Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Virgo

Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010

The full moon lunar eclipse of December 21, 2010 highlights the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity, which brings in the themes of communication, education, higher thought, intelligence and the more negative energies of fanaticism, arrogance, overindulgence, rationalization, duplicity and amorality.

Because the Moon and the Sun are both at the all-important 29 degrees of their respective signs (Moon 29Gemini20 and Sun 29Sagittarius20) an urgent message of change is part of the mix. Any planet or light at 29 degrees of a sign brings endings and change. Something has matured and is no longer needed. It is time to transform something or to end it and to build something new. However, it is wise to be aware that a planet at 29 degrees can cause a person to waiver, to go back and forth and to evaluate and re-evaluate endlessly, until finally, exhausted with the decision making process, that person may just make a rash and hasty decision to change things without using rational thought.

Then too, all eclipses bring in a time of change, a time to correct our course and move forward in a new or altered way toward our goals. This lunar eclipse asks us to take a long, hard look at the issues in our life that are holding us back or that are keeping us from fulfilling our destiny and to make decisions about a more positive, life-affirming way of meeting those challenges.

This particular lunar eclipse becomes even more powerful because of its location near the galactic center at 26 degrees Sagittarius. (See my previous article on Pluto when it was located at the Galactic center before entering Capricorn.) The lunar eclipse location near the powerful Galactic center magnifies and adds power and focus to the energies already being manifested.

It is also noteworthy that the eclipse opposition of the Moon and Sun are square the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. Because Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, the sign that holds the Sun during this eclipse, the themes of compassion (Pisces) and truth (Jupiter) are very much in focus. Uranus brings unexpected change like a lightning bolt and new ways of thinking and acting.

In short, this lunar eclipse brings an unprecedented opportunity to bring about a new way of being with regard to others with whom we share Mother Earth. We are called to act in a higher, more authentic way (Jupiter) and to keep our mind on the oneness of all beings (Pisces). Indeed, in light of the world situation at this time, this lunar eclipse presents an opportune time for each of us to focus on this spirit of oneness with all others.

Many blessings to each of you who read this and take up the challenge of this eclipse—to give away those things that are no longer needed or helpful, and to bring to the world a spirit of loving, truthful compassion for all beings.


465 comments to Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010

  • Arian

    This lunar eclipse will happen at my second house. I have taurus and gemini at my 2nd house. The interesting thing is that my transit moon will conjunct exactly my progressed venus, which is natally at my 2nd house and venus rules my second house (taurus) and my seven house (libra). My natal moon is at my 10 house. So, I suppose that I will have some changes at my love life and financial matters. I pay attention at eclipses that “hit” exactly my natal planets or my progr. planets. What do you think about this?

    • Ruby

      Arian, I think it is wonderful that you are able to connect your progressed planets to your natal and to the transits. I would say that there is a definite change in your values (2nd house) and what you value that may be reflected in your choice of career or in how you conduct your career. Another question would be “how important is money at this time in your life?” “Are other things more important now, or less important?” You might also tie in the house where your natal Venus is located as it will also have some answers or provoke some questions. Look also at your progressed moon and natal moon. The moon is always what we need to make us happy. What do you now need to make you happy (progressed moon)?

  • VJ

    Hello I am using my friend’s email hope that is Ok. I feel there is much excitement in my life and I can’t explain why. I was born 2am on November 4, 1983 in Madurai, India and I know the eclipse at 29 degrees will be in aspect to my Pluto – is this positive or negative? I much appreciate and wait for your reply. Thank-you.

    • VJ

      Hello Astroherb, I know you are very busy and was just wondering if you have had a chance to look at whether the eclipse will affect me in a positive or negative way. I was born at 2am on November 4, 1983 in Madurai, India. I have had many changes with study and work this year and wonder if you can see more changes or will life settle down for me. Thank you very much.

    • Ruby

      VJ, the eclipse Sun sextiles your Pluto and Moon in your 2nd house. As sextiles normally do not cause actions, I have not been reading them in these quick comments. It would make anything that happens much easier to deal with. The eclipse sun will also conjunct Neptune in your fourth house, then Neptune squares Mars/Venus in your first house. That would inidcate that something in your home has or will become confusing and in some way makes a change in how you are able to express yourself (1st house Mars/Venus). Is someone coming to live with you?

  • Marian

    Hi and thank you for taking your time and reply to me.. i am born on 18th of July 1971 at 12.55 night in west africa .. freetown sierra leone .. my husband is born on 13th June 1972 beirut lebanon .. i have been filling the need to change badly , i closed my facebook and msn accounts decided i want to foucus on career and i started updating my cv and sending it accross .. so i guess this is a positive need for change that am feeling .. i would be very pleased if you can tell me about me and my husband what to expect in 2011 ..

    • Ruby

      Marian, I believe that you are not quite there yet as far as moving. However, as the planets move through the zone of the lunar eclipse and into the solar eclipse and beyond they will be moving into our 10th house of career. This should start to open up some opportunities in the career area, especially if your work involves education or if you have some kind of advanced degree (9th house emphasis). Your husband’s chart shows a really clear emphasis in the 10th house of career brought about by the two eclipses. Between the two of you, you should be able to make something happen if that is what you both want.

  • Marian

    opps sorry my husband is born a 11.30 in the morning i forgot to mention that earlier ..
    Thank you so much in advance very greatful ..

  • aytac

    hi astroherb! thanks for your comments…
    I was born april 19,1984 Eskişehir,Turkey. i am not sure my birth time, but it may be 11:00 am. i have a small company which founded in april 2008 . i have a girl friend who is born december 21th,1983. My financial situation is not good for a year. I want to know how this eclipse will affect me?

    • Ruby

      Aytac, the lunar eclipse should not have much of an impact on your life. However, the solar eclipse in Capricorn will be conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn in your sixth house of work and square Venus in Aries in your 10th house of career. I think this could spark new activity in the company. Remember, squares are challenges, but they also can bring results. It would be good to put extra effort into the company at this time. Also, the recent planetary energy highlighted your 5th house of creativity. How can you do things a little differently to bring about better results? Things should be quite a bit better by the time the Sun goes into Aries in the spring. Good luck.

  • debi

    wow! exactly what i am feeling! thanks for your insight beautiful soul 🙂

  • monie

    Hi, I think I am already feeling the effects of this eclipse and it feels like it’s building more in my career area. I am so very restless, I want to move but career support seems to have begun to waver all over the place. I was born 11 Feb 1952, 05:12 am Cleveland, Oh.

    • Ruby

      Monie, I agree that that you may be feeling something in your career. The Capricorn solar eclipse will fall in your first house near the midpoint of your Chiron/Jupiter conjunction. The eclipse and your natal planets square Mars in your 10th house of career. What this means is that there is an element of luck in the equation as far as finding a new career, etc. It is important to be aware of your presentation to any prospective employer with the emphasis on first house Capricorn. With a Capricorn ascendant you probably already are very aware of that. Also, around the 3rd of February when the Sun goes into your 2nd house and conjuncts your natal Mercury and then Sun you will see some good results from your efforts.

    • monie

      Thank you for taking the time to view my chart astroherb. The astrology learning process is a deep one and not all that easy for me but you bring an insight that makes me want to concentrate more on it. I like how you look at the big picture and I have enjoyed reading all the post here.

      • Ruby

        Monie, thank you so much for your feedback. Yes learning astrology is a long, hard road, but worth every minute of it. Also, the learning never quits, which I actually like.

  • BB

    Hi Astroherb, thank you so much for the great article. It is truly thoughtful and very, very insightful too. Just wondering how this eclipse will affect the angles in my chart as this eclipse will conjunct my IC (Gemini 29). Interstingly, my natal moon is 24:59 Gemini and Jupiter is at 21:17 Gemini all in the 3rd house. My natal Mars sits on the MC at Sagg 28:21. As well, my natal SN and Uranus are at 19 Cancer (4th house) which are in very close proximity too. My Ascendant is Pisces 28:45. I seem to have a lot happening on the axis and would really appreciate your thoughts. Many, many thanks.

    • Ruby

      BB, this eclipse is very important to you. Whenever a transit (an eclipse is an intensified transit) hits your angles it is especially important. The first thing to know is that it impacts all of the major parts of your chart. Self and self presentation (Asc.), foundation and home (4th), relationships (7th even though no planet there) and career and public standing (10th). Note that the transiting planets first went over your Jupiter and Moon in the 3rd house of communication. It makes me wonder if you have some kind of venture related to communication that is about to be noticed, or maybe you, yourself will be presenting your self to be noticed in a more public way. I feel the SN and Uranus will be more impacted by the Capricorn solar eclipse at 13-14 degrees Capricorn, which will also set off the 10th/4th axis. I would love to hear how it plays out.

  • KY


    Your ‘Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010’ article is very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

    I have been feeling very emotional in the last few days and wonder if the upcoming full moon on 21 December 2010 is effecting my mood.

    Alot has been going on in my life in the last ten years and I feel that I am not really getting the support of my loved ones. I have been looking at moving residence lately and what seemed to a potential place to move to may now not work out. Will it be better if I wait after the 21 Dec. Is it wise to postpone any job hunting after this date as well?

    I find Communication in the last week with people that I come into contact usually seems to end in disagreements. Can you see this improving very soon????

    I have recently fallen for a man, can you see any future in our relationship. I know he is attracted to me and he know I to him, but for some reason we are both holding back????

    He is

    Scorpio (sun)
    Pisces (moon)
    Aquarius (rising)
    Scorpio (mercury)
    Scorpio (venus)
    Libra (mars)

    and I am

    Capricorn (sun)
    Cancer (moon)
    Virgo/Libra cusp (rising)
    Capricorn (Mercury)
    Aquarius (Venus)
    Scorpio (Mars)

    Thank you so much


    • Ruby

      Ky, because I don’t have the degrees of any of your planets, I am unable to determine whether either eclipse is affecting you. However, there is a good chance that the Capricorn solar eclipse will affect your cardinal axis of Libra asc., Capricorn IC, Aries 7th house, and Cancer 10th. Both solar and lunar eclipses affect our emotions, though lunar eclipses have a much stronger impact on emotion. I just don’t have the time in this forum to address your relationship with the new man. It is clear though that with your Scorpio Mars making contact with his Venus, Sun and Mercury that the romantic sparks are flying and there is very good sexual chemistry in the relationship. Be aware that his Aquarius rising needs to keep the idea that he is free and independent at all times. A little bit of a dichotomy since his Scorpio planets want a very deep relationship and his Aquarius ascendant feels a little smothered when things become too intense. Enjoy.

      As far as moving, etc., definitely wait until after the solar eclipse as things will seem much clearer then and the energy will be more conducive to moving forward.

  • Mariah

    Dear Astroherb,

    I really appreciate your insights about the coming eclipse on the Winter Solstice next week. I was born Nov.12, 1956 in Palo Alto, CA at 3:37 AM. I think I have Venus on the ascendant, near Jupiter, and am wondering how the eclipse may effect me. So much has been going on, it’s been the most intensely mystical time recently. Any thoughts would help.
    Thank you !

  • Tara

    Hi there, I’m expecting a baby 1/11/11 (a surprise gift after 5 miscarriages and a divorce) and the baby’s father has just gotten fired from his job… the financial situation is truly dire around here. Wondering how to proceed around the eclipse – I’m born May 15, 1972 at 9:52 pm in Red Bank, NJ and baby’s father is Aug 28, 1972 at 12:33 p.m. Portland, OR. Much gratitude for all the excellent information you are sharing!

    • Ruby

      Tara, that must be very hard to be in your situation. With such a blessed event soon to happen and being forced to worry about paying the bills. Both of your charts show that there might be a need in the short term to ask for help from a group and, especially in your chart, ask for help from a church or spiritual group of some kind. The Capricorn eclipse on January 4, does highlight Jupiter in the 2nd in the father’s chart so that is a good thing. He needs to be very enterprising and active, but there could be another job out there for him.

  • BJ

    Just wondered how the eclipse will affect me. I have had a very rough year and definitely need a reprieve. I am entering in to a partnership that I thought was going well and now it appears to be a little shaky and could possibly blow up. Secondly wondered if a guy I was involved with might reappear? Birth-time Feb 22, 1970 6:17 Am Torrington Wyoming/the “guy” April 26, 1963 Aberdeen Scotland time: Unknown!

    • BJ

      a ‘business’ partnership (for clarafication)

    • Ruby

      BJ, I found your comment. Regarding your business partnership, the lunar eclipse squares your natal Pluto in the 7th house (which pertains to both business and personal partnerships). It looks like there is an intense power struggle of some kind going on. Do not become emotional about it but try to bide your time until the eclipse is over and Mercury is several days past going direct (preferable after the Capricorn solar eclipse). At that time you could attempt to reach a resolution with your partner. Though there could always be power issues so make sure they are addressed. It might also be that it is time to let that particular partnership go. Certainly a possibility with the lunar eclipse. I won’t be able to address the relationship question since that would take quite a bit of time. Sorry.

  • Athena

    Hi Astroherb

    I’ve been looking through to see if anyone has a similar chart to mine but I can’t see anything about the eclipse opposite a 28 deg Sag sun. I’m trying to decide if I should look for a new job in the New Year, only the good pay is keeping me in my current job – I do not share the company’s values. I was born 21 December 1966 5.38am london england. Thank you.

    • Ruby

      Athena, I think there is a good chance that you will change jobs. The lunar eclipse sun in your 2nd house is, of course, conjunct your Sun and squares Uranus in your 10th house of career. Uranus can bring about sudden changes, so it wouldn’t hurt to have an alternate job lined up in any case.

  • Beth


    I was interested in getting a solar return reading done. Would you be able to do that and what would be the cost?


    • Ruby

      Beth, I would love to do a solar return reading for you. I do my readings by telephone in the US and online for elsewhere in the world. Solar return readings usually take at least one-half hour. My normal rate is $65 per half hour, but I plan to offer a January special of $45. Payment is by PayPal. Solar return readings are a great birthday present to yourself!

      • Beth

        AstroHerb… that would be wonderful! Plus Mercury Rx will be over by then too. Could definitely benefit from some guidance since so much dramatic change is happening. Thanks!

  • sallyb

    My birthday is on 21st June 1979. I was wondering how this lunar eclipse on December 21st will affect me. There are some potential changes in my career- an event from a previous job have been troubling me for a long time. There is fault on both sides, with me and the employer. I just want to put the whole experience behind me and move on with my life but it seems to keep following me. Also I will be traveling soon and am wondering if there is any danger in doing so as the eclipse is supposed to drastically impact those born on the 21st June.

    • sallyb

      I forgot to mention my birth place and time in my above post- India and 16:00hrs

    • Ruby

      Sallyb, you did not give the city or approximate location iin India where you were born, so I was unable to determine for sure in what area of our life the eclipse would impact you. As far as your question about danger, please see my latest article under “Eclipses.” It has more practical information on eclipses generally.

  • Larna

    Hello Astroherb,
    I was wondering if you could please tell me how this eclipse will affect me?
    I was born in Sydney, Australia on 2 December, 1974 at 11:12am

  • Elif

    I was born on 22 May 1980 in Ankara,Turkey at 01:30 am. I am thinking of making a career move which involves moving to a new country.

    What does this eclipse season tell me about this subject?

    Thank you

    • Ruby

      Elif, The planets on January 1 (transiting Venus conjunct Uranus in the 9th house of long distance travel) indicate the possibility of a career move. However, I don’t think it will happen before February 13, 2011. At that time transiting Mercury, Mars, Sun, Neptune and Chiron are all in your 1st house of self squaring that natal Uranus in the 9th house. This would certainly be an opportune time to make a change if you can swing it. In addition transiting Sun is conjunct your South Node and opposing your North Node. Moving to where you can express in a more individuated way is part of your North Node destiny.

  • Eve

    b.2/28/1950 11:26am, Gem. Asc sign 13 degrees. How will the eclipse effect me? It appears the lunar eclipse will be conj. my natal uranus. Lost my job in June… health … marriage … and financial issues ;( Anything positive on the horizon with this newest eclipse?


    • Ruby

      Eve, The eclipse falling on your Uranus in the first house relates to freedom and expressing your true self even if others do not always approve. Of course, the Sun falls in your 7th house of relationships on Sun and Mercury. If you are in a relationship, it might be time to renegotiate a new way of interacting so you are free to express yourself (within reason of course). Also note the trine of transiting Moon to transiting Chiron/Neptune in your 9th house. It seems like it is also bringing about a time to express yourself through philosophy, religion, spirituality, etc.

  • Maggie

    I’d like to find out how the eclipse coming up on dec 21st will affect me. I’ve never had such strong feelings about an eclipse before so I’m trying to educate myself as much as possible. My stats are 10/25/83 Fresno,ca at 305pm. Scorpio sun at 1 degree, Gemini moon, aquarius rising.

    • Ruby

      Maggie, neither the lunar eclipse nor the solar eclipse fell exactly on your planets. You would have felt the lunar eclipse in your 10th and 4th houses, possibly with some career fluctuations and some changes within the home. The Capricorn eclipse should have little impact on you.

  • Caroline

    hI there, the full moon is coming fast. I have had many changes in the last couple of years, learned much, a transition is definately happening. my bd is 20 06 64 1am born Kings lynne, NOrfolk, Uk lived in north america since 28 04 82 Have been letting go of one long term relationship (and now feel so much relief) over past 6 months….and bang, just met 3 weeks ago a man that has been sweeping me off my feet. I feel excited and even before we met I was really falling in love with my life. It feels like Christmas everyday yet all these eclipses coming up have given me some things to think about… amateur astrologer told me that things are going to change even more in my life and Im thinking wow, what next! Would love to see what you find, thankyou and Happy Holidays

  • Sylvia

    What a great article and site – thanks so much for your comments and fab positive take on things.
    My DOB is 19/6/72 at 8.31pm in Melbourne Australia and I know that this eclipse occurs bang on my natal sun which is conjunct Venus and a whole stellium in the fifth, (square natal pluto and opposing natal Jupiter)
    It feels BIG already! 🙂 I feel a whole lot of tension about everything and feel like lots of things are coming to an end.
    Work, romance and hobby have all stalled it seems. I would appreciate any thoughts you have about how this eclipse might manifest for me. Thanks again.

    • Ruby

      Sylvia, There is quite a lot going on in your chart from the two eclipses. Jupiter in your 11th can pertain in hopes and wishes. With it opposing the Mercury/Sun conjunction, I think the eclipse could set off issues around making hobbies into something more. It certainly has to do with getting pleasure from what you do and creativity, possibly writing or some form of communication. The Capricorn eclipse will oppose your Mercury also in the 5th house. That would have to do with a new start concerning the above matters. Also notice the square of the solar eclipse to Uranus in Libra in the 9th and Chiron in Aries in the third. Could be more communication issues and daring to be “out there” (Uranus) in your ideas and thoughts.

  • shilpa

    Hello, I am capricorn borned on 14th July 2010 birth timing 0435am in India 19:55 north and 73:13 east +05:30. Last June 26th 2010 affected me as predicted by the other astrology but this time I am unsure what is happening for my career and my love relation. I am looking after jobs and went through so many interviews but not yet clicked and current job not paying off returns. Kindly let me know my new job and my love relation affecting this both eclips of 2010-11. shilpa.

    • Ruby

      Shilpa, you mistakenly put down the year 2010 for your year of birth. Send me a new email with the correct information and I will reply as soon as I can.

  • Jane

    Thanks for you write-up astroherb. Can you please tell me how this eclipse will affect me? DOB – 20.6.1963 – 5.30 am Melbourne, Australia. I have many planets in the sign of Gemini including ascendent, moon and sun. My sun opposes the galactic centre.

    • Ruby

      Jane, your Ascendant, Moon, Mercury and Venus are not within orb of the eclipse. Your Sun in the 2nd house is. I would think that your ways of earning money will be stimulated with the eclipse. Do you need to let go of one way to bring something else in? Someone with that much Gemini energy usually has several things going at once anyway. It seems like this should be something that you really love doing (Moon transit). It could in some way be tied to your Saturn in the 9th house. Have you been working hard on publishing a book or other such venture?

  • erika

    great article. i have been getting plagued by this past round of eclipses and while i still have some activity on the upcoming ones (my natal MC at 8 cap and AC/DC of composite of difficult relationship at 4 cap/4canc).

    However this one seems to be the mother load. It is a full south node lunar eclipse and will conjunct my natal saturn at 28°50 Gemini and widely conjunct my SN at 23° Gemini both in the 3rd house.

    I’ve read that the eclipse on the saturn means that it’s time to pay the bill, but then I’ve also read it’s a release. I have had the three most karmic years of my lifetime and am hoping that this eclipse puts some of that to bed. What do you think about the double hit of saturn and SN?

    • Ruby

      Hello Erika, The way I look at it is that because the lunar eclipse is closely followed by the solar eclipse the transiting planets (of which there are several) have hit (or will hit or are hitting) the sensitive points in your chart. So it is definitely a time for you to pay attention to what is happening. A south node eclipse on Saturn says there is something from your past that needs to be released all right. The south node is always about outdated habit patterns that no longer serve us. The north node is what we should be striving toward. Also think about the strong communication theme here. Is there something you need to communicate? etc.

  • Eileen

    Super site!! Thanks for the insite. I was wondering if you could comment on my placement for the eclipse. DOB 12-6-57 9:10AM Plainfield, NJ. At the time of the eclipse I will have Sun in the 12th and the moon in the 6th. Jupiter and Uranus are in my 2nd house. Thank you so much!!

    • Ruby

      Hello Eileen, The Sun transiting your 12th house will go over your natal Mercury in between eclipses. I would interpret that as stimulating you to speak out on issues that you have kept hidden. Mercury in Capricorn in the 12th house has somehow not been able to speak out as freely as possible. Of course the focus of your chart now, and for quite some time, is transiting Pluto and Mars in your first house of Capricorn. Big changes in your personal appearance, personal outlook and your way of dealing with anger and frustration. Pluto is never easy, but the more you roll with the energy the better.

  • Daria

    Hi you are generous and insight full it’s a pleasure to meet an astrologer so clear, I guess I have my financial challenges as most and am tensing centered in love and the energy of gratitude! My birthday is 10/4/56 10:48 am Brooklyn ny , so Saturn in libra has hit hard! I am trying to focus on burning the karma and worrying hard to overcome the lessons! Can you giveme some insight ,I am an artist and have been overrun ny the recent life I built , and have much undirected course as if my ship will sail , I need insight! Pm shantiblessing and love dd

    • Ruby

      Daria, As you know Saturn is transiting your 11th house of hopes and wishes and is conjunct your Libra Sun and Moon. With both lights in the 11th being aspected by Saturn, it is time to put in some hard work to realize your dreams. Saturn is a taskmaster who brings rewards for doing the job well! Also the lunar eclipse and the transiting planets through the solar eclipse (in your 2nd house of money) are aspecting your Mercury in Virgo in the 10th house. It is time to pull out all the stops and get your name out there. Come up with creative ways to advertise, etc. It also seems with the eclipse square to transiting Jupiter/Uranus in your 4th house that an effort into making your home life more stable would also pay off. Good luck.

  • M

    This eclipse is kicking the daylights out of me. My entire life has turned upside down in the areas of travel and romantic relationships. I can respect that it might be an end but everything is being shaken around me. How much longer before and after are you able to feel the effects and when will the answers come as to why abrupt, almost blindly unexpected changes will stop happening and throwing everything in to a tail spin?

    • Ruby

      You didn’t leave a birthdate or place so I can only speculate about what may be going on. Any eclipse only lasts for a little while but the effects can be felt for quite some time, especially when significant planets transit the eclipse point. I suspect that something else is going on in your chart, such as a Pluto or Saturn transit. You might look at your chart to see if either of those transiting planets contact your natal chart planets and angles by square, opposition or conjunction.

  • Rp

    Hello, my birthdate is 1.18.1964; time, 7:42pm in Gary, IN. Pisces moon, Virgo ascendant. I’ve been getting inner messages revolving around emptying, clearing and centering self so that Inner Guidance can better move more freely within so that my goals of devoting myself in full to my calling, deepening my relationship with my beloved and expanding my family can come to fruition. I wish to align myself with the energies of the Universe, such that I follow in tandem/collaboration to realize my goals. Is there anything about this upcoming eclipse that I can look to for assistance, given my goals?

    • Ruby

      Rp, The eclipse is on your 4th (family, physical and physical foundation) and 10th (career and how the public perceives you) axis. It may bring in a period of being more public with the things that are part of your calling. I think it is significant also that transiting Mars is now on your Capricorn South Node. The South Node is old habit patterns that we need to let go of in this life in order to evolve spiritually. The north node in Cancer in your 11th house is what you are working toward in this lifetime. That certainly explains your feeling of the need to let go of something. The north node in Cancer could express as nurturing groups of people in some way and also as nurturing your own hopes and wishes.

  • Pamela

    Hi thanks for the interesting article. This eclipse will conjunct my MC at 29 gemini and moon at 26 gemini. The Jan solar eclipse is conjunct my chiron at 13 capricorn.

    I was born 12/29/52 11:15 pm Southington, Ct.

    • Ruby

      Pamela, the eclipse will highlight your 10th career/public standing and your 4th house of home and foundations. If you are now working outside the home (or wish to do so) this is significant. It indicates a need to bring your working life more in tune with your emotional needs. It is interesting that your natal moon trines Neptune and Saturn in Libra and also Venus and Mars in Aquarius. It feels to me like there is a creative pursuit that would really make you happy. With the solar eclipse highlighting Sun/Chiron in your 4th house and opposing Uranus in the 10th, maybe it is time to see how you can make that work, even if on a small scale. It could involve working at home. Chiron brings some kind of healing energy into the picture.

  • misspiscesmoon


    Thank you for this informative article and thread!

    I was born Sept 23 1980 in Richmond, VA at 5:14 pm. My love was born Nov 2 1975 around 12:30 am in Hollywood, CA. I have a question about the upcoming eclipses as (I believe) we both have Gemini in our 5th houses and (I believe) we have composite 4th house Gemini. We are happy and in love so I hope this eclipse will bring even more intimacy and togetherness. Are you able to provide any information about our placements regarding this eclipse or anything else you see forthcoming astrologically?

    Many thanks and blessings,


    • Ruby

      MissPiscesmoon, Neither you nor your love have planets within orb of the eclipse that I can see. I wasn’t able to address any other feature of your charts because of lack of time.

  • lea

    hello, my name is Lea, birth time is 10-23-74 5:45am Eureka C.A. How do you see the eclipse affecting my chart? I can’t believe your doing this for people what a gift. thank you

    • Ruby

      Lea, neither eclipse affects your chart. However watch for the time around January 15 through the 25th as the Sun will be squaring all of your Libra planets in the 1st and 2nd house. It is a good time to make things happen around your self expression and your earning ability. Squares are challenges, but they can bring benefits if you use them.

  • MaggieLondon

    Hi, Thank you for the article:) Im wondering how the upcoming eclipse will affect me. Born oct 25 1983 in Fresno,CA at 305pm. Scorpio sun in 1 degree, Gemini moon 20 degrees. Aquarius rising 21 degrees.
    thanks so much, I’m new to this site so I apologize if this was posted twice.

  • Gemini601


    Thank you so much for this wonderful article. I’m June 1st born Gemini, i’m sure this eclipse will definitely affect my life. I was waiting for the result of an application and I was informed that on December 21st I will be informed about the decision through a discussion. It was a life changing decision for me and its exactly this eclipse time. If negative I will almost lost my hopes in life, it was great if positive. Now I assume it’s gonna be negative 🙁 Is it right? It says I can change the discussion time for others days…so maybe it will help? So much thanks if I get a reply 🙂

    • Ruby

      Gemini601, You did not leave complete birth information so I was unable to look at your chart. Do not assume it will be negative. You may have to give something else up to get it, but that could be positive. Also, remember that Mercury is retrograde so make sure that the conversation is clear on both sides. You might want to rephrase any important points, such as “what I heard you say is ……” and then restate your understanding. Otherwise misunderstandings could mar an otherwise great opportunity.

  • Alice C

    The lunar eclipse is almost exactly conjunct my Ascendant at 29.23 Gem. (My South Node is at 25 Gem.)

    I have been going through a particularly horrendous time recently, so I am anxious that things should change for me quite soon.

    I would be grateful for any information.


  • positivist83

    Hi,I am sorry if my English was not that good.I will be very grateful if you couldgive some hints about my future.Thanks very much

  • positivist83

    I was born in 08 January 1983 at 00:05,in Ağrı(Ararat)/Turkey.I have career problems,i want them to be solved.I am interested a man who is Gemini and I wonder if we would be a good match.
    Thank you

  • Alice C

    This lunar eclipse is almost exactly on my Ascendant at 29.23 Gem. What would this mean? I would guess a change of life path? Would it be drastic and sudden? Quite honestly, I need it to be as I am going through a particularly horrendous time at the moment. Any information would be appreciated.

    • Ruby

      Alice C, The eclipse on your ascendant points to a change within yourself, your appearance, your outlook on life, your way of projecting yourself out to other people, the whole thing. The eclipse on the angles is a strong message as it will not only impact your ascendant, but your relationships, career, and home life. As you change yourself the other changes will come about as a natural outcome. Spend some time thinking about how you would really like others to see you and then become that person outwardly. In a way that is a change of life path because it covers all of the major areas of your chart and your life. Look to see if the Capricorn eclipse aspects any planets as that would be a good push to get started.

  • Ghinibaby

    Hey question I was born at 3:57 pm in bronx new york on 12/6/1974 my question being when lunar eclipse transits my first house natally and my 12th house progressed and natally oppose my venus, trine uranus and square my moon and pluto and progressed oppose mars is ther anything i should look for as far as im concern sometimes people could see things that you cant and with new year approaching your opinion is greatly appreciated

  • gallagher88

    Born on April 27, 1948 in Chicago, IL. Have both natal Jupiter and Moon at 29 Sag in 4th house, while Venus and Uranus are at 22 and 23 Gem in 10th house, respectively. Trust me, that combination has given me a most interesting and challenging life, but also more surprises (out of the middle of nowhere) than I care to relate.

    Have many issues (some good, some bad & unforeseen) occurring now in both family/home and career-wise. Full moons are typical for endings or change (sometimes abrupt). Should I be fearful?

    • Ruby

      Gallagher88, It really sounds like you have learned to live with your wild card Uranus conjunct Venus in the 10th. This eclipse did set off those planets as well as your 4th house Jupiter/Moon. Things could have become very emotional around the home. I do think that, despite the somewhat upsetting time, as the planets go into your 11th house of hopes and wishes it will be a great time to work on something that you have always wanted to bring forth.

  • TyMoon

    My birthday is June, 13 1986. My last name is Moon. I feel this eclipse will bring change in one way or the other for me. I am new to much of this but cannot deny that I am feeling something….any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!

    • Ruby

      TyMoon, I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I was unable to run a complete chart because I didn’t have our time or place of birth. However, neither eclipse seems to be falling on any of your planets. You have probably been feeling the transiting planets going over your Uranus (change) and Pluto (transformation).

  • BJ

    Just wondered what happened to my posts? Guess they’re gone forever? I just noticed they were missing?

    • Ruby

      BJ, I went to reply to your post and it disappeared. I am so sorry. Mercury retrograde usually affects me quite a bit so maybe I can blame Mercury. Ha! If you repost, I will put you at the top of the list.

  • doug

    I was born in NY,NY September 1st 1961 at 5:33 am. My life feels totally uprooted and I’ve been verbally and physically abused by a deceptive, manipulative person lately. Whats going on?

    • Ruby

      Doug, the eclipse does not fall on any of your natal planets. However, the question you asked has a lot to do with your natal Pluto and Sun conjunct in Virgo opposing Chiron in Pisces in the 7th house. You seem to feel sorry for someone and try to help or heal them (Chiron) to your detriment. A person with Pluto and Sun conjunct must learn to use their power in the right way. That is, not too much and not too little. A Pluto Sun person could become a bully or could give all their power away. How can you be firm, yet civil. You need to take control of your life in a positive way. Your north node in Leo in the 12th says to learn who you really are and be that person even if others think you are wrong to do so.

  • coincidentia

    Hi, astroherb!
    Pls, give me some advice how to deal with this eclipse since it hits my ASC (28 degrees gemini), opposing my natal jupiter (2 deg capricorn), and squares my natal pluto (2 deg libra).
    My natal sun is in 21 deg libra.
    I’m 38 and not quite ready for any further major disruptions in my life 🙂

    • Ruby

      Coincidentia, the eclipse is actually hitting all of your angles, even the MC even though it is empty. When all the angles are hit it is quite important to you. Look at how you express and present yourself (Asc) versus how you interact with significant others. The energy of Gemini (asc) and Capricorn (Desc) are so very different. Is that dynamic working for you? I noticed that the Capricorn solar eclipse will fall on the midpoint of Mars/Uranus in your fourth house and will square your moon in the 7th and Chiron in Aries in the 10th. Seems like changes in the home Uranus/Mars, which could be emotional for you (Moon) and cause some angst (Chiron in 10th). Could also be a move brought about because of a career situation or from a volatile situation within the home. It sounds like you have already had disruptions, so possibly these will not be as hard. That is if you have worked on the disruptive situations.

  • coincidentia

    I was born 14th october Belgrade, Serbia

  • basu

    hi i was born on 5th april 1971, in place called adoni in AP india. i want to buy property end of december 2010, is it the right time? lunar eclipse is going to harm me or help me in which sectors of life kindly elaborate. thanks in advance with regards. basu

  • GP

    I was born May 25, 1959 at 7:20pm in New Mexico. Do you see any money showing up in my chart soon. I have a writing project I’m attempting to finish, but I don’t know if that would spell money. Thanks.

    • Ruby

      GP, there is a possibility that the money could show up after the Capricorn solar eclipse. Probably a little later in the month though around the 13th through 20th and then again on February 2nd there are some good aspects. It certainly shows that you have been working hard with transiting Pluto conjunct natal Saturn.

  • tasha

    Hi! My birthday is 6/27/88 12:15 pm San Antonio, tx and I would like to know how this will affect me. It hits every last one of my angles. I have sag moon, Saturn and Uranus as well as the ruler of my chart in mercury and Venus, mercury, and mc in Gemini with the fourth house loaded with my sag planets. Thank you!

  • Melissa

    Hello, I am wondering, with such a powerful Full Moon coming. What you can tell me about how it wil be effected. I was born October 31,1974 at 2:51am.
    Thank you for time.

  • 2Natured

    I was born 2/28/59 at 7:48 PM in Hollywood, CA. Earlier this year I was unjustly fired by a jealous boss. Due to the support of my co-workers, just this past week, this person was fired. Now I want my old bosses job. A new administration has taken over and decisions will be made in the next few weeks. How does it look for me?

    • Ruby

      2Natured, the energy around the job is a little mixed. The lunar eclipse squared your Jupiter/Uranus in the 6th house of work. However, with Uranus in the picture it is never safe to predict anything. It is very much a wild card. There is also some indication of more money coming in. Then again, there are still some pretty fierce power plays going on so it is still up for grabs. You should have more clarity after the January 4 Capricorn eclipse.

  • Robin

    I’m concerned about what is in store for me with this upcoming Eclipse. I was born. May 30,1967 at 3:15 a.m.
    Thank you for your assistance .

    • Ruby

      Robin, the lunar eclipse did not make significant aspects to your natal chart, so the effect will be minimal. The Capricorn eclipse will square your natal Mars in Libra. Since I didn’t have your birth place, I couldn’t tell how that would affect. Look at your natal chart to see what house Mars is in for more information. There should be more action around that area at the Capricorn eclipse and whenever a planet hits 14 or so degrees of the cardinal signs.

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