Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Aquarius

Shifting Energies Shaping Our Future – Outer Planet Transits Through 2024

I recently gave a talk at The Spiritual Center in Carbondale, CO about the outer planet transits and now they will shape our future from now through 2024.

The next several years promise to be challenging, mind bending and eventful.  Though there are a lot of pitfalls, there are also a ton of opportunities to move forward in a new way.  The name of the game is “shifting easily.”  The more you can shift in tune with these astrological energies the easier time you will have of working with the changes in a beneficial way.




13 comments to Shifting Energies Shaping Our Future – Outer Planet Transits Through 2024

  • Ruby

    I would love to hear your comments and questions on this talk. In particular, would like to hear what your experiences were when Uranus entered Aries seven years ago. Have you found the asteroid Chiron to be significant in your birth chart and in your life?

    • I was unaware that some astrologers, especially more modern ones, still see Chiron as an asteroid. Even Astronomy has come around to recognize it as a “dwarf” or “minor planet” like Pluto. I began studying (via large sample chart research) Chiron as a result of a powerful intuitive event related to Chiron. I have found Chiron to be indisputably the ruling planet of Virgo. Whether one can break free of the sort of conservatism and academic dominance of ‘astrological elite’ to recognize that each sign has –MUST have– a ruling planet, it is hard not to see Chiron operating at the same “level” as the other ruling planets, distinct from the commonly known asteroids.

      I had a similar intuitive even relative to Eris (also categorized by science along with Pluto and Chiron)for which I did chart research resulting in adopting it as the ruling planet of Libra. Since embracing a complete astrological model, this has opened more gateways of understanding for me. While I had been referring to myself as an “evolutionary astrologer” for years, any attempt at such categorizing now seems limiting. I am searching for a new label however, for public presentation, that integrates concepts connected to Chiron and Eris, which is “ascension”.

      • Ruby

        Thanks for your comment; food for thought for sure. I can see where Chiron could easily rule Virgo. I also agree that in many charts Chiron provides as much (or even more) information to understanding the chart(s) as do the other accepted planets. For me, semantics (planet vs. dwarf planet vs. asteroid) are not important. It is the core meaning and effect of the planet that I am interested in.

        I don’t agree with Eris as the ruler of Libra, so would love to hear why you believe it to resonate to Libra. As far as “ascension” I believe that all the outer planets are instrumental in bringing us to a condition of ascension.

        You should write an article or book on your ideas and insights. We are all still learning no matter how many years we have been practicing astrology. It never hurts to try out a new idea or concept. Again, thanks for commenting. You have stimulated my mind.

      • how about calling yourself an Evolving Astrologer

      • Ruby

        Thanks for the suggestion. Interesting name since my greatest joy comes from helping others reach their highest potential.

    • Beatrice


      an “art” pivotal year, went to the arctic to photograph wildlife in August,
      my last year of professional productivity,
      fist signs of big changes (subcutaneous) in retrospect
      materializing between February and June 2012,
      some other signs of personal changes in Fall of 2012

      • Ruby

        It is interesting to me to follow personal changes in our life with the more “global” and impersonal changes that are happening. That must have been very special to photograph wildlife in the arctic. With global warming especially, it may be a lasting contribution to the way things are now versus the way the may be in the future. I am so glad you were able to do that.

  • Really enjoyed listening to this. Thanks for posting it!

  • Gail Saucier

    Great talk Ruby. Wonderful amount of information for now and the future as well as referencing the past cycles. Love to hear more of your presentations in future. Have followed your emails for years now. Thank you for your expertise.

    • Ruby

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your kind comment and thank you for continuing to receive my monthly newsletters. I retired from my second job as a legal assistant and am practicing astrology full time now. Because I have more time and energy to devote to astrology, I plan to do more public speaking, etc. in the future. Your encouragement means a lot.

  • Beatrice

    Ruby: your presentation is wonderful full of knowledge and wisdom,
    will listen to several more times
    Very inspiring, thank You !

    • Ruby

      Thank you so much Beatrice for your kind words. I am glad you found it inspiring. It was a challenge to talk about the changes in a way that didn’t scare people. I believe that we are in the “breakdown” stage before we can rebuild in a better way. What now looks scary and overwhelming will, in time, give way to that rebuilding. It is our job to learn and grow so we each can contribute to that rebuilding in a constructive way.

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