Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Libra

Transit Calendar

I have posted the links below to download the planet transits calendar and interpretations for October 2018.  Please scroll down to the end of this page for instructions on how to read and use the calendar with the interpretations.

November 2019 Calendar

November 2019 Interpretations

December 2019 Calendar

December 2019 Interpretations

January 2020 Calendar

January 2020 Interpretations

February 2020 Calendar

February 2020 Interpretations

March 2020 Calendar

March 2020 Interpretations

April 2020 Calendar

April 2020 Interpretations

May 2020 Calendar

May 2020 Interpretations

June 2020 Calendar

June 2020 Interpretations

July 2020 Calendar

July 2020 Interpretations

August 2020 Calendar

August 2020 Interpretations

September 2020 Calendar

September 2020 Interpretations

October 2020 Calendar

October 2020 Interpretations

November 2020 Calendar

November 2020 Interpretations

December 2020 Calendar

December 2020 Interpretations


An explanation of  how to read the calendar is shown below.


I am using the date of August 21, 2017, for my illustration. Here is the chart for August 21, 2017, the date of the Leo total solar eclipse.  It is set for New York City, New York, in the United States.



Here is the calendar for August 2017: 


First notice the time zone used for the calendar centered at the very top.  It is shown as EDT + 4:00, which stands for Eastern Daylight Time.  This will change when the time changes to EST (Eastern Standard Time) in the fall.  The + 4:00 is the difference in time between New York City and the standard measure of time, the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is 0:00 degrees.  Thus, the calendar shows planetary transits 4 hours later than they would be for GMT.  You will need to adjust the time for your own time zone.  If your time zone shows a plus (+) you add the time to the GMT time.  If your time zone shows a minus (-) you subtract the hours from the GMT time zone.

Look at August second and you will see that the Moon was Scorpio, but it later moved into Sagittarius.  The Moon was void of course (v/c is shown on the calendar) before it moved into Sagittarius at 8:01 am. Everything pauses during a Void of Course Moon.  The telephones become more silent and there is a pronounced stillness in the atmosphere.  A void of course Moon is a good time to catch up on paperwork or to do organizing tasks. 

If at all possible, you should not start a project or sign important papers on a void of course Moon. The Moon was in its first quarter phase when it went into Sagittarius.  The first quarter phase of the Moon starts a new cycle.  It is a good time to start new tasks or activities.

The calendar shows the aspects of the transiting planets to each other.  For example the August calendar on August 20, the day before the solar eclipse, shows:

Moon in Leo

Tr-Tr    Transiting Mars sextile transiting Jupiter

Tr-Tr    Transiting Mercury semisquare transiting Venus

Tr-Tr    Transiting Sun quincunx transiting Chiron

When you look at the interpretations you see:

Date & Time: Aug 20 2017  0:00 am
Event: Moon in Leo
Description: The Moon in Leo

Time to lighten up and have some fun. Be creative and childlike. Enjoy life and save the chores for another day.

Date & Time: Aug 20 2017  9:20 am

Event: Tr-Tr Sun Qnx Chi

Description: Transiting Sun Quincunx Transiting Chiron

A spiritual awakening is occurring right now. Memories may haunt you. Note your dreams and innermost thoughts and heal past hurts.

Date & Time: Aug 20 2017  3:57 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mer SSq Ven

Description: Transiting Mercury SemiSquare Transiting Venus

Efforts at social conversation. Pleasantries. Polite talk. Superficial interaction. Artistic and/or technical interests.

Date & Time: Aug 20 2017  9:41 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mar Sxt Jup

Description: Transiting Mars Sextile Transiting Jupiter

This is a beneficial time for anything that requires confidence and energy. You are enterprising and enthusiastic.

Date & Time: Aug 20 2017  11:21 pm

Now look at the calendar for August 21, 2017, the date of the eclipse:

Moon is in Leo
Tr-Tr Transiting Sun trine Uranus
Total Solar Eclipse – New Moon at 2:30 pm
Moon becomes void of course at 2:30 pm as it gets ready to enter the next sign.
Moon enters Virgo at 4:24 pm

Now look at the interpretations for August 21, 2017:

Date & Time: Aug 20 2017  11:21 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Sun Tri Ura

Description: Transiting Sun Trine Transiting Uranus

Life is exciting. You are keen to make changes and find inventive ways to implement new habits.

Date & Time: Aug 21 2017  4:24 pm

Event: Moon enters Virgo

Description: The Moon in Virgo

Time for chores. Tidy up and get organised. Schedule that health checkup. Start that gym routine. Attend to details.


Date & Time: Aug 21 2017  2:30 pm

Event: Moon goes void of course


Date & Time: Aug 21 2017  2:30 pm

Event: New Moon at 28°Le52′


Date & Time: Aug 21 2017  2:30 pm

Event: Total Solar Eclipse (NM)

The calendar doesn’t track exactly with the interpretations due to how they are calculated and the times are not always in order, but I hope you get the gist of how they work together.  You may find that either the calendar or the interpretations are more helpful to you.  I suggest printing them out each month so you will have them as a handy reference.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.