Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Full Moon
Full Moon

The moon is currently in Pisces

Astrology Transits September 2024 – Simplicity Among Complexity

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci

Now for the complexity! Retrograde Pluto moves back into Capricorn and Uranus begins its retrograde motion. The chart for the full Moon partial lunar eclipse on September 17 features a rare kite formation. Then, just a couple of days later, the planets form a yod configuration containing Venus, Uranus and Pluto. Expect the unexpected and avoid power struggles of all kinds this month. The good news is that amazing breakthroughs of all kinds can happen when you least expect them.

August 28:   Mercury Stations Direct at 21 Degrees Leo.

September 1: Uranus Stations Retrograde at 27 Degrees Taurus.

September 1: Pluto Retrogrades Into Capricorn. Pluto moves backward into Capricorn returning us to the energy of Pluto in Capricorn, where it resided from 2008-now. Issues around power, government, patriarchal focus and the “haves” versus the “have-nots” will once again be a major focus. When Pluto goes direct on October 13 and finally moves into Aquarius on November 20, we will begin a long, slow shift into a (sometimes startling) new paradigm.


ALERT! I will be giving a talk at The Spiritual Center in Carbondale, CO on October 13 at 10:00 AM. Everyone is welcome to attend. The focus of my talk will be a discussion on the major, major, shifts that will take place in 2025 and 2026. The year 2025 will truly usher in a paradigm shift that will be the beginning of a completely different mindset.


September 2: New Moon at 11 Degrees Virgo at 9:55 PM EST. Mercury Trine Chiron at 23 Degrees Leo/Aries. The Virgo New Moon spotlights the need for Virgo’s talents of clarification, organization and order. Take this time to center yourself. Clear out clutter in both your mind and in your surroundings.

September 3: Mars Square Neptune at 29 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. Now is not the time to push yourself. You may be feeling extra tired, confused or off-center. Everything will be clearer and more focused after tomorrow when Mars, now at 29 Gemini, moves into Cancer and forms a quincunx aspect to Pluto.


September 4: Mars Quincunx Pluto at 29 Degrees Gemini/Capricorn. Mars is quincunx Pluto today. Then later in the afternoon, Mars moves into Cancer where it will stay until November 4. Mars in Cancer pinpoints family matters and emotional connections. You may feel the need to fight for causes that you hold dear and will be challenged to clarify your own beliefs about family and country.


September 7: Mercury Square Uranus at 27 Degrees Leo/Taurus. Scattered thoughts today, but also the possibility of having “lightning-strike” breakthrough ideas. Be mindful as you navigate your day, but leave room for sudden insights and ideas.


September 8: Sun Opposition Saturn at 16 Degrees Virgo/Pisces. Venus at 12 Degrees Libra Sesiquiquadrate Uranus at 27 Degrees Taurus. The veil of foggy thinking is lifted when the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces. You can accomplish a lot today if you use your imagination (Pisces) in a grounded, practical (Saturn) manner.


September 9: Mercury Enters Virgo. Mercury sextile Mars and Mars and Mercury Inconjunct Pluto. Pluto retrograde at 29 degrees Capricorn is at the apex of a yod formed by the sextile of Mercury and Mars. The yod indicates “fate” and the inconjunct aspect indicates a need to make adjustments.


September 11:  Venus Quincunx Saturn at 15 Degrees Libra/Pisces. Relationship and money matters may seem a little out of sync today or maybe Venus quincunx Saturn just brings a bad hair vibe.


September 12: Sun Square Jupiter at 20 Degrees Virgo/Gemini. Sun square Jupiter is an excellent configuration for opening yourself up to opportunities and expanding your horizons. Though a square can be challenging, Sun and Jupiter bring a sense of optimism and confidence that can lead to big accomplishments.


September 15: Venus Trine Jupiter at 20 Degrees Libra/Gemini. I was tempted to insert a whole row of smiley faces here, because Venus trine Jupiter in air signs is such a light-hearted combination. This aspect is excellent for tuning into your true heart’s desire. Enjoy!


September 16: Mars at 7 Degrees Cancer Square North Node at 7 Degrees Aries and South Node at 7 Degrees Libra. You are being pushed (Mars) to let go of outworn desires and habits (South Node) in order to take advantage of new opportunities that may appear out of the blue.


September 17-18: Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 Degrees Pisces at 10:34 PM, EDT. When you look at the chart for this Pisces Lunar Eclipse, your eye is drawn to the opposition between Saturn and Mercury and to the Moon/Neptune conjunction and its opposition with the Sun. Saturn and Mercury speak to your structures and limitations, while the Moon/Neptune conjunction is very much about your intuition, imagination and openness to mystical input.

In addition, the Moon/Neptune conjunction forms a rare kite formation with the Sun, Pluto and Uranus.  Because a kite combines a grand trine with a sextile, it represents a stellar opportunity for spiritual growth, creative breakthroughs and intuitive connections with “all that is.”

Use this special Lunar Eclipse in Pisces to restructure what isn’t working (Saturn and Pluto), while being open to cosmic input (Moon and Neptune).

September 20: Sun Opposition Neptune at 28 Degrees Virgo/Pisces. Venus Quincunx Uranus at 29 Degrees Libra/Taurus. Venus Quincunx Neptune at 29 Degrees Libra/Pisces. Its best to delay important decisions for a few days when Neptune is opposed by the Sun. In addition, Venus is at the apex point of a yod formed by Neptune sextile Uranus, Venus quincunx Uranus and Venus quincunx Neptune. Venus quincunx Uranus can bring unexpected results, especially around money and relationship matters (Venus). Venus quincunx Neptune adds a sense of unreality and confusion.

A yod often indicates a dramatic event and is known as the “finger of God” or “finger of fate” aspect. If your natal planets are in a tight aspect to any of the three planets, it can indicate an event that will change everything you thought you knew about your life. It sounds ominous, but can be beneficial if you use the energy wisely and conscientiously.

The chart below shows both the kite formed by the Grand Trine of Sun, Uranus and Pluto with the sextile of Pluto/Neptune and Uranus/Neptune and the yod formed by Uranus, Neptune and Venus that was discussed above. The universe is truly preparing us for new dimensions.

September 22: Sun Enters Libra at 8:43 AM, EDT. Venus Square Pluto at 29 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. Venus at 29 Degrees Libra Sesiquiquadrate Saturn at 15 Degrees Pisces. Venus square Pluto is an intense, challenging aspect that can be problematic when interacting with others. Venus at 29 degrees Libra, before entering Scorpio, urges you to complete and/or tidy up unfinished relationship issues. The Sun in Libra promotes a willingness to compromise.


September 26: Mercury Enters Libra. Venus at 5 Degrees Scorpio Sesiquiquadrate Jupiter at 21 Degrees Gemini. The signs of Scorpio and Gemini have very little in common so Venus and Jupiter in those signs need to make big concessions (sesiquiquadrate) to make their association work. If either Venus or Jupiter are aspecting your natal birth chart you may find that your associations with others takes more work than usual to remain positive.


September 28: Sun Conjunct South Node at 6 Degrees Libra Opposing North Node at 6 Degrees Aries. Venus at 6 Degrees Scorpio Quincunx North Node at 6 Degrees Aries. A little bit of fate, both positive and challenging, presents itself when the Sun and Venus make contact with the transiting Nodes. Relationship matters come under focus (Venus) and emotions are tense and deep (Venus in Scorpio). Think before you speak and/or act to avoid unnecessary relationship snafus.


Moon Movement During September 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

September 1:         Moon enters Virgo

September 2:         New Moon at 11 Degrees Virgo at 9:55 PM EST

September 4:         Moon enters Libra

September 7:         Moon enters Scorpio

September 9:         Moon enters Sagittarius

September 11:       Moon enters Capricorn

September 14:       Moon enters Aquarius

September 16:       Moon enters Pisces

September 17:       Full Moon Lunar Partial Eclipse at 25 Degrees Pisces

September 18:       Moon enters Aries

September 20:       Moon enters Taurus

September 22:       Moon enters Gemini

September 24:       Moon enters Cancer

September 26:       Moon enters Leo

September 29:       Moon enters Virgo



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.


Astrology Transits August 2024 – Let Yourself Shine

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” – Hafiz

Amid all of the craziness in the atmosphere due to the Mars/Uranus square last month, and continuing through August, there is reason for optimism with some strong Venus and Jupiter energy. However, Uranus remains front and center and unexpected change is the order of the day. That energy becomes especially intense around the time of the Full Moon on August 19 (see below). Incidentally, transiting Uranus will be in trine to the US Pluto at the time of the US Democratic National Convention from August 19 through August 22nd. Expect the unexpected as literally anything could happen during the coming days.


It won’t be a boring month and opportunities of all kinds are yours for the taking. However, you might need to give up the idea of control and let the events unfold as they will. Transiting Pluto triggers the desire for control, while transiting Uranus says: “Let go, let go. There is a whole new universe out there to be experienced and its yours for the taking.”


The sign of Leo is about individuality and being true to yourself. Uranus is about breaking free of limitations. I highly recommend that you read, or re-read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” by Richard Bach. It is a beautiful story about freedom, taking chances, honoring your true self and flowing with what is around you. The message in the story is timeless and will help you navigate these chaotic times.


August 2: Venus Square Uranus at 26 Degrees Leo/Taurus. Venus square Uranus is a somewhat volatile connection that may have you questioning your love life and security goals. You are more open to unusual and/or more exciting relationships now. Venus square Uranus brings a longing for more freedom and excitement and a general feeling of boredom with your everyday life. When Venus is square Uranus your money and security needs may fluctuate wildly. This is not the time to make long-term money or relationship decisions.


August 4: New Moon at 12 Degrees Leo at 7:12 AM EST. Venus Quincunx Neptune at 29 Degrees Leo/Pisces. The New Moon in Leo is like the Star card in Tarot. It is about letting yourself be seen and acknowledging the star that you are. Venus quincunx Neptune calls for an adjustment in how you perceive yourself. Venus relates to your appearance and powers of attraction. Neptune can present a foggy picture of your beliefs about yourself. Use this Leo New Moon to reassess yourself. You are much more attractive and charismatic than you let yourself express to the larger world. The Leo New Moon urges you to turn a page in how you allow yourself to interact with others.

August 4: Venus Enters Virgo. Venus Quincunx Pluto at Zero Degrees Virgo/Aquarius. Venus is in Virgo until August 29. Venus in Virgo sharpens your ability to discern the truth of a situation. Venus quincunx Pluto calls for a major adjustment in matters relating to love and money. You have the discernment (Virgo) to make good decisions on far-reaching matters (Pluto).


August 6-7: Sun Sextile Jupiter at 15 Degrees Leo/Gemini. Mercury Conjunct Venus at 2 Degrees Virgo. Sun sextile Jupiter and Mercury conjunct Venus are both short-lived, but oh so pleasant, optimistic and playful aspects. Give yourself permission to take a break today; even if only for a few hours.


August 10: Sun Quincunx Saturn at 18 Degrees Leo/Pisces. When the Sun is quincunx Saturn is not a good time to push forward. Take a few days to pull back and to make adjustments (Quincunx) to what you have already started. You will have an over-abundance of energy in a couple of days when Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in aspect to Pluto.


August 12: Mars and Jupiter Conjunct at 15 Degrees Gemini Sesiquiquadrate Pluto at 0 Degrees Aquarius. Mars conjunct Jupiter is a high-energy aspect that brings back your zest for life. Your creative juices are once again flowing and your ability to problem solve is heightened. Because Mars and Jupiter are sesiquiquadrate Pluto, you do need to be wary of pushing yourself and others.


August 14: Mercury Enters Leo. Mars Conjunct Jupiter at 16 Degrees Gemini. Mercury in Leo brings clear thoughts with a touch of fun and optimism. Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini amps up your decision-making ability. Both Mercury in Leo and Mars conjunct Jupiter benefit negotiations and enhance the ability to settle disputes. The caveat is that you might be feeling extra rebellious toward authority figures. This is not the time to confront authority figures. Mars in Gemini can mean “angry words” and Mercury in Leo can make you indiscrete in what you say.


August 16: Mars Square Saturn at 17 Degrees Gemini/Pisces.  Mars square Saturn is much different than Mars conjunct Jupiter on August 14. Saturn dampens the mood and points out our limitations and restrictions. Mars in stressful aspect to Saturn can cause you to lash out at others rather than trying to work out a solution. In addition, Saturn in Pisces adds a certain amount of fogginess and uncertainty to issues. Tread carefully.


August 18: Sun Conjunct Mercury Square Uranus at 27 Degrees Leo/Taurus. Anything goes when the Sun and Mercury are conjunct and both square Uranus. The Sun conjunct Mercury makes you more talkative. Sun and Mercury square Uranus brings sudden insights and brilliant ideas can pop up out of the blue (Mercury and Uranus). Unpredictable Uranus is strong all month. Uranus transits urge you to go-with-the flow as surprises are the norm.


August 19:  Full Moon at 27 Degrees Aquarius Opposition Sun at 27 Degrees Leo at 2:25 PM EDT. 

Sun Square Uranus at 27 Degrees Leo/Taurus. 

Venus Square Jupiter at 18 Degrees Virgo/Gemini. 

Venus Opposition Saturn at 17 Degrees Virgo/Pisces.

Jupiter Square Saturn at 17 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. 


This Aquarius Full Moon is testy and unpredictable. The Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Both Leo and Taurus are fixed signs, so neither wants to give an inch in any disagreements. Leos, Scorpios, Aquarians and Taureans will strongly feel this fixed energy.




  • Sun square Uranus: expect the unexpected and try to go with the flow as much as possible. The tendency now will be to dig in your heels and resist change.
  • Venus square Jupiter: brings a tendency to be overly optimistic with little or no regard for reality. This aspect can be highly beneficial if you use Venus opposition Saturn (see below) to plan carefully and wisely.
  • Venus opposition Saturn: causes a tendency to be feel overly pessimistic, inhibited, limited and depressed. Used wisely it will help you achieve your goals.
  • Jupiter square Saturn: presents a challenge from moodiness, inconsistency and dissatisfaction with oneself and others. Expansion and optimism (Jupiter) are challenged (square) by pessimism, moodiness, and self-limitation (Saturn).

Keep yourself grounded and balance optimism with reality during this helpful, yet challenging Full Moon in Aquarius.

August 21: Sun Quincunx Neptune at 29 Degrees Leo/Pisces. Try not to push yourself when the Sun is quincunx Neptune. Your energy level may be low and you are more susceptible to illness, deception and drug-related events. Use these couple of days to contemplate a more balanced, spiritual way of everyday life. Little changes can have a big impact now.


August 22: Sun Enters Virgo. Sun Quincunx Pluto at 0 Degrees Virgo/Aquarius. Venus Square Mars at 21 Degrees Virgo/Gemini. The Sun in Virgo cools off the hot, active, exuberant Leo energy. Its time to get organized, make plans, attend to details and to pay more attention to living a healthy lifestyle. Venus square Mars challenges you to use Mars’ energy to work (Virgo) toward your goals.


August 27: Venus Trine Uranus at 27 Degrees Virgo/Taurus. Loosen up the “shoulds” in your life when Venus is trine Uranus. Because both Venus and Uranus are in earth signs, the trine aspect can help you make unusual, but potentially beneficial, money moves.


August 28: Venus Opposition Neptune at 29 Degrees Virgo/Pisces. Things are not as they appear to be when Venus is opposition Neptune. You are being challenged to use your reasoning ability (Venus in Virgo) in a balanced way (Venus) with your intuition and sixth sense (Neptune in Pisces). Use your imagination and then run the result through Virgo’s realistic, painstaking lens.


August 29: Venus Enters Libra and Trines Pluto at Zero Degrees Libra/Aquarius. Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra and loves being there. Venus in Libra tends to be overly accommodating and even wishy washy. When Venus trines Pluto she develops a steel spine and is not afraid to ask for what she wants. Libras, especially, can use this energy to set limits and to go after what they want.


Moon Movement During August 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


August 1:    Moon in Cancer

August 3:    Moon enters Leo

August 4:    New Moon at 12 Degrees Leo at 7:12 AM EST

August 5:    Moon enters Virgo

August 8:    Moon enters Libra

August 10:  Moon enters Scorpio

August 13:  Moon enters Sagittarius

August 15:  Moon enters Capricorn

August 17:  Moon enters Aquarius

August 19:  Full Moon at 27 Degrees Aquarius at 2:25 PM EST

August 19:  Moon enters Pisces at 6:51 PM EST

August 21:  Moon enters Aries

August 23:  Moon enters Taurus

August 25:  Moon enters Gemini

August 28:  Moon enters Cancer

August 30:  Moon enters Leo



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.


Astrology Transits April 2024 – Renewal

Rise said the moon and the new day came  Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers

April 2024 promises to be an action-packed month due to an over-abundance of Mars/Aries energy. It is a significant planetary month with a total solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 and a rare conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on April 19-20. The phrase that pops into my head is “things are happening!” The Mars/Aries energy brings new beginnings, lots of action and the will and desire to move forward.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus happens every 14 years. However, Jupiter has not been conjunct Uranus in Taurus since 1941. Jupiter brings expansion, growth and opportunity, while Uranus represents sudden change, innovation and disruptions in the status quo. The sign of Taurus represents stability and being grounded and focused. Taurus rules our material resources and what we value.

We are all being called to embrace the new and to flow with the unexpected, even startling, changes, while staying focused and grounded. We have all felt had the sense that time seems to be moving faster and faster. When Uranus, the “Great Awakener” is nunder the rays of expansive Jupiter, we are only just beginning to see the extent of the changes that are coming. The arrival of “artificial intelligence” is an apt example of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Huge scientific breakthroughs that will change our life (Uranus) have many benefits, but too much of a good thing (Jupiter) can be problematic.

On a personal note, I have just finished my beginning astrology class and am planning a follow-up series for more advanced beginners and intermediate students. The classes will start in May and will be held twice a month each month for the foreseeable future. More information is available HERE.


April 1: Mercury Stationary Retrograde at 27 Degrees Aries. Mercury is retrograde in Aries until April 25, when it turns stationary direct at 16 Degrees Aries. Use this Mercury retrograde time to re-assess your goals (Aries) and your approach to implementing those goals. When Mercury turns direct, put those plans into action and solidify them next month under the Taurus rays.

April 3: Venus Conjunct Neptune at 28 Degrees Pisces. Practice universal love and compassion under this exceptionally pleasant aspect. Venus conjunct Neptune blurs the edges of reality allowing you to see only the best in those around you. Though this is a short-lived aspect, you can keep this energy flowing in your consciousness all year to improve your relationships. Artistic matters are highly favored when Venus is conjunct Neptune.

April 4: Sun Conjunct North Node at 15 Degrees Aries; Sun Opposition South Node at 15 Degrees Libra. Right in tune with the dynamic nature of the month, when the Sun is conjunct the North Node, it is time to ask yourself: “What is my life purpose? Am I taking steps to fulfill that life purpose. The Sun opposing the South Node indicates that self-reflection and the release of old patterns of identity are needed to let you express your life purpose (North Node) more fully.

April 4: Venus Enters Aries. Venus in Aries until April 29 brings a certain boldness and daring to your activities, especially those connected to love and financial matters. If you have been wanting to start a business or to ask that certain someone out, Venus in Aries gives you the impetus to make the first move.

April 6: Venus Sextile Pluto at 1 Degree Aries/Aquarius. A beneficial use of Venus sextile Pluto is to do some deep work (Pluto) around how your emotions and ideas about love, including self-love (Venus) affect your relationships. Because Venus and Pluto are in an easy sextile aspect, such work will be easier now. This is a good time to clear out emotional garbage in preparation for the New Moon Solar Eclipse.

April 8: New Moon Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Degrees 24 Minutes Aries.  The Aries New Moon total Solar Eclipse continues the Aries/Libra theme that is in force most of the month. It is significant that the Sun, Moon and North Node are conjunct Chiron. Releasing (eclipse) and healing relationship wounds (Chiron) of all kinds are a main focus of this total Solar Eclipse. Look to the house of your chart that contains Aries and/or Libra to understand the area of your life most affected. Big breakthroughs can occur for all Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) under this potent configuration. 

April 10: Mars Conjunct Saturn at 14 Degrees Pisces. Mars conjunct Saturn can be difficult energy. Mars wants to act and to act now. Saturn wants you to take things slow, work hard and take responsibility. You may be feeling restless, angry and irritable (Mars), yet feel that you are blocked, limited and unable to do anything about it (Saturn). The best way to handle this conflicting energy is to find something active to do. It might be a great day to clean out the garage or to pull weeds. Be careful while driving as road rage could result from this volatile energy.

April 11: Sun Conjunct Mercury at 22 Degrees Aries. You may find yourself taking lots of short trips and/or coming and going when the Sun is conjunct Mercury in Aries. The Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries can make you rather impatient, so count to 10 before over reacting to news and/or conversations.

April 17: Venus Conjunct North Node at 15 Degrees Aries.  Venus conjunct the North Node is prime for re-inventing yourself. The North Node is about finding your life purpose, while Venus brings blessings to help you implement the changes. Look to the North Node in your natal chart to understand the nature of those changes.

April 19: Sun Enters Taurus. 

Mercury Conjunct Venus at 18 Degrees Aries. 

Mars Sextile Jupiter at 21 Degrees Pisces/Taurus. 

Mars Sextile Uranus at 21 Degrees Pisces/Taurus. The Sun enters Taurus under pleasant aspects between Mercury and Venus in Aries and Mars sextile the Jupiter/Uranus historic conjunction in Taurus. All systems are “go,” but you need to put in effort to make things happen. Otherwise, sextiles can float on by with nothing accomplished. Be aware, that Mars in aspect to both Jupiter and Uranus can be pretty volatile. Walk away from any confrontations. You and the situation will be better for it.

April 20: Jupiter Conjunct Uranus at 21 Degrees Taurus. Sun Square Pluto at 2 Degrees Taurus/Aquarius. Venus Conjunct Chiron at 20 Degrees Aries. Jupiter conjunct Uranus is the aspect we have all been waiting for. There has been a lot of hype in the media about this configuration and it is, in fact quite a rarity. Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct approximately every 14 years. However, the last time they were conjunct in Taurus was almost 83 years ago when they came together in May 1941. We can look to events from that time period to get a flavor for the current probabilities of how this conjunction will manifest.

Jupiter expands everything it touches, while Uranus breaks the chains that keep us stuck. Look for major breakthroughs (Uranus) in environmental matters (Taurus), financial matters and our collective ideas around value. Revolutions and breakthroughs of all kinds are probable. In your personal chart look to the house and planets, if any, that are near 21 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius to see where the biggest impact on your life will occur.

The Sun square Pluto adds urgency to the Uranus/Jupiter connection. When the Sun is square Pluto, you may feel that you are being tested by outside forces over which you have no control. Venus conjunct Chiron urges you to do the necessary work to heal your hidden fears and wounds.

April 23: Full Moon at 4 Degrees 17 Minutes Scorpio. The Moon in Scorpio forms a T-square with the Sun at 4 degrees Taurus and Pluto at 2 degrees Aquarius. This Scorpio Full Moon is super intense and transformative, especially if you have planets within five degrees of the Full Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. Be nice to yourself and give yourself permission to withdraw from the world to a quiet place if possible. You are processing some pretty deep feelings right now. Such processing will be beneficial, but Scorpio/Pluto activations can be challenging.

April 25: Mercury Turns Stationary Direct at 16 Degrees Aries. See April 1 above where I discuss Mercury retrograde.

April 29: Venus Enters Taurus. Venus feels right at home in Taurus and can express herself fully here. Venus in Taurus until May 24 is conductive to financial planning and re-evaluation. Taurus relates to our values. Ask yourself: “What do I really value?” Venus is the planet of “blessings received.” Use Venus’ power of attraction to manifest what you really value.

April 29: Mars Conjunct Neptune at 28 Degrees Pisces. Mars conjunct Neptune is a rather “twitchy” aspect. It can bring feelings of irritability, inferiority, fatigue escapism and depression. This is not a good time to start things or to push yourself. Your judgment is compromised and your energy level may be lower than normal. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Instead, reach out to the local soup kitchen or dog pound. Selflessly helping others is the best antidote for this puzzling transit.

April 30: Mars Enters Aries. Let the action begin!! Mars rules Aries and feels right at home here. Expect lots of action, lots of assertiveness and lots of short trips until Mars enters Taurus on June 9. This is superb energy for starting new ventures as long as you have made detailed plans before proceeding. Without a plan, impulsive Mars in Aries may not bring the desired results. Be careful to curb impulsiveness and impatience.


Moon Movement During April 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


April 1:         Moon enters Capricorn

April 3:         Moon enters Aquarius

April 5:         Moon enters Pisces

April 7:         Moon enters Aries

April 8:         New Moon Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Degrees Aries at 2:20 pm EST

April 9:         Moon enters Taurus

April 11:       Moon enters Gemini

April 13:       Moon enters Cancer

April 15:       Moon enters Leo

April 18:       Moon enters Virgo

April 20:       Moon enters Libra

April 23:       Moon enters Scorpio

April 23:       Full Moon at 4 Degrees Scorpio at 7:48 pm EST

April 25:       Moon enters Sagittarius

April 28:       Moon enters Capricorn

April 30:       Moon enters Aquarius



Learn how to navigate the big changes that we are experiencing in 2024 by getting a personal astrology reading. I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.




Beginning Astrology Class – Putting It All Together

I have found that there is a huge gap between taking a beginning astrology class and being able to actually interpret an astrology chart. This series of 8 astrology classes is designed to change that.  Each class is 1-1/2 hours long. In the first hour, I will teach you about the planets, houses, signs and all kinds of other astrological knowledge. The last half hour of each class is devoted to interpreting your individual charts. The magic is that you will get actual hands-on experience interpreting each other’s charts. We all learn by doing.


Thursday, February 17 through April 7, 2022, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Mountain Time; the starting time is flexible if the class agrees to a different time.

Online via Zoom

$280 for 8 weeks, payable through Paypal (you don’t need to join Paypal to pay)


This class is for total newbies, and for those who know some astrology, but have a hard time putting it all together.

We will start with the basics including:

  • What is a zodiac chart?
  • What are the astrological houses and what do they mean?
  • How do the signs express in the houses and what do the signs mean?
  • What do the planets do and what do they mean in a chart?
  • What are planetary transits and how do they affect you?

By the end of the class, you will be able to read and understand your birth chart and to have a basic understanding of how transits affect you.

The last 30 minutes of each class will be devoted to looking at your individual astrology charts and to answering your astrological questions.

I need at least eight people to sign up for the class, so tell all your friends and relatives.  The more people there are the more we learn from each other, but class is limited to eight people to allow for more individual interaction. 

Please email me at at to sign up for the class.  Please send me your birth date, birth time and birthplace. Please also contact me if you have any questions.  I’m looking forward to talking to you.

Ruby Burkhalter
Astrology by Ruby