Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Waning Crescent Moon
Waning Crescent Moon

The moon is currently in Pisces

Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010

The full moon lunar eclipse of December 21, 2010 highlights the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity, which brings in the themes of communication, education, higher thought, intelligence and the more negative energies of fanaticism, arrogance, overindulgence, rationalization, duplicity and amorality.

Because the Moon and the Sun are both at the all-important 29 degrees of their respective signs (Moon 29Gemini20 and Sun 29Sagittarius20) an urgent message of change is part of the mix. Any planet or light at 29 degrees of a sign brings endings and change. Something has matured and is no longer needed. It is time to transform something or to end it and to build something new. However, it is wise to be aware that a planet at 29 degrees can cause a person to waiver, to go back and forth and to evaluate and re-evaluate endlessly, until finally, exhausted with the decision making process, that person may just make a rash and hasty decision to change things without using rational thought.

Then too, all eclipses bring in a time of change, a time to correct our course and move forward in a new or altered way toward our goals. This lunar eclipse asks us to take a long, hard look at the issues in our life that are holding us back or that are keeping us from fulfilling our destiny and to make decisions about a more positive, life-affirming way of meeting those challenges.

This particular lunar eclipse becomes even more powerful because of its location near the galactic center at 26 degrees Sagittarius. (See my previous article on Pluto when it was located at the Galactic center before entering Capricorn.) The lunar eclipse location near the powerful Galactic center magnifies and adds power and focus to the energies already being manifested.

It is also noteworthy that the eclipse opposition of the Moon and Sun are square the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. Because Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, the sign that holds the Sun during this eclipse, the themes of compassion (Pisces) and truth (Jupiter) are very much in focus. Uranus brings unexpected change like a lightning bolt and new ways of thinking and acting.

In short, this lunar eclipse brings an unprecedented opportunity to bring about a new way of being with regard to others with whom we share Mother Earth. We are called to act in a higher, more authentic way (Jupiter) and to keep our mind on the oneness of all beings (Pisces). Indeed, in light of the world situation at this time, this lunar eclipse presents an opportune time for each of us to focus on this spirit of oneness with all others.

Many blessings to each of you who read this and take up the challenge of this eclipse—to give away those things that are no longer needed or helpful, and to bring to the world a spirit of loving, truthful compassion for all beings.


465 comments to Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010

  • BJ

    Hi Ms. Astoherb;

    I just wanted see what beholds me… Feb 22, 1970 6:17 am Torrington Wyo- I have been the creation period on a business partnership which is quite substantial. It’s been building for the past few months and now it seems to be blowing up. I don’t know. I would like to transition my current profession in to this one because this partnership/company would be be with 3 men. This would be world changing but I am worried that I will be stuck in my current career and would truly like to do this one hands down. Secondly, during this time also, I was involved (indirectly) with a man (April 26, 1963 Aberdeen Scotland birthtime unknown) – would he reappear or was it nothing? YOU’RE TERRIFIC AND THANK YOU IMMENSELY AND MERRY CHRISTMAS

    • Ruby

      BJ, I believe I answered this elsewhere. However, I will say again, if you can wait until sometime mid-January to make a decision. The energy is just too volatile now and Mercury is retrograde etc.

  • Sarah

    Hi, I love your Full Moon Eclipse article & all the comments and replies. I have been feeling something building, a feeling that something big is going to happen. I am naturally restless & always seeking change but I wondered if you could see anything in particular for me. I’m in a relationship which is going ok but I have a few issues to tackle & although I love my job, it doesn’t pay me well enough so I feel I’m always on the lookout for soemthing else. I was born 5 June 1968 in Stockport, UK. Thanks!

    • Ruby

      Sarah, you forgot to say whether you were born in the morning or afternoon. I absolutely think there are changes coming in your life. Look at your natal chart. See where Uranus/Moon in Virgo and Chiron are showing up in your chart. The houses they are in are where the changes are coming. Also changes where Mercury is located.

  • EnrapturedHighPriestess

    Bree born on June 21st 1982, Miami Florida 4:19am… Thanks again. I really would like to know where this is all going…I have been given quite a few insights, visions, and dreams. Not sure what to make of them.

  • Sarah

    I forgot to say…at 05.30!!

  • Pattibee

    Hi – So glad to have found you. I have been waiting on this eclipse for quite some time. I like to look forward in my ephemeris to see what’s going to come along to shake up my control over things. You see my sun is 29 Sag and rising sign is Cancer. Anyway, I have been expecting to be all nervous and jumpy, but so far nothing. Actually, if anything, it’s been pleasant. The eclipse will be a 6th house, 12th house thing, the moon being in the 12th. I am not letting my guard down, (don’t want to end up unexpectedly in the hospital, or suddenly unemployed), but I’m not afraid. My birthdate is 12/20, which by the way I can’t get out of my head. 12-20 or 20-12.

    • Ruby

      Pattibee, I had to chuckle over the phrase “coming along to shake up my control over things.” This eclipse is all about freeing emotions over hurts from the past or skeletons in the closet. The sixth house Sun wants you to look at how you can be of service to others. That is not in a servant sort of way, but how you can use your talents to help others (and yourself by reflection).

  • MaggieLondon

    I think my post keeps disappearing. Thank you for the article:) Im wondering how the upcoming eclipse will affect me. Born oct 25 1983 in Fresno,CA at 305pm. Scorpio sun in 1 degree, Gemini moon 20 degrees. Aquarius rising 21 degrees.
    thanks so much, I’m new to this site so I apologize if this was posted twice.

    • Ruby

      MaggieLondon, the eclipse itself conjuncts only Neptune along your 10th and 11th house cusp. However, I would think that the time leading up to the eclipse may have been significant as it regards your career. Maybe some changes that could end up being beneficial that could have, in some way, caused friction in a relationship. This could of course show up later. Also, rather than friction, there is also the possibility of your relationship being connected to your career in some way.

  • sarahkian

    Hi, could you tell me how this eclipse will effect me, I was born at 05.30 5th June 1968, Stockport UK. I feel unsettled in both my relationship & my job but just don’t know how to go about changing things. Thanks. Love the website!

  • TP

    Very good, insightful article and a wonderful website!! I feel the same way, change is coming..end or beginning of a new phase in life! may be you can help by reading for me. I am born 4th oct, 1978; 4:20 pm IST (+5.30 GMT)30° 42′ 15″ N / 76° 13′ 23″ E, India. Too many things not happening right now for me and my husband..our jobs, green card, having a baby ( I really want to have another baby), so sometime I think it’s time to go back home in India, from USA where we are since abt 4 yrs now?? don’t know, maybe these eclipses are going to shake things up for us!! we will be applying for green card in next 2 weeks, so who knows!! please let me know what you read from my chart abt these things, espclly will i have another ever? Thanks a lot in advance 🙂

    • Ruby

      TP, thank you for your kind words about my website. The lunar eclipse is not significant in your chart. The Capricorn solar eclipse will fall in your third house of communications on your Sun, Mercury and Pluto. It signifies lots of communication about something new. Then around the first week in February the Sun and Mars will be transiting over your Mars/Moon/Uranus/Venus stellium in the 4th house in Scorpio. Uranus in 4th often portends a move when activated. I think there is a good chance you will be able to move by then.

  • marjorie

    I think this eclipse will be huge for me and I’d love to get any insight you would be willing to provide.
    In my tenth house sits mercury in gemini 29 degrees (!!!) conjunct my sun at 2 degrees cancer. This conjunction has a direct opposition to neptune in sagittarius in my 4th house. This creates a grand cross with my jupiter/saturn conjunct in my first house and my moon in pisces conjunct my descendent.
    The eclipse will hit my chart at the exact top…any ideas?
    thank you so much!

    • sc8583

      Wow Marjorie, I read your post after making my own below it! I too have moon at 29 Gemini in the 10th and opposing Sagittarius in the 4th at 24 degrees. I don’t have the full cross you have though. It will be interesting to see if anything plays out. I am already planning for an upcoming year of some major changes so I’m sure this will help usher them in!

  • Maggie

    I was born Oct 25 1983 at 305pm in Fresno,Ca. Scorpio sun and Aquarius rising, Gemini moon at 29 degrees. How will this upcoming eclipse affect me?

  • positivist83

    hi I was born in January 8 1983,in Ağrı(Ararat)/Turkey at 00:05.I have graduated from computer engineering but hate looking for a job,dont have the guts for a career change.would you please tell me what will happen n my life?i have a crush who is gemini.i want to be with him,we look like a good match but we have to work on it a bit.

  • OK

    God Bless for your article!
    I really love to read these articles! This is such a special time being Winter Solstice as well.
    How would this affect me personally, my birth is 03-31-1979, born 7:02 am , in Gadsden Alabama.
    I know right now that Saturn has been sitting on top of Pluto, which has been pulling up deep things!
    Wishing you a Happy Solstice! In Ligth

  • Ghinibaby

    I don’t know if u receive my first post but I was born at 3:57pm on 12/6/1974 in the bronx ny the upcoming lunar eclipse will transit my first house and the cusp of the second natally and the twelfth house in my progressed chart also natally it opposes my Venus trines my Uranus and square my moon and opposes mars in my progressed chart I just wanted your feedback on this as we approach the new year

    • Ruby

      Ghinibaby, It is very interesting that the eclipse will transit your progressed 12th house and 1st and 2nd natal house. Something that was hidden canl now be expressed. It will affect how you present yourself to the world and your values around that. There will be some emotion around it (moon) and some anger (progressed Mars).

  • tasha

    Just a repost, not sure if my comment got lost. 🙂
    Hi! My birthday is 6/27/88 12:15 pm San Antonio, tx and I would like to know how this will affect me. It hits every last one of my angles. I have sag moon, Saturn and Uranus as well as the ruler of my chart in mercury and Venus, mercury, and mc in Gemini with the fourth house loaded with my sag planets. Thank you!

  • BJ

    Thank you Astroherb;

    I read your response. OH BEAUTIFUL, MORE RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS – as if I haven’t had enough of THAT these past 7 years especially in the last 2.

    Thank you again. I know your time is valuable but if you get one teensy minute to elaborate on that birthdate I provided; just a simple yes or no will suffice… “keep your friends close but your enemies closer”…

    Very Fondly Yours, BF

  • Ghinibaby

    Also not to jump ahead of myself I was reading you article on solar eclipse and it falls in my eight house natally and in my seventh house progressed and oppose my natal Saturn and square Pluto and conjunct my progressed sun, moon and trine jupiter and oppose my ascendant thanks astroherb it appreciated more than you know I’m trying to get a understanding of myself for the new year

    • Ruby

      Ghinibaby, read my previous answer. Something is also going on with a relationship and that person’s money. Opposition to Saturn and square Pluto brings in hard lessons and power issues somewhere. Conjunct the progressed sun and moon has a lot to do with how you have changed and will change ego wise and as far as emotions.

  • desireenyc

    I would appreciate you’re advice on how this eclipse will influence me..I was born 29 may 1976, 2am, bar, montenegro. thank you in advance

    • Ruby

      Desireenyc, the Sun fell in your 10th house at the eclipse, which lit up your 10th house of career and your 4th house of home and foundations. What is interesting is that the planets prior to the eclipse were highlighting your Neptune in the 9th house, which opposes your Venus, Sun and Moon in Gemini in your 3rd house. It seems that something would have been triggered regarding communication and perhaps religion or spirituality in some way. It could also have had an effect on your career as the eclipse highlighted the 10th house. The Capricorn solar eclipse will not directly aspect your planets.

  • MaggieLondon

    thanks. i recently asked for a raise but haven’t gotten word back yet. I’m not in a romantic relationship at the moment so could you mean any type of relationship?

    • Ruby

      Maggie, thanks for your feedback. Yes planets or aspects to the 7th house are about any kind of close relationship, that is very good friends, counselors, advisors, etc.

  • Eve

    b 2/28/1950, 11:26 a.m., Baton Rouge, LA., 13 deg. Gem. asc.

    Would like your expertise in what it means to have the eclipse conjunct the natal uranus in the 1st house.


    • Ruby

      Eve, the eclipse conjunct Uranus in 1st could bring about a sudden change in how you present yourself. There could be an outside event that turns your world a little askew and you are forced to re-evaluate your ego self. The solar eclipse will square your South Node, Mars and Neptune in the 5th and oppose your North Node in Aries in 9th (wide orbs but planets will be transiting those points before the eclipse also). Some creative talent that you have from the past can be used in a group setting or it will somehow fulfill many of your hopes and wishes. It could also be linked to metaphysical or spiritual matters.

  • positivist83

    I guess my messages lost like BJ.I liked your site so much and I think you can let me know how this eclipses will erffect me.My birthdate is 8 january 1983 birth time: 12:05 am(00:05).I’m in a career path that i don’t want to continue.I have family problems.And I really like someone who is Gemini but he is in another country and from another nationality.and we have such a good time.
    I believe you and wondering about my life 😉

    • Ruby

      Positivist83, the lunar eclipse fell in your 3rd house conjunct Neptune and the South Node. I believe there might be someone around you who is not communicating in the most straightforward way. There is a need to view the situation more realistically. The solar eclipse falls on your Sun in the 4th house of family. I believe that this will allow you to move forward with our family issues. Also, remember that when a planet conjuncts a planet in the 4th house it also affects the 10th house of career so it will start a time when you should start the process of changing your career. You need a career in which you can be much more nurturing. That would fulfill the promise of both your Cancer 10th house and your North Node in Cancer.

  • positivist83

    And I was born in Ağrı/Turkey.

  • LeilaJo

    Thank you for your insightful article about this Solstice’s Lunar Eclipse. I’m watching it closely as it conjuncts my natal sun & venus in my 7th house. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how this eclipse period may effect me, particularly with regards to fertility.
    My birth details are 06/19/72, 5:42PM, Cape Town, South Africa.

    Thank you!

    • Ruby

      LeilaJo, My chart showed Sun and Venus in the 6th house, not 7th, so I may be using a different house system than the one you used. In any case the Sun is right on the cusp of the 7th so ties the 6th and 7th together. It seems that the eclipse may bring a focus on your work habits, daily routine etc. Also, you may have interesting things from the past come up. The actual eclipse may have been an emotional time in your relationship, but all in all your Sun/Venus opposing Jupiter in the 1st have a good feel to them. The eclipse may bring more intensity in some way.

      The Capricorn eclipse aspects your Uranus in Libra in 10th opposing Chiron in 4th and square Mercury in the 7th. It could bring about changes within the career area (or your dealings with the public), your home life and your communications within your close relationships. With Uranus in the picture the changes could be quite sudden. Are you thinking about quitting a job or career to stay home? I don’t do medical astrology and have not really studied fertility as it relates to astrology. so am unable to comment on fertility. In a general way, I would say that a really good time to possibly become pregnant would be when the Sun is in Taurus in your 5th house.

      • LeilaJo

        Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to look up my chart and both lunar and solar eclipses. I have just given up a part-time job to concentrate on my work as a tarot reader out of my home – so your comments on the Capricorn eclipse hit home.

        Thank you again for your generosity of spirit and attention. Wishing you a blessed holiday season.

  • toona03

    I like everyone else am curious about this eclipse. It will be passing over my natal venus (28 gemini) in the 7th house. My natal venus has been getting hit pretty hard this year with all kinds of nonsense, including a grand square impacting natal venus on my solar return. The result as far as my relationships are concerned has been detachment. I had four years or so of terrible disappointments in relationships of all kinds (professional, friends, romantic) and this past year things have improved dramatically but almost everyone I meet is fleeting. My attitude has been that I don’t really take people seriously anymore and therefore prevent myself from feeling disappointment if they change their mind or something has come up. Two major relationships in my life ended this year as well. I feel like I needed relief from other people for a while and that most of these changes have been constructive and I’ve broken a lot of bad habits in concern to self projection, etc. However, I’m like… dying to have a normal life again and not feel all disassociated from the world LOL. Is there hope?

    I just wonder if the eclipse will further emphasize things I am already processing or if it will bring a change of pace.

    • Ruby

      Toona03, If anything the eclipse going over your natal Venus in the 7th should cause you to have a more emotional response to close relationships. Remember also, that as the eclipse passes over your 7th house it is also opposing your 1st house of self. It definitely will spark a dialogue within yourself as to how Self interacts with others. How much emotion do I give? Am I giving too much of myself away in a relationship? etc. Once you feel comfortable with the answers to those types of questions, you will be ready to enter into a good, healing relationship. The lunar eclipse may also be prompting you to give up the last vestiges of hurt from the previous relationships.

  • Fred

    Thank you so much for your analysis on the site. It’s very interesting. I was born 8/1/69 at 9:35AM New York, NY and was interested to know what I should be focusing on during this eclipse.

    • Ruby

      Fred, I would think that the most of the action in your chart would have shown up just before the eclipse around the middle of December when the Sun was square your natal Pluto/South Node and natal Moon/North Node. That time could have been rather hard for relationships. With Pluto in the 1st and your Moon in the 7th, you may swing between being the tough guy (Pluto in 1st) and being totally immersed in the other person in your relationship (Moon in Pisces in 7th). Also, with the Pluto conjunct the South Node there are habit patterns in the way you present yourself that are not always for your highest good. It is good for you to try to use the energy of the Piscean North Node more. That would be to show your softer side in close relationships. The eclipse itself was conjunct your natal Venus in the 10th. Nice energy for career, but tempered by what I said above since Venus, Pluto/S Node and Moon/N Node form a T-square.

  • toona03

    i forgot to give you my birth info! 5/19/86 8.32pm

  • Gail

    My birthday is 12/21/48 1:00PM Lewiston, ME. The Lunar Eclipse is conjunct Uranus in my 2nd house and opposing the Sun in my 8th house. Please advise. Not sure if I should stay home or go out and challenge the world.
    Thank you.

    • Ruby

      Gail, the eclipse could be interesting with the Moons conjunction to unpredictable Uranus. Of course with your Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in a rolling stellium the action will continue as the Sun moves into Capricorn. With transiting Pluto also sitting in your 8th house there could be some sort of power play regarding money (or values). If you are waiting on an insurance settlement, financing, or any money coming from others, you could see significant action in the coming days (or months).

  • MorganaD

    Okay, so I would love to know how this lunar eclipse will be affecting me!

    8:25 am est
    Glen Cove, NY

    Thank you so much!

    • Ruby

      MorganaD, The lunar eclipse fell in your 4th house of home opposite your 10th house of career and public standing right on your Uranus and Venus in Sag. in the 10th. There could have been some sudden changes at work, though I feel that, if so, you will come out just fine with them. Your natal Venus should temper the wild, unpredicability of Uranus somewhat. The Capricorn eclipse activates your North Node/Mars/Moon in Aries in the first house and also your South Node in Libra in the 7th by opposition. That aspect shows the need to be more aggressive in how you present yourself to others. Sometimes you are just too nice for your own good (S Node in Libra). I believe the solar eclipse could bring about long range improvements in your career if you “put yourself out there” and use the Arian energy to push your own agenda.

  • sarahkian

    Hi, oops 05:30am!

  • Alice C

    Thank you for your very helpful advice.

    The Capricorn solar eclipse at 13.39 is conjunct my 8th House cusp at 15.30.

    I am halfway through a book I have very great hopes for. I put a great deal of my life into it and I believe it will help many people, children and animals.

    As the last decan of Gemini can confer literary success late in life and I just started writing the book a couple of weeks ago, I am hopeful that with this eclipse, my lifelong dream will come true.

    When I get some cash, I will be back for some advice, but then I will be able to pay!

    • Ruby

      Alice C, I think that the eclipse by activating your 8th house/2nd house axis will bring in an excellent time to find someone who can help finance your book or to find a good agent, etc. Though you are only half way through writing, it is never too early to try to find such people. Also, remember that the energy of the eclipse will be activated throughout the year when ever 13 degrees of the cardinal signs are in focus. That would be 13 degrees Aries, Cancer and Libra as well as 13 degrees of Capricorn. Good luck with the book.

  • Jenss55

    Greetings, I have been trying to find someone who can give me a bit of insight into my life as I feel very caught in the middle of a few different things. My birthday is December 21st, 1981 (8:00AM, Frankfurt, Germany) and I know this year we will have a total lunar eclipse on my birthday. I’m quite nervous about it, not sure what to think about it, and curious to see how it might affect me. Needless to say, not only have I been doing some major soul searching lately…interactions with people close to me have already been insane! Any help, advice etc would be so greatly appreciated. I’m in need of some guidance!

    • Ruby


      The focus of the lunar and solar eclipses fall in your 1st house of personality, self, and how you project yourself to the world. With Pluto part of the transiting planets, all of those areas are being transformed. Right now, Pluto is very tightly conjunct your natal Mercury. You are learning to stand up for yourself in communications to others. Also, I feel that there is a more mystical part of yourself that is wanting to be expressed (lunar eclipse on Sun/Neptune). You are building up to your first Saturn return (exact in Oct. 2011), which will happen in your 9th house of philosophy, higher education, religion, metaphysics, etc. What ideas and convictions along those lines do you need to build a foundation under? There is some indication that you could be building toward a new career in one of the higher mind areas. This is not an immediate thing, but something that is slowly building. In any case, the Saturn return asks you to express your convictions (about everything) in a mature, reasoned way.

  • anna76

    Hello! What a wonderful rundown of this upcoming Gemini full moon eclipse. Thank you!

    For me, it’s been a tough and spiritually transforming time in the 6 months since the June solstice, having lost my little sister in a car accident just after the eclipse in July.

    I’m hoping this full moon will be helpful in bringing some joy and peace…. And I’m hoping any changes will be a little less heartbreaking this time round.

    I was born 20 May 1976, 23.03 in Brisbane, Aus.

    Thanks Astroherb 😉

    • Ruby

      Anna76, I am so sorry about the loss of your sister last summer. I see from transiting Jupiter conjunct Uranus in your 2nd house of values that your value system is still changing. A more oneness-oriented way of looking at the world is being implemented. Also, transiting Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius are conjunct your natal Moon in the 1st house of self. I believe an opportunity is coming to use what you have learned through your emotionally difficult time to help others in some way as you continue to heal yourself. The Capricorn solar eclipse will square transiting Saturn in Libra in your 8th house. This could be an emotional time for you. However, the blessing is that once the planets transiting Capricorn go past the 16 degree mark, you can let many of your burdens go. You should feel a little lighter after that time. When transiting Saturn reaches 20 degrees Libra next October, it will enter your philosophical 9th house. That will be a time of immersing yourself in some kind of higher thought, which can be extremely mind and soul opening.

  • Brujo

    Hi.. Very interesting article thank you.
    I have just learnt that my natal Moon in 8th house (27 Sag) conjuncts the Galactic center and my natal Mars in 2nd house opposites hole (27 Gem) 🙂
    I wonder how hard this eclipse would be…
    at the same time Uranus make square this opposition …

    • Brujo

      If hopefully I have any information my birthday is 5 Aug 1979 at 12:30 am Athens Greece..
      Thank you.

      • Ruby

        Brujo, the lunar eclipse highlighting your 2nd/8th house axes is about letting go of old, outworn ideas about money and values. With the moon in the 8th you may have an emotional attachment to the idea of other’s money; how they earn it, how much they have, etc. in relation to you. It is time to use your gift of Mars in Gemini in the 2nd with regard to how you earn your money or to how you feel your own value. You could be an excellent, bold spokesman for any cause that you hold dear (Mars in Gemini in 2nd). The Capricorn eclipse squares your natal Libra Pluto in the 6th. This signals a transformation in your work and service area. That is, the actual nitty, gritty of how you perform your everyday work duties. Are those duties giving you a sense of service to others? If not, how can they be transformed?

      • Brujo

        Thank you very much astroherb I really apreciate
        your answer.It is very helpful 🙂

        You are absolutely right about the trasformation it has to be done..
        This is exactly my main theme at this period.

        I wish you a very happy new year full of love and creation.

      • Ruby

        Brujo, thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

  • neptunerizing

    So glad to find this site. Have been learning astrology only recently. I’d say I’m an advanced beginner. Would appreciate any insights on the eclipse tomorrow exactly on my progressed Virgo Moon in the 3rd House, at 29 degrees Sag. (Birth data (in case you need it): Nov. 7, 1947, Colfax, Wash., 3:17 am.) Many thanks in advance.

    • Ruby

      Neptunerizing, To understand the lunar eclipse on your natal progressed moon Virgo Moon in the 3rd house, first remember that progressions point to timing issues and also to inner changes. It is interesting that progressed Mars is almost exactly conjunct your natal Moon in the 12th house. The eclipse brings about a theme of freeing your emotions through higher mind endeavors and through speaking your truth (prog Moon in Sag.) Your natal moon in Virgo in the 12th house has never felt comfortable with expressing freely. Now with progressed Mars (action) on your natal moon and the eclipse on your progressed moon. it is time to change that feeling of your emotions being “held back.” With so many Scorpio planets you really need to let your emotions out more. The eclipse should be a freeing time for you.

      Also note that your progressed Moon is in the Balsamic phase. You are finishing something up, and getting ready for a whole new phase in your life within the next two years.

  • caprigirl82

    hi! happy holidays!
    can you tell me how this eclipse will affect me?! i have a new love relationship forming in my life with someone i really like (we are now dating for about 3 months), and im also considering a new job hunt.

    i was born jan. 15, 1982 in miami, fl at 9:28am


    • Ruby

      Caprigirl82, the lunar eclipse fell on your 10th house Neptune. That could signal the need to let go of idealistic notions about making your current work environment meet your needs. There could be something going on in your career that is somewhat confusing or deceptive in some way. However, as the planets move into the Capricorn solar eclipse, they will fall in your 11th house of hopes and wishes and group endeavors. That might be a good time to job hunt, especially with an organization who has a corporate culture more in tune with your ideals. At your birthday, the Capricorn transiting planets will also be opposing your North Node in Cancer in the 5th house of love. You may see your relationship go to a deeper level at that time.

  • EastWest

    Dear Universe,

    I was born on 19th December 1983 in Brunei at 11.04 am. My life is in a mess and I’m having a very bad financial problem. I’m hoping for a miracle this week. Can you please tell me how this eclipse is going to affect me? Thanks in advance.

    • Ruby

      East West, Your chart shows that there could have been some sudden changes in your career area in the first part of December in particular. At the lunar eclipse and afterward through the solar eclipse, your chart shows an emphasis on tuning into our intuition and your religious ideals to ground yourself in order to move forward. In addition, transiting Pluto falling in your house of friends and hopes and wishes calls for a need to transform your hopes and wishes. What is REALLY important at this time? How can our friends help you through this problem?

      The Capricorn eclipse will highlight your 8th house of transformation and other people’s money through a square to natal Mars and transiting Saturn in Libra. There may be someone out there who can help you transform this situation into something better. However, with Saturn in the picture, it will take effort. Saturn rewards those who do the work, but only brings miracles through hard work.

  • pattipatricia

    this lunar eclipse is going to conjunct my Descendant (my descendant is at 28.31 degrees Gemini). I cannot find any information about a lunar eclipse conjunct the Descendant. My planets and points are as follows:
    Sun Sagittarius 18.48 in the 12th house, ASC 28.31 Sagittarius, Mars Sagittarius 14.15 technically in the 11th but 1 degree away from the 12th, Neptune Sagittarius 13.53 technically in the 11th but 2 degrees away from the 12th, Moon Leo 3.49 in the 7th house, Mercury 6.20 in the 1st house, Venus Aquarius 1.24 in the 1st house, Jupiter Taurus 23.16 in the 4th house, Saturn Leo 16.43 Leo in the 7th, MC Scorpio 15.54, Pluto Libra 13.48 in the 8th. I can privately email you my birth info if you still need it.

    How will this total lunar eclipse affect me?
    I know it’s going to affect relationships, but how? I am “seeing” someone I really like right now, but not exclusively. Our synastry is very good.
    Also, I have a lawyer because of my separation with my spouse a year ago, is this lunar eclipse going to affect me negatively or positively in terms of legal issues? My lawyer wants to sue my ex again, but I am done with pursuing him in court. Am I likely to get my way in terms of legal issues?

    • Ruby

      Pattipatricia, though I didn’t have time to put all of the natal planets in place as you set forth above, it is clear that the lunar eclipse focuses on your sense of self versus relationships. The lunar eclipse had a focus on letting go of no longer needed, things, people and places. Make sure that you have no emotional, or other ties, to the ex in order to let this new relationship blossom. Your Pluto in Libra in the 8th shows a tendency to go back and forth between “was the settlement fair” to wanting to just let it go. Your instincts regarding not pursuing the legal issues may be the correct course. Just be sure to spend some time soul searching re: “five years from now will I feel okay with this decision?”

      A natal Sun in the 12th has a hard time shining as it should. Because your natal Mars and Sun (that link the 11th and 12th houses in Sag) have just been highlighted by several transiting planets, it is time to no longer hide yourself and your talents but to begin to shine as you were meant to. This is confirmed by the eclipse Sun falling in your 1st house. Sagittarius is an ebullient, joyful, expansive sign. It is time once again to bring those wonderful qualities forth for all to see.

  • gustosocial

    This article was amazing. I appreciate what you do and how you take the time to answer as many questions as possible. I truly think that this helps people recieve the guidance they seek. I know it has solidified the feelings that I have been struggling with inside myself. Thank you for all you do.

    • Ruby

      Gustosocial, thank you for your kind words. I am glad that it has helped you. It is quite hard to offer meaningful guidance in such a short space, but I do hope it helps. That is my intent.

  • pattipatricia

    whoops! I forgot to put my Uranus Water singleton in my last comment, go figure, lol. Uranus is at 9.54 Scorpio.

  • fearless

    Hello Astroherb,
    Illuminating site! Fantastic work! I was wondering if you could help me understand the effects of this solstice with moon in 29 degrees Gemini; my sun is in 29 degrees Gemini in the second house…I assume transiting moon would conjuct my sun in early second house. What is the impact???

    Thanks for reading and hopefully for replying,

  • diazv

    Hi, my name is Veronica I was born on the Gemini/Cancer cusp or so ive been told. I was born on 6/22/70 at 2:19 am and my husband was born on 7/31/68 at 10:37am. I love my husband but we had a few struggles in our relationship. I have been seeing someone born on 8/2/1972 at 8:43am who is also in a relationship. I want to be happy in my marriage but not sure if it will last. Your input is highly appreciated! Thank you!

    • Ruby

      Veronica, because you did not give a place of birth for either you or your husband, I won’t be able to really see what is going on between the two of you. However, I did note that the lunar eclipse is on your Sun and inconjunct Neptune in Scorpio. Neptune often points to confusion and delusion and illusion. The lunar eclipse could bring everything out into the open and be very painful for you. I would suggest that it is time to work with your husband to see if anything can be salvaged in your marriage. The eclipse also squared your Pluto and Uranus in Virgo. Please be careful as things could become very volatile.

  • kmaripo

    Greetings Astroherb! What an amazing and wonderful thing you’re doing here – such generosity and grace. Thank you for giving so much of your time to these good people who have questions about this wave we’re all riding!

    Of course, I’m looking for insights too! In particular, as we move further into this next cycle, I feel strong callings in several directions, which sometimes feel at cross purposes with each other – at least when viewed from our consensual reality perspective! So, is it to simplify the material world to the extreme and devote myself fully to the spiritual life, or is it to work toward manifesting the most fulfilling material life I can envision? I realize that they are not mutually exclusive goals, but would really appreciate any insights you might have about a focus on direction….anything that pops out about romance and work could also be very helpful. My birth stats are 9/8/1954, 4:53AM, Greenbrae, CA…Virgo sun/Leo rising/Cap. moon.

    Thank you so much for your time, and many blessings for the Solstice!

    • Ruby

      Kmaripo, it is hard in such a short reading to determine such important decisions. However, your stellium in Capricorn in the 5th house points to a mission of grounded creativity and individualism. I think you have a lot to give to the world along those lines. Also note that your North Node is in Capricorn as part of that stellium. Your purpose in life is to bring a businesslike, grounded approach to the world in a creative way. The transiting Capricorn planets and the lunar and solar eclipses are both highlighting this area of your chart. It feels like you would be very effective and useful in a group setting of some kind as long as you did not fall into the habit pattern of over-nurturing others to the detriment of yourself. This seems a little unclear as I read it, but hopeful you can gain some insight from it.

  • Pisces Peach


    I was born in Ohio on June 7, 2010 at 1:27 AM. Can you please tell me what this eclipse will affect for me? I feel it is significant. Additionally, I’m married to a Gemini Sun, and there is a person who has recently come into the picture who is a Sagittarius Sun and is related to my career in a helpful way (thus far). I’m feeling there is something kind of profound coming with regard to this eclipse but I can’t figure out the aspects. Thanks in advance for any help.

    • Ruby

      Pisces Peach, the lunar eclipse and the transit of the planets through and solar eclipse are all very important to you. The lunar eclipse falls on your Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in the 1st house of self, squares Pluto in your 10th house of career, and opposes Saturn in Virgo in your 7th house of relationships. You need to be careful under this energy to not push your personal agenda too hastily and strongly (Jupiter/Uranus conjunct) as it could have a detrimental effect on your close relationships and could lead to power struggles in the work place. Handled very carefully, the eclipse energy could let you accomplish a lot as you are literally on fire with ideas and enthusiasm.

      The Capricorn eclipse brings in a time when you can actually make great strides in fulfilling your destiny as your Aries Moon, Capricorn North Node and Cancer South Node are all activated at that time. It could definitely be a great time to assume a leadership role at work so long as you temper the energy as set forth above.

      • Pisces Peach

        Astroherb thank you vey much for answering. I know you are swamped. As I read it over and over I was trying to understand why you said “Saturn in Virgo” and Aries Moon…then I realized that I listed my birth date as 2010–it was 1973! I know I’ll have to wait my turn for any revisions but if you can’t get to it, I appreciate your energy on the first effort, and please pardon my mistake as I know it wasted quite a bit of your time.

  • gabnyc14

    I am looking into what this lunar eclipse will bring. I was born on November 14th, 1985 in montecastrilli, Italy. I really can’t understand how to look at my natal chart. I would really appreciate some help understanding what this will bring.
    Thank you!

    • gabnyc14

      Ops, also i was born at 9.30 PM! Thank you! i’d be really glad to know!

    • Ruby

      Gabnyc14, the lunar eclipse fell in your 5th house of creativity, children and individuation and the 11th house of hopes and wishes, friends and groups. The eclipse Sun was conjunct your Moon and Neptune. This signifies the need to honor your creativity and to bring it to a new level. All in all neither the lunar eclipse nor the solar eclipse will have a significant impact on your chart.

  • wanderingk

    My ex-boyfriend and I broke up around lunar eclipse August 2007. We are about to speak/meet for the first time since then, and it occurs to me that tonight is a lunar eclipse again!! What’s more, I’m a Gemini, he’s a Sagittarius.

    This is my info:
    Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius • Ascendant in Pisces, Neptune in the Ninth House • Sun in the Fourth House • Venus in the Fourth House • Saturn in the Fourth House • Moon in the Twelfth House

    This is his info:
    Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Capricorn • Ascendant in Aquarius, Uranus in the Eighth House • Saturn in the Fifth House • Sun in the Tenth House • Moon in the Tenth House • Venus in the Tenth House

    Interesting or what??? I’m wondering what this will all mean? He is about to marry and I’m still single. I believe I’m over him, but it does feel like this will be an important meeting for some reason. What are your thoughts?

    • Ruby

      Wanderingk, I’m sorry I couldn’t get back to your sooner, and I assume your meeting has already taken place. It would be too time consuming to try to chart out the interactions between you and your former boyfriend. However, it is especially interesting that this meeting is taking place around the lunar eclipse, which most likely is affecting both of your charts. Since the eclipse is about letting go of things that are no longer needed, it seems that this meeting will help you both find closure so you each can move on with new loves.

  • lilmissb

    Hello AstroHerb,
    I was born on October 14,1982 Pristina, Kosovo 10:30am wanted to know how will i be affected in the lunar and solar eclipse…had a unbalanced year as far as career. love? health?
    Thank you so much and Happy Holidays

    • Ruby

      Lilmissb, transiting Saturn has been going over your 10th house Libra planets, which will all be squared in the Capricorn solar eclipse. You can turn your career around but it will take work and effort. That eclipse will fall in your 2nd house of money and values, which further confirms the fact that it is time to put renewed focus on career and money matters. Approach your career in a businesslike, focused, hard working way and you can be successful. Neither eclipse is making significant aspects to the areas of romance or health. However, because transiting Pluto will be in your 1st house of self for quite some time, you do need to be extra careful of stress related illness. Give yourself a little extra nurturing to keep stress at bay.

  • polyven

    This eclipse is REALLY affecting me; it’s falling on my Venus conj ASC, opp DESC!! Birth info: July 28, 1932, South Weymouth, MA, USA. Working hard to stay well because of fears aroused by possible impending CA quakes and maybe losing many family & friends (from January 4th eclipse). Any suggestions?

    • Ruby

      Polyven, in Western astrology the lunar eclipse fell in your 12th house/6th house axis, which would bring about extra fears as you mentioned. However, it did not contact any planets in your chart in a negative way. Eclipses can affect quakes and water levels just because there is so much energy tied up with them and because the moon is strong, but it is not a promised outcome.

      The Capricorn solar eclipse will fall in your 1st/7th house axis and will square your Libra stellium in the 9th house and your Chiron in the 4th house. The Capricorn eclipse could bring in a period where you can share your hard-earned life knowledge with others. With the Chiron opposition to your Libra planets, I feel that you might waver between wishing to share and feeling that it is too private or inconsequential to be of value. Also, I would point out that much of any angst you are feeling is not because of the eclipses, but because of transiting Pluto right on your ascendant. The easiest way to deal with that aspect is to be open to transforming yourself, who you project yourself to be, and let yourself flow with the energy. The Capricorn transits are calling for a more pragmatic attitude from you. Since transiting Pluto is also square natal Pluto this is especially important for you. Use your wonderful Libran sense of flow and balance to help you negotiate the sometimes dark waters of a Pluto transit.

  • polyven

    … and I, too, appreciate what you’re doing to help us get through this “rough one”. In Vedic astrology, this is falling on my Moon, and it’s also considered to be a more powerful event than the event of the 2012 December Solstice!! If the CA quakes DO materialize, I’ll be convinced of that! Please do have a most wonderful holiday season, with loved ones or friends!

  • Bridget

    I’ve gotten hammered by all of this year’s eclipses (especially by breaking up relationships) and am wondering how this one will affect me, since it’s on the cusp of my 7th house.

    My birthday is 10/16/72. My ascendant is 5 degrees Capricorn and I have Jupiter at 2 degrees Capricorn.

    Is their any hope for relationship this year!?


    • Ruby

      Bridget, the lunar eclipse of June 2010 fell almost exactly on your 1st/7th cusps and was part of the cardinal cross that was so strong at that time. Neither the current solar or lunar eclipse has such an impact on you. However, transiting Pluto on our Capricorn ascendant will have an effect on your self presentation and (by opposition) your relationships for quite some time. That planets that are now transiting through Capricorn will also square your natal Libra planets in the 9th house. This would be a good time to immerse yourself in some type of higher mind endeavor such as metaphysics, spiritual matters, religion, college, etc. The things you learn will help you make sense of the Pluto energy. Remember that as you transform yourself image (Pluto on ascendant), that transformation will affect how you view your relationships. This can be a good thing. Be especially aware of over “mothering” those with whom you are in relationship with.

  • Bridget

    Hi this is Bridget again from post above. My birthday is 10/16/72 at 1:04 pm in Chicago. Thought that would be more helpful:-)

    Thanks very much!

  • darjeelingtee

    As usual an excellent article. I am not especially familiar with the themes of eclipses as I have paid little attention to them in the past. The upcoming event is widely conjunct an out of orb moon-neptune conjunction in my first so I have been pondering the effects this might have on my emotions/relationships etc (Moon-1st-7th house axis). My details are 21st July 1983 17:20 Aldershot, UK. Regards, Darjeelingtee

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