Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Full Moon
Full Moon

The moon is currently in Pisces

Astrology Transits June 2021 – New Ideas and Insights

Don’t let the shadow of your past Eclipse the brightness of your future.— Rishika Jain Inspirations

We are now in eclipse season with a Full Moon Eclipse on May 26 in Sagittarius and a New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10 in Gemini. These Eclipses nudge us to evaluate our ideas, our communications and our connections.  What old habits need to be let go of at the Full Moon Eclipse?  What new, fresh ideas and ways of thinking need to be embraced at the Gemini New Moon solar eclipse?  So much has changed over the last year and many of us are left feeling out of sync and rudderless. These two Eclipses will  help us gather and evaluate the new ideas that are bombarding us every day.

In addition, the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus moves to a closer-than-ever conjunction.  This square has been with us all year and will continue in varying degrees of magnitude through the end of the year.  When the planets move closer together it ramps up the intensity.  If you have put off making a needed change in your life, the eclipses and the close Saturn/Uranus square may be just what you need to revamp your life.

May 29: Mercury Turns Retrograde at 25 Degrees Gemini, Conjunct Venus.  By now, we all know the drill when Mercury turns retrograde.  Negatively, it can bring computer troubles, communication snafus and missed messages.  Positively, Mercury retrograde gives us a break so we can evaluate our communications and connections with others.</P>

May 30-June 1: Mars Trine Neptune at 23 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. Sun Conjunct North Node at 11 Degrees Gemini. Saturn Square Uranus at 13 Degrees Aquarius/Taurus.  Neptune trine Mars brings a watery, compassionate spin to the active Mars energy. If you are still reeling from the Lunar Eclipse, this aspect will bring understanding. The Sun conjunct the North Node in Gemini will trigger the Lunar Eclipse energy once again.  This conjunction is very good for shining the light on anything that came to the surface during the eclipse.

June 3-6: Sun Trine Saturn at 13 Degrees Gemini/Aquarius. Venus Trine Jupiter at 1 Degree of Cancer/Pisces. Mars Opposing Pluto at 25-27 Degrees Cancer/Capricorn.  Mercury Square Neptune at 23 Degrees Gemini/Pisces.Sun trine Saturn in the air signs of Gemini and Aquarius is excellent for bringing your ideas and plans down to earth.  The Sun in Gemini provides the ideas and Saturn in Aquarius grounds them and makes them real. This is especially true since Saturn is squaring Uranus all year.  Venus trine Jupiter is a lovely aspect that brings a veneer of beauty and optimism to everything.

Mars opposing Pluto is a drag on the lovely trine energy.  Mars opposition Pluto ramps up any aggressive, controlling energy around you. It may be coming at you from someone else or, in some cases, you  may  be projecting this problematic energy. It will be felt most strongly by those who have planets near 27 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn. Be safe. This is not a good time to engage in risky behavior. Finally, Mercury retrograde square Neptune on June 5 brings a sense of foggy, unrealistic and confusing energy. Best to stick with the status quo without trying to push too hard.  Meditate or enjoy nature instead.

June 10:  Solar Eclipse at 19:47 Degrees Gemini. Sun Conjunct Mercury at 20 Degrees Gemini Square Neptune at 23 Degrees Pisces. I have heard from many people that the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius was challenging for them. Full Moons and especially a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse means that something in your life has reached fruition.  It is time to let it go and to clear your psyche so the new can enter at the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini. The Gemini Solar Eclipse focuses on better ways of communicating, new ideas, new plans and new ways of expressing yourself. Let the “new” energy percolate until after Mercury turns direct on June 24; then let it shine and manifest.

June 11:  Mars enters Leo; Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury at 20 Degrees Gemini.  You may find a renewed sense of exuberance when Mars transits Leo until July 29, 2021.  If you have personal planets in the fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries), you can use this creative, energetic vibe to begin a new project or to start a new creative endeavor; especially after Mercury moves direct on June 24.

June 12-14:  Sun Square Neptune at 22-24 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. June 14:  Saturn Square Uranus at 13 Degrees Aquarius/Taurus. It’s difficult during a Sun square Neptune aspect to make sense of what is real and what is not. In addition, Sun square Neptune can lead to a feeling of tiredness, inadequacy, depression and futility. Be kind to yourself during this transit: rest, dream, journal and meditate.  Visualize what you want. Your visualizations have extra power now.

June 20:  Venus trine Neptune at 22-23 degrees of Cancer/Pisces. This is one of those rare bluebird days when love and compassion are high. Unfortunately, rational thinking not so much so. Chill out and try not to start new projects until after the 24th.

Jupiter Turns Retrograde at 2 Degrees Pisces. Jupiter retrograde until October 29, 2021, favors furthering your spiritual growth and development. Take time for introspection and reflection during Jupiter’s long retrograde.

June 22:  Mercury turns direct at 16 Degrees Gemini. Its time to implement the changes you contemplated during Mercury retrograde that were brought to light by the two eclipses.

June 23:  Sun trine Jupiter at 2 Degrees Cancer/Pisces.  Take advantage of the beautiful, optimistic energy today by trying out new activities, taking a short trip or by otherwise expanding your horizons.

June 23: Venus opposite Pluto at 26 degrees Cancer/Capricorn.  Despite the expansive Sun trine Jupiter energy, the transit of Venus opposition Pluto at the same time can be problematic. It can wreak havoc with family relationships. Suddenly, you see everyone’s flaws in a crystal-clear light and power struggles can result. Be careful and compassionate in all relationships.

June 24: Full Moon at 3 Degrees Capricorn/Cancer. The Full Moon in Capricorn is a rational, no-nonsense Moon.  With the Full Moon in Capricorn opposite the Sun in Cancer, we are challenged to take responsibility (Capricorn) for our emotions (Cancer).  Use this Capricorn Full Moon to heal your fears and hurts around success and family dynamics.  This Capricorn Full Moon gives us the gift of rational thinking, discipline and emotional maturity.  What have you done right?  What have you done “wrong?’ Even those “wrong” actions have a gift embedded in them. This Capricorn Full Moon will help you find the pearl within the dross.

June 25:  Neptune Turns Retrograde at 23 Degrees Pisces. Neptune is retrograde until  December 2, 2021. Neptune retrograde is usually not felt on a daily basis. However, it is an excellent time to work on your spiritual advancement and to experience and develop your creative gifts.

June 28: Venus Quincunx Jupiter at 2 Degrees Leo/Pisces.  A quincunx aspect depicts a time of frustration and adjustment.  You may need to adjust your expectations under this annoying aspect, especially with several planets retrograde.  Don’t give up on your aspirations, just let go to give them time to manifest.

Moon Movement During June 2021: Note: The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

June 1:   Moon enters Pisces
June 3:  Moon enters Aries
June 6:  Moon enters Taurus
June 8:   Moon enters Gemini
June 10: New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 19 Degrees Gemini
June 11: Moon enters Cancer
June 13: Moon enters Leo
June 15:  Moon enters Virgo
June 18:  Moon enters Libra
June 20:  Moon enters Scorpio
June 22:  Moon enters Sagittarius
June 24: Moon enters Capricorn
June 24:  Full Moon at 3 Degrees Capricorn
June 26:  Moon enters Aquarius
June 28:  Moon enters Pisces
June 30:  Moon enters Aries


Claudia and I (Aspen Intuitives) will have a booth at the Aspen Saturday Market, the Basalt Sunday Market and the Carbondale Mountain Fair.  Stop in to say hello if you attend any of these events. I hope to see you there.

I finished teaching a beginning astrology classes on March 25, 2021.  Let me know if you are interested in attending another class sometime this summer. In addition, I plan to hold a once-monthly astrology meet-up where we can explore all things astrological.  At this time, I am taking a much-needed break, but will resume such activities later this summer. Reach out to me at

I gave a Zoom talk on Chiron on May 23 at the Carbondale Spiritual Center. You can view it on YouTube at

If you have not yet viewed my video regarding the energy of 2021 and beyond you can find it on You Tube at

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