercury Enters Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius sparks your thirst for knowledge, travel and adventure. Let your curiosity flow and expand your horizons. Do at least one thing now that you have never allowed yourself to do before.


December 26: Full Moon at 4-5 Degrees Cancer. Sun at 5 Degrees Capricorn Sesquiquadrate Uranus at 19 Degrees Taurus. The emotional Cancer Full Moon focuses its energy around home, family and the very foundations of your life. You may find yourself looking into your family dynamics in an effort to understand who you are today. Ask yourself: Are my self-destructive actions such as jealousy, insecurity and self-hate mine or did I inherit them from old family patterns? A Cancer Full Moon is an absolutely perfect time to let go of old family patterns and self-destructive actions that no longer reflect the real,, authentic you. Moon rituals are especially beneficial under this deep, watery, emotional Full Moon.

December 27:  Sun Trine Jupiter at 5 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Mercury Conjunct Mars at 24 Degrees Sagittarius. The Sun trine Jupiter feels like a big smiley face. Mercury Conjunct Mars speeds decision making and propels you into action. Harvest this expansive, optimistic connection by making decisions, and by asserting your ideas. Rapid progress can be made now.


December 28: Mars Square Neptune at 25 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. This aspect is a little like stepping on the gas while driving through fog. Take time to be quiet and don’t push yourself. Irritations that pop up now, will look much better in a few days.


December 29: Venus enters Sagittarius and Sextiles Pluto at 29 Degrees Sagittarius/Capricorn. Venus is sextile Pluto and then moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius. The love planet feels freer and more loving when in the sign of Sagittarius. Leave all of the Venus in Scorpio relationship soul searching behind and just enjoy new adventures with those you care about.


December 31: Jupiter Stations Direct at 5 Degrees Taurus. Jupiter direct in Taurus turns your attention to positive ways to build security, wealth, and self-esteem. Jupiter is starting its journey toward a rare conjunction with Uranus on April 20, 2024. Begin to look for new possibilities and opportunities now.


Moon Movement During December 2023: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

December 1:          Moon enters Leo

December 3:          Moon enters Virgo

December 6:          Moon enters Libra

December 8:          Moon enters Scorpio

December 11:        Moon enters Sagittarius

December 12:        New Moon at 20 degrees 40 minutes Sagittarius

December 13:        Moon enters Capricorn

December 15:        Moon enters Aquarius

December 17:        Moon enters Pisces

December 19:        Moon enters Aries

December 21:        Moon enters Taurus

December 24:        Moon enters Gemini

December 26:        Moon enters Cancer

December 26:        Full Moon at 4 Degrees 58 Minutes Cancer

December 28:        Moon enters Leo

December 31:        Moon enters Virgo



UPCOMING ASTROLOGY CLASSES.-  I will be teaching two online astrology classes via Zoom starting in January.

  • a beginning astrology class staring on January 24, 2024  at 6:00 pm MST and
  • an intermediate astrology class where we can get together to learn new techniques, while also practicing reading charts – starting on January 25, 2024, at 6:00 pm MST

Uranus would love to have you participate, since Uranus rules astrology.


I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.







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