Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Waning Crescent Moon
Waning Crescent Moon

The moon is currently in Pisces

Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010

The full moon lunar eclipse of December 21, 2010 highlights the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity, which brings in the themes of communication, education, higher thought, intelligence and the more negative energies of fanaticism, arrogance, overindulgence, rationalization, duplicity and amorality.

Because the Moon and the Sun are both at the all-important 29 degrees of their respective signs (Moon 29Gemini20 and Sun 29Sagittarius20) an urgent message of change is part of the mix. Any planet or light at 29 degrees of a sign brings endings and change. Something has matured and is no longer needed. It is time to transform something or to end it and to build something new. However, it is wise to be aware that a planet at 29 degrees can cause a person to waiver, to go back and forth and to evaluate and re-evaluate endlessly, until finally, exhausted with the decision making process, that person may just make a rash and hasty decision to change things without using rational thought.

Then too, all eclipses bring in a time of change, a time to correct our course and move forward in a new or altered way toward our goals. This lunar eclipse asks us to take a long, hard look at the issues in our life that are holding us back or that are keeping us from fulfilling our destiny and to make decisions about a more positive, life-affirming way of meeting those challenges.

This particular lunar eclipse becomes even more powerful because of its location near the galactic center at 26 degrees Sagittarius. (See my previous article on Pluto when it was located at the Galactic center before entering Capricorn.) The lunar eclipse location near the powerful Galactic center magnifies and adds power and focus to the energies already being manifested.

It is also noteworthy that the eclipse opposition of the Moon and Sun are square the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. Because Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, the sign that holds the Sun during this eclipse, the themes of compassion (Pisces) and truth (Jupiter) are very much in focus. Uranus brings unexpected change like a lightning bolt and new ways of thinking and acting.

In short, this lunar eclipse brings an unprecedented opportunity to bring about a new way of being with regard to others with whom we share Mother Earth. We are called to act in a higher, more authentic way (Jupiter) and to keep our mind on the oneness of all beings (Pisces). Indeed, in light of the world situation at this time, this lunar eclipse presents an opportune time for each of us to focus on this spirit of oneness with all others.

Many blessings to each of you who read this and take up the challenge of this eclipse—to give away those things that are no longer needed or helpful, and to bring to the world a spirit of loving, truthful compassion for all beings.


465 comments to Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010

  • xxastroxx

    Hi I was born paterson, nj March.7.1983 and was wondering what the effects of the eclipse will be as i am feeling some turmoil. Thank you.

    • Ruby

      xxastroxx, The lunar eclipse fell on your Moon, Neptune, and S Node. Since you did not leave a birth time, I do not know in what area of your life (what natal house) it is affecting you. However, I am sure that it would have brought quite a bit of emotional confusion. The Moon is emotions and Neptune is confusion, delusion and illusion. The South Node is old habit patterns that we need to let go of. What out worn habits are you holding on to that you need to let go of to get your life back to a calmer place? Sometimes with a Sagittarius S Node the answer to a question like that is hard to see. Try to slow down, and let yourself dwell on the answer. Most likely there is some sort of philosophy, religion or metaphysics that you can study to find some answers.

  • doggie_girl

    I was born December 18th 1977 at 7:44am in Kentucky. I am very curious to know how this eclipse will effect me.
    Thank you in advance,

    • Ruby

      Doggie girl, I can’t tell for sure in what area of your life the eclipses will affect you because you did not give me the city of birth. However, the lunar eclipse fell on your Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini (probably in the 1st and 7th houses). Look at your birth chart. Wherever Jupiter is it will trigger some kind of expansion in that area. The sun to sun conjunction will activate things in the house where your natal sun is located. All together, probably a pretty good eclipse for you so long as you are okay with letting go of anything that needs to be let go of.

      The Capricorn eclipse falls on your Libra Pluto and North Node. Look for some heavy duty transformation in the area (house) in which they fall in your chart. As the North Node tells what we are supposed to be working on in this life, add Libra like things to the interpretation. That is, moderation, balance, beauty, love, etc.

  • npk.kool

    I was born on December 9 1986 at 2:34 PM in Hyderabad, India. Right now I have finished my studies and looking for a job in USA. Also, I think a lot before making any decision but end making wrong decision most of the time. Can you please tell me if this eclipse has any affects on my career and decision makings.

    Thanks !

    • Ruby

      npk.kool, Indeed, the transiting planets at the lunar eclipse were in your 9th house of higher education and travel. You do have to be very clear in your decision making about the move. The transiting planets are coming to a conjunction with natal Neptune also in the 9th house. Neptune tends to bring confusion and illusion. It can paint a rosy picture that doesn’t live up to its promise. I would caution you to study very carefully how and where you will be able to find work, housing, etc. before making the commitment. If you shine the full light of reality on the subject you will have better results. The solar eclipse in Capricorn will square your natal Saturn in the 6th house of work. That square could point to a lot of hard work, but it should help you make a good decision. The best time for career will be after January 11 when the transiting Capricorn planets will be in your 10th house.

  • Pattibee

    Thanks for the insight. Yes, the control thing. It is a bit of a bugaboo. That Cancer rising is always trying to fix everything for everyone. Eclipse is still going well, I’m positively happy and serene.

  • liberty513

    Hi there,

    I’m bit concerned about this eclipse. With a birthdate of Oct. 30, 1950 (7:20AM EST), I have a Moon Gemini in 27 Degrees in my 8th House. The moon has, and continues to be hit by Uranus in late Pisces (in 5th H), which has caused many upsets on multiple fronts. What do you think this signifies?

    God Bless

    • liberty513

      Hi Astroherb,

      BTW: Birthplace is Havana, Cuba. Thanks!!

    • Ruby

      Liberty513, I think that you do have a lot going on in your chart with regard to the current transiting planets. The lunar eclipse will fall in your 8th and 2nd house. It conjuncts natal Moon (8th) and natal Mars (2nd). In addition, it sets up a square to transiting Jupiter/Uranus in your 5th house and to natal Saturn in your 11th house. The 8th house can often show a chaotic situation and Uranus is often sudden changes. It feels like it could be something going on with your children (or someone or something that is like a child to you) that is impacting you. Also, with the 11th house Saturn the situation tends to wear you down. The 2nd house Mars also shows the stress, most likely related to your money. I do think that things will even out a little bit after the solar eclipse. The transiting Jupiter/Uranus to your natal Saturn will still be in effect, as will Pluto in your 2nd, but the intensity may ease.

  • ycm

    Hi there, I appreciate your responsiveness to all our questions.
    I was born on January 14, 1980 at 9:55 am in Brasilia, Brazil.
    Could u please tell me in what aspects this December 21, 2010 lunar eclipse and the January 4, 2011 solar eclipse will influence my life?
    There is a lot going on. There is a need in me to change everything. Ive been working on letting go of a lot of ‘old stuff’ including my relationship (which feels like somethings are still unclear about it, even though this process feels like started 2 years ago!) and emotional and health issues, am I overlooking anything? His was born on August 7, 1980 at 1:38pm in Decatur, Ga, US. Thanks.

    • Ruby

      ycm, Your ex’s Saturn is conjunct your Saturn in the 7th house of relationships. That could make a relationship rather difficult though it does bode well for a long lasting relationship. The Capricorn solar eclipse will square his Mars and Pluto in your 7th house and also transiting Saturn in the 7th house. There is some indication that something about the relationship could be volatile at that time, so if you have contact with him be aware of that.

  • amil

    Dear astroherb,

    I loved your article. Thank you! It was somehow clarifying. I was born on the 14th of April of 1980, at 1:25 in Porto, Portugal and I have been feeling really anxious, constantly daydreaming and thinking a lot about future and life lately. Do you think it has anything to do with what you wrote in your beatiful article? I feel I need to act quickly and change my life in some way, but I don´t know exactly what to do. I feel chronically unsatisfied and I wasn´t like this. I wonder what my chart says about this. Thank you for this site and for your articles.

    • Ruby

      Amil, thank you for your kind words. My hope is always that my articles can be useful to others. The eclipse went over your Neptune in the 12th house and squared your Mercury in Pisces in the 3rd house. Both of those aspects could cause the anxious, daydreaming that you mentioned. It also fell in your 1st house of self and 7th house of relationships. It is indeed time to figure out your life. I think once the transiting planets move into Capricorn and after the Capricorn solar eclipse you will have more focus on your career, where you live and how you present yourself to the world. The energy will be so much better for moving ahead with your life at that time.

      By the way, someone dear to me lived on a boat near Porto and loved the people of that region. It was nice to see where you were from as I remembered his comments about the area.

  • cmartin

    Hi, could you tell me how this effects me? I was born 5.13.69 at 12:27 am in Lansing Michigan. I’m very concerned that I am may be loosing my job soon. It could be the worst or best thing to happen since I got the job. It would be very difficult however as I am helping support my extended family, but could help get me overseas…Many thanks and your blog is awesome.

    • Ruby

      cmartin, I think what is going on with the job is that there are a lot of secrets and a certain overlay of confusion and illusion around the work place. I am not sure that management even knows what will happen. That of course, makes it very hard for you to deal with. They may be waiting on financing from somewhere else or some such thing. I think you could have some clarity after the 16th of January. If going back to school is possible, that might be another option according to your chart.

  • QuantumHound

    First thanks for giving me the opportunity to post a comment. I know you are busy, so thanks for just reading this.
    My birthday is 21st Dec 1985. My birthday is tomorrow. So depressing. Do I have any hope? I can’t continue to be sad like this all the time. I’m such a failure. I really wish this birthday something good will happen. Sorry for being a downer, but this planet is too hard you know? At least I had you to talk to here. Gettin kindda lonely down here. Oh well. Another year of disappointments. Sorry for such a bad comment, but I don’t have anyone else to talk to. Hey, if anyone wants to wish me a happy birthday, you can email me at
    I would LOVE to chat with other people from different places. Oh well.

    • Ruby

      Quantum Hound, the lunar eclipse did fall on several of your planets in Sagittarius. You didn’t leave a birth time or place so I couldn’t tell in what area of your life that the eclipse will affect you. Do remember though that this eclipse is about letting go of something and the coming solar eclipse is about starting something new. Try to think of something that you can do that will fit this picture. It could be a very small thing. By letting go of something that you no longer need, it will free your energy to go after something new. Something new could very well bring back some joy and anticipation into your life. Second, I would put out the idea that the first thing you need to let go of is the idea that you are a failure. By whose measurement? Just because you failed at something doesn’t mean you will fail at other things. Everything has a right timing to it. You have some wonderful Sagittarius planets. Study astrology as you can and you will understand how you can use them to make your life more successful and happy.

  • kaykay1111

    Greetings and Blessings!
    I was born July 13th, 1961 at 5:05 am.
    What do you see with me…I FEEL all things right now and like somethings about to tip over the edge…could be really, really great things coming…or maybe not! Laughing to myself to keep on the upbeat side…what can you expect from a cancerian?
    Thanks for all your kindness and comments here…a truly wonderful place!

  • kaykay1111

    Sorry…was born in Tiffin, Ohio…

  • MicheleAlis

    Hello, I was born 12/08/1987 in San Fernando Valley at 10:20 am. If you could give any insight into how this eclipse will effect me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for all your help 🙂

    • Ruby

      MicheleAlis, The planets prior to the actual eclipse transited your 10th house of career and then your 11th house of groups, friends and hopes and wishes. The lunar eclipse fell right on your Uranus in the 11th house. You will probably notice changes having to do with groups and friends. It is hard to predict when Uranus is present as it is always a wild card. It could also be a good time to focus on something you have always wanted to do or accomplish.

  • Jenss55

    I was checking back to see if my post was still here. My birthday is 12/21/1981 in Frankfurt Germany. I’m wondering how tonight lunar eclipse will affect me? I already feel “off” or at least REALLY hyper sensitive. Oh and I was born at 8am. Thank you so much for any input….and I apologize if I posted twice. I didn’t see my original post so I re wrote.

  • sandy

    I’m so exited!!!! I just found out it’s a special night for me – I’m a Gemini!!!
    Someone was already saying to me that a special months was there to come for me, but my work here in Haiti was a bit busy! Do you think if there is indeed something in the stars for me tonight????? We will have the eclipse here in a few hours. Maybe a bolt move but I was born in Den Hague – Netherlands, at 18:17 (pm), Gemini/Scorpio. Anything interesting???? 😀

    • Ruby

      Sandy, I wish I would have been able to ready your chart sooner. The lunar eclipse certainly was a special time for you. You have Mercury, Sun, Venus and Mars all at 29 degrees of Gemini in the 8th house. Very rare configuration. Those planets are all inconjunct your Neptune and Ascendant in Scorpio, your Uranus in Virgo in the 10th and sextile the Moon in Taurus. Your Gemini Stellium in the 8th shows a talent in dealing with chaos, emergencies and death; as does your Scorpio ascendant. I can only wonder whether you are in Haiti as a relief worker. In any case, with that much energy being let loose by the eclipse it will most likely be significant for you. Don’t forget, with all of that Gemini mind power you would do well to write or communicate about your experiences. It could be significant to you and to the world.

  • sandy

    Oh dear I forgot something! 😀 my birth date is June 20 1968, Den Hague, the Netherlands, 18:17 pm. Right now in Port-au-Prince, Haiti!!!!

  • Denton

    just wondered how my relationship is going to work out with this woman. My brithtime is 9/26/1947 10:20 PM Denver, CO and hers is March 30, 1952 no sure of her other details hope you can provide just a little insight. thank you.

  • Laurie


    I was born in Glendale, California on May 26, 1960 at 10:03 P.M. I am dealing with severe issues as I attempt to heal from being involved in a cult. I am having to relearn to feel all of my emotions. I realize that this is the change needed, but there are also financial issues as I need to create the space to heal. I was hoping you could check my chart and see what other advice you may have…

    Thank you!

    • Ruby

      Laurie, With your Sun, Mercury and Moon in Gemini, you could be a very talented writer. Moon and Mercury also fall in your 6th house of work and health. It occurred to me that writing a memoir of your experiences would not only be very healing, but also of genuine interest to the public. Your natal moon was conjunct the lunar eclipse moon, indicating an emotional ending to something, which all fits. Transiting Pluto in your first house conjunct your ascendant shows that you now have power and just need to learn how to use it. With Pluto, it won’t be easy but it will be positively life changing. The Capricorn solar eclipse and transiting Mars will fall on your natal Saturn in the first house. It is time to let your true self shine no matter how challenging that is for you. By the end of March 2011 you will be experiencing a Chiron return in the 2nd house of values and finances. I believe this will bring a time of true healing both of your finances and your psyche, especially if you really work on releasing prior to that time. Good luck, you are on the way up.

  • Diana

    Just a quick thank you on your reply to my question on my aspects during this eclipse. Helped much!

  • Liv

    Reading about today’s eclipse here has been a riveting experience. I think I may be “Exhibit A” for this solstice lunar event. I’m born June 20, 1948 at 3:07 am in New York, NY. So, my Sun is at
    28’50” Gemini in the 2nd house and my MC/IC lies at 29’02” Capricorn/Cancer. I’ve got Uranus at 26’23” Gemini and Jupiter at 23’26” Sag. What changes might I look forward to under this eclipse?

  • shibamistress


    I’m glad to discover this site and have registered for the newsletter–great information here!

    I also wondered about the eclipse for me–I think it will be pretty important. I’m Sagittarius with a Gemini moon, and I think my moon is 27 degrees and the sun at 29 degrees, which I believe will be very close to the eclipse positions (but I’m new to this, so just figuring things out.) I was born 12-21-61 in Los Angeles at 12:20 pm. (So as you can see, the eclipse is also happening on my birthday!)

    If you get time, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts!

  • sc8583

    My natal moon is at 29 Gemini and I have Saturn and Pluto at 26 and 28 Libra respectively, plus Neptune at 24 Sagittarius. Kind of nervous to see how this eclipse plays out in the days, weeks and months to come! Already seeing some major changes happening with others I know. Can anyone give insight if my natal moon is conjunct the eclipse and I have 2 powerful planets (Saturn & Libra, both conjunct natally) in trine to it and Neptune opposed?

  • Eli

    I was born December 21, 1970 at 2:06 am in Riga, Latvia 56n57 024e06.Could you help me to understand what this eclipse means for me. Is there anything in particular I should do or pay attention to? I live in New York now. Greatly appreciate your response.

  • gustosocial

    It was an amazing sight to see the red moon. Worth staying up for.

  • polyven

    Sorry, but I forgot my birth time: 2:55 a.m. in South Weymouth, MA on 7/28/1932… and I did read all that you wrote about when it lands on our ASC, but I wondered if there’s anything specific for me that could explain my “upheaval”, etc. Thanks very much!

  • ca333

    Hey. I was born July 9th, 1981 in Brooklyn, NY at 3:33am. How will the eclipse effect me?

  • sarahkian

    Hi, does anyone know if there is a reason my comment still says ‘awaiting moderation’? Even though I have logged in? Damn you mercury retrograde!! 😀

  • flyhigh

    Hi there,

    I was hoping someone could throw some light on how this Lunar Eclipse may has a wide orb to my MC at 24 gemini. my birth details are 14th september 1970, Oban, UK, at 07.15 AM
    Would deeply appreciate any help, as so far, this has been a year of profound changes, infact within the last three years it has been a rollercoaster, everything has been stripped from my life, home, relationship, family, work, health…yet have discovered some very precious gifts I never awknowledged before, and my art has been getting recognition from a wide audience and would like to persue that, yet have doubts…any thoughts gratefully recieved with thanks. love, it’s all we have….

    • Ruby

      Flyhigh, I think the lunar eclipse orb to your midheaven is a little too wide to be significant. However, both the lunar and solar eclipse fell in your first/7th house axis. The stripping away of everything from your life is due to transiting Pluto conjunct your ascendant and moving into your first house. That is transformation in the extreme. Because Pluto is on the ascendant it affects your relationships, your career, and your home life and family as well as your very identity. Not an easy time, but most people who roll with it do come out in a much better place when it is all over.

      Around the 18th of January 2011 when the Sun goes into your 5th house of creativity and its axis is in your 11th house of hopes and wishes, be prepared to take your art to a new level.

      • flyhigh

        Thank you so much for your insight Astroherb, and also for your time. I shall report back any significant changes around the time of the sun entering my 5th house. So pluto has been transiting over my asc, well my goodness me, I have certainly felt the full force of that powerful energy. Throughout I have tried to keep my humour, and reminding myself of no matter how difficult it is, there is always worse out there, and try to remain grateful for what I do have. Again, thank you for your time, and may 2011 be a good, and kind year to you. Kind regards.

  • amil

    I loved your article. Thank you! It was somehow clarifying. I was born on the 14th of April of 1980, at 1:25 am in Porto, Portugal and I have been feeling really anxious, constantly daydreaming and thinking a lot about future and life lately. Do you think it has anything to do with what you wrote in your beatiful article? I feel I need to act quickly and change my life in some way, but I don´t know exactly what to do. I feel chronically unsatisfied and I wasn´t like this. I wonder what my chart says about this. Thank you for this site and for your articles.

  • kayjes

    Hello, glad to have found your site. Interesting eclipse. I have natal sun 29 degrees 46 min. Gemini (7th house), with Ascendent at Sag 29 degrees. Moon 11 degrees Leo. Seems like this should be a big one for me somehow. Life shattering and Life propelling at the same time?

  • mars420

    Hey, I am a Gemini with saggittarius ascendante, what impact will this eclipse have on me? Thanks.

  • rual

    I was born on 15 October 1960 /Istanbul Turkey at 20.45
    my asc is Gemini. During the eclipse Sun is at GC which is in my 7th house. I wonder how it is going to effect me. Thank you.

  • colinp


    You are absolutely amazing for replying to all of these comments… Thank you for taking the time and sharing your insights…

    To start: I was born June 9th, 1979 at 8:54 PM EST at 44.749899999999997 lat, -79.888509999999997 long (apparently Gemini w/ Sagittarius rising and my Moon is also in Sagittarius)

    After watching the eclipse in its full intensity on a particularly clear evening, a great friend and I had a long conversation with the outcome being that we decided I needed to start being more confident and forthright in my communications and in the sharing of my perspectives.

    I have been observing, learning, processing and formulating for sometime and lately have been feeling that now is finally the time to start speaking up.

    This morning when I woke up, for just a brief moment the sun was shining over the SF bay area in a way that made the view incredibly crisp, sharp and clear…

    After reading your assessment of this event, I felt last night’s eclipse was a watershed moment for me and the mark of new beginnings.

    Now that I realize the significance of this event in general, the way the night unfolded has even more meaning for me and I am seeing synchronicities everywhere…

    Would love and appreciate your perspective on how this affects me personally if you have a chance.

    In gratitude,


  • Ghinibaby

    Hey astroherb they say three times a charm I ask you by any chance if you could give me feedback on last night lunar eclipse which in my natal chart transits my first house and 2nd house and in my progressed the 12th house and natally opposes my venus, trines my uranus and square my moon and in my progressed opposes my mars thank you

  • lilmissb

    Hello Astroherb…i wrote to u and im not sure if you got my message. I was born on October 14,1982 Pristina, Kosovo 10:30am wanted to know how will i be affected in the lunar and solar eclipse…had a unbalanced year as far as will 2011 be? this is a chart that i have for my bday im not sure if it correct: Sun in Libra, Moon in Virgo • Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the Eleventh House • Mars Conjunct Ascendant • Moon in the Ninth House • Sun in the Tenth House • Venus in the Tenth House • Saturn in the Tenth House
    Thank you so much and Happy Holidays

  • Pisces Peach

    It was too cloudy here, but the best part was that my teenagers stayed up to see it, and they actually stopped playing video games long enough to come upstairs several times to check on whether or not “it is time” yet. Great fun.

  • sandy

    My postings disappeared, did I do something wrong?

    • Ruby

      Sandy, your postings probably have not disappeared. I had so many comments that I simply could not reply to them all in a timely manner. At this time, I have answered over 200 comments since posting my eclipse articles. Unfortunately, I have over 100 comments that have not been approved and commented on. Most likely your previous comment is some place in the stack of unanswered comments. I continue to work on them as I can and hope to make a significant dent in the backlog over the holidays. Your (and everyone’s) continued patience is appreciated.

  • Freespirit1219

    Astroherb, what does the lunar eclipse have in store for me? My birthdate is 12/19/89 and currently struggling with finding money to pursue my dreams of a new life in a new city. I am also wondering what my love life and the future has in store for me, I hope to catch a break!

  • Avalon

    HI everyone. Clouds opened up just enough to see eclipse here is SW PA.

    Astroherb, I would like to know how this eclipse and the upcoming solar eclipse will be affecting my career. Birthdate is 8/12/1970 and I was born at 6:30 pm in Chicago IL. I believe my Sag moon is around 22 degrees so if I follow correctly this would have been a powerful ecleipse for me. Thanks in advance for your input.

    Love and Light

  • LeilaJo

    Hi Astroherb–

    I left a comment/question a couple of days ago but it does not seem to be showing up – Merc retro :), so here it is again:

    Thank you for your insightful article about this Solstice’s Lunar Eclipse. I’m watching it closely as it conjuncts my natal sun & venus in my 7th house. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how this eclipse period may effect me, particularly with regards to fertility.
    My birth details are 06/19/72, 5:42PM, Cape Town, South Africa. I now live in CA.

    Thank you!

  • darjeelingtee

    As ever an insightful article. I think my original message was lost as per a few others ;). I wonder how you think this eclipse may pan out for me as it is opposite my (wide orb) moon-neptune conjunction in my 1st house? My details: 21st July 1983 17:20, Aldershot, UK

  • sandy

    Thank you so much for the reply 🙂 I can only say that the last two days were…. very surprising. Bad news and what not. A lot of reorganizing on different levels is needed, past, present and future. Mama-Mia! In the mean time I will exercise patience and roll with the ball. Have fun the coming days, merry x-mas and happy new year!

  • diazv

    Astroherb, I could only imagine how busy you are. Thank you for your time and energy!

  • transformed

    Thank you so much for this extremely insightful post! I was searching for an analysis of the eclipse after hearing about it a few days before and realizing how much it explains for me personally. The eclipse was conjunct my north node in my 10th house right at a moment when I am finally allowing myself to undergo a complete transformation in my life path and career. The past few weeks, and then especially just in the past few days, I feel this enormous energy pushing me to fulfill my destiny and move away from advocacy work into investigative journalism and freelance writing. I am taking the leaps that I have thought about for years–and started to plan the past few months–but have held myself back from acting on until now. It’s all happening very quickly, and my only fear is that I will somehow misinterpret some of the signs and do the wrong thing. Also, actualizing my plans requires me to do a ton of things that you are supposed to avoid at all costs during a mercury in retrograde phase: making big decisions, traveling extensively, purchasing computer and communications devices, purchasing a car, publishing writing, etc. Also I think I want to move out of my current residence! I am usually someone who has a lot of doubt about my decisions (sun opposition moon), but I feel certain that this whole plan is the right course of action. All my plans are the products of longer-term reflection (except the change of residence), so I should be ok right? In my reading of it, the eclipse conjunct my NN, especially with the positive uranus connection, should mean that I should follow my instincts. Do you agree?
    Also, venus was directly conjunct my moon in the third house in scorpio on the same day, and the sun was conjunct my neptune in the 4th. Here is my data: 4/27/83 3 pm Washington D.C. I would very much appreciate your thoughts on how this eclipse is affecting me! (Also, on a more general note do you think that the timing of the eclipse on the solstice has any significance?) Thank you so much!

  • eep

    Well the eclipse was in conjunction on my Jupiter in the first house, so I expect some shake up within my marrige or at list questioning certain aspects of it. Can I have any comments on this. Thank you!!!!

  • helpplease

    Ok. Hello. I was born on december 21. My moon is in Gemini and my rising sign is cancer, right now I think I’m in the verge of something because I feel really overwelmed by my current situation, I have this strong need to break away from my house, because I need to be alone, my father cares 4 me but he wants me to do things his way I can’t accept that, but I don’t want to dissapoint him, and inside I’m going through real suffering, I just need to do something for myself, but I don’t think I can do it on my own, but staying would be bad … what I really am will die if I don’t make a decision Now!! but I don’t think a can decide, I just need a little guideness or just some help please?!, I go over and over the same thoughts of leaving and IKnow what I need know is peace but I don’t have anyone to trust, and have no idea how could I get to the place I want to be. Any help would mean a LOT to meright now, thanks.

  • miki616

    Dec 26th—I have had the strangest week and was wondering how the stars are affecting me personally. I was born 6-16-65 @ 2:15 pm in Silver Spring MD. Can you offer any information regarding? Thanks AstroHerb

  • malishammm

    hello, My birthday is feb.13th, 1972 and i was born at 5.00 a.m. in birmingham,alabama. The moon is 3 38 and mercury 20 53 and the sun 23 51 what house will be most affected for me? My scopes said that it will effect my fifth house of love. Will this be the end of this relationship? He is a gemini. june 5 1980

  • rwhite

    Hi, I would like to know how the LUnar Eclipse of 21st December will have effected me? My birthday is 9 October 1977 and I was born in Northampton, UK at 4:55pm GMT.
    I am a Libran and am aware that I am at some sort of crossroads at the moment – am I right in thinking that the lunar eclipse was significant or that the forthcoming solar eclipse on 4 Jan is also significant in terms of family?
    I have PLuto (14 deg) and SUn (16deg) in Libra, my first house, which is where Saturn currently sits! I think my natal Jupiter (5 deg Cancer) is currently opposing Pluto (5 deg) Capricorn. i feel i could use some advice or assistance in where things seem to be heading?
    look forwrd to hearing from you

  • Denton


    Is there any information that you can provide me on my post? I know that you are very busy but I have been thinking about another woman (ex) and would really like to know – as I am very confused. her birthdate is feb 22, 1970 6;17 am wyoming

    THANK YOU!!!

  • wanderingk

    Thank you for your response. It was indeed an important meeting for us both. It was a highly charged and emotional conversation, but with it, I think, came some release from all the baggage of the past. I do hope it will allow me to finally go forward and into a better and healthier relationship.

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