Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Full Moon
Full Moon

The moon is currently in Leo

Astrology Transits December 2024 – Joy and Optimism

Image from 123rtf

Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to illuminate the world” — Oprah Winfrey

As I scanned December’s transits, I noted a few areas of concern, but also the definite return of a more joyful and optimistic turn of events. Though we can focus on the many, many ways we can be fearful, depressed and anxious, the New Moon in Sagittarius on December first brings a much-needed dose of optimism. It brings a desire to become more active and to go about our daily tasks with a touch of optimism. It truly is a new starting point to take us into 2025, which is full of zero-degree new beginnings.

Fire sign Sagittarius wants us to go out and play in the snow, go on a hike or swim a few laps in the pool. Or, alternatively, to learn something new, whether through travel, a new book or an exciting new course of study.

Some proven ways to take advantage of this forward-moving energy is to:

  1. Take a trip, go to a museum, join a debate or join a group that explores ideas.
  2. Let your curiosity run loose.
  3. Take a course, read a book or refresh your spiritual practice.
  4. Focus on what brings you joy and purpose. The Sun in Sagittarius is a great time to revive your commitment to yourself and to speak your own truth.


December 1: New Moon at 9 Degrees Sagittarius at 1:21 AM ET. The Sagittarius New Moon brings back a sense of optimism and the urge to leave your past traumas behind. The New Moon  in Sagittarius helps you transition from the dark, lonely time of facing your fears that you experienced last month, into a time of hope and optimism. The challenges remain, but it is as though you are peaking out of a dark room into a shaft of light. The New Moon in Sagittarius urges you to continue to express what you know is right and true. Even if the road sometimes seems lonesome and long, right thinking and right action will prevail.

December 2: Venus Trine Uranus at 24 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. You may be feeling a little bored, so shake things up today by doing something different. Take a new route to work, go to a new restaurant, or go on an adventurous, out-of-the-ordinary date.


December 4:  Sun Square Saturn at 13 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Venus Sextile Neptune at 27 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. The Sun square Saturn is a low-energy aspect. You may become painfully aware of undone tasks and the restrictions in your life. Interactions with authority figures (Saturn) can be problematic now, so its not the best time to bring up touchy issues at work. You may just want to get away from it all under the Venus sextile Neptune aspect. The tendency for high Idealism and escapism are heightened how.


December 6: Mars Turns Retrograde at 06 Degrees Leo. Mars retrograde in Leo until February 23, 2025, will highlight conflicts and issues regarding your ego and the perceived lack of the proper appreciation and acknowledgment from others. During Mars retrograde:

  • Take time to examine your motivations.
  • Avoid impulsive actions and decisions.
  • Practice patience.
  • Evaluate why and how you express anger and frustration.
  • When angry or frustrated feelings pop up, find something active to do or immerse yourself in a creative endeavor or hobby.


December 7: Sun Opposition Jupiter at 16 Degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. The Sun opposition Jupiter in the mutable signs of Sagittarius and Gemini brings a sense of optimism and self-confidence. You are not in the mood to follow all of the rules and “what ifs’ now, but want to just go where your heart leads you. You have a good chance of success under this aspect, especially if you curb any tendencies toward impulsiveness and over-optimism. While the Sun is opposite Jupiter,  it’s best to practice moderation, humility, and patience.


December 7: Venus Enters Aquarius. Venus Conjunct Pluto and Ceres at Zero Degrees Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius brings a sense of universal love and well-being and the sense that the world is your family. However, Venus conjunct Pluto can bring out the green-eyed monsters known as jealousy and compulsion. Be careful here that your emotions don’t overrule your common sense.


December 7: Neptune Turns Direct at 27 Degrees Pisces. Neptune turns direct today and begins it’s journey to a conjunction with the North Node on February 28 and a conjunction with Saturn in late spring. It’s time to dust off and reactivate those dreams that were put aside during Neptune’s retrograde period.


December 15: Full Moon at 24 Degrees Gemini. Sun Quincunx Uranus at 24 Degrees Sagittarius/Taurus. Mercury Turns Direct at 6 Degrees Sagittarius. It’s all about communication under this Gemini Full Moon. Consider letting go of entrenched beliefs, doubts and old stories that are no longer valid. You know the ones. They play in your head over and over and over with no resolution in sight. Ask yourself: “Do I really need to hang on to beliefs (Sagittarius) that are only limiting my freedom (Uranus) and sabotaging my peace of mind?” Instead, let in the unexpected insights and inspiration t(Uranus) that are the gifts of this full Moon in Gemini.

December 18-19: Sun Square Neptune at 27 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Venus Trine Jupiter at 14 Degrees Aquarius/Gemini. The Sun square Neptune can make you feel a little depressed and/or tired. If possible, take some time to rest and recharge. Venus trine Jupiter later in the day will help you regain your sunny, optimistic outlook. Because the Sun is right on the Galactic Center it is a profound time for the entire world.


December 21: Sun Enters Capricorn at 9:21 AM.  When the Sun leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn today, there is a major shift from the light-hearted, fun loving Sagittarius energy into a more structured, disciplined mode. Your attention turns to responsibility, hard work, practicality and discipline. You may now become serious about your career plans and /or your place in the world.


December 24: Sun Quincunx Mars at 4 Degrees Capricorn/Leo. Jupiter Square Saturn at 14 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. December 25: Moon Enters Scorpio at 3:06 AM. TheSun quincunx Mars is a somewhat challenging aspect that makes it harder to understand others’ angry or agitated (Mars) feelings. Jupiter square Saturn can escalate such misunderstandings, while the Moon in Scorpio makes everyone want to dig deeply and intensely into feelings. Emotions will be intense. Tread lightly and try not to discuss old family issues or other loaded subjects such as politics.


December 28-29: Venus Square Uranus at 23 Degrees Aquarius/Taurus. Sun at 8 Capricorn Sesiquiquadrate Uranus at 23 Degrees Taurus. Chiron Turns Direct at 19 Degrees Aries. Both the Sun and Venus are making challenging aspects to Uranus today. Venus square Uranus can bring unexpected events, especially regarding love and money. Proceed with an open mind and try not to create a conflict just to shake things up and/or to assert your independence.


December 30: New Moon at 10 Degrees Capricorn at 5:26 PM. I like how the Capricorn New Moon occurs just before the New Year. A New Moon in Capricorn is excellent for:

  • Making a list of those things you want to modify or remove.
  • Setting new goals and methods to achieve the things on your list.
  • Creating the structure (Capricorn) and habits to keep you on track to accomplish those goals.
  • Examining your emotions regarding any change and letting go of any negative, non-productive emotions (New Moon).
  • Look at how you can nurture (Moon) yourself as you make those changes.

Blessed Holidays and a Wonderful, Optimistic New Year to all of my loyal readers and your families. You are appreciated more than you know. Be safe out there as you ring in the New Year.

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