Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Aquarius

Scorpio Solar Eclipse November 13, 2012

The November 13, 2012 solar eclipse falls at 22 degrees Scorpio.  It is Saros number 133 in the Saros Series 15 North.  The first eclipse in this series occurred on July 13, 1219.  A solar eclipse in this series will occur every 18 years at the north node of the moon.  A solar eclipse at near 22 degrees Scorpio last occurred on November 13, 1993.  The last eclipse in Saros Series 15 North occurred November 3, 1994 at 10 degrees Scorpio. 

By looking back at those dates, you can determine a little bit of how the energy of this solar eclipse will affect you.  Be careful in your interpretation though, because the transiting planets are different now.  Think about what was important in your life at that time.  How are you different today from how you were in 1993 and 1994.  What have you learned since that time?  Where did you make headway and where did you slide backwards?  Most importantly, ask yourself what do I have to do now to move towards what I want to do and be at this time.

Overall, the tone of the eclipse is about travelling a new path and/or taking on a new role in life.  Transformation (Scorpio) is the key word for the eclipse.  Be prepared for some sadness and maybe a sense of upheaval and disorientation as people and things leave your life.  Some of the changes could come from out of the blue so it is best to be prepared, as best you can, for the unexpected.  However, this eclipse has an optimistic tone about it.  As you leave that which is no longer working behind, and embark on the new path with responsibility, blessings will eventually manifest in your life.

For those of you who feel stuck, this eclipse may bring to light your deepest desires, worse fears and, as a result, a feeling of frustration with life and the status quo.  Just know that the eclipse will help expose and heal those things that are holding you back if you work with it.

When the Eclipse Falls on Your Planets:  You will feel the effects of the eclipse most strongly when the eclipse is conjunct, square or opposed to any natal planet.  That is, if you have a planet or angle (Ascendant, IC, Descendant or MC) at 17 to 27 degrees Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo, that planet or angle will be affected by the eclipse energy.  The house holding your natal planet will give you more information.

Eclipse on Your Sun.  You will be noticed by others.  You may need to make a crucial decision.  Positive effects can bring rewards and your sense of personal power can improve.  Negative effects can bring about an identity crisis, with an all time low self image and feelings of inferiority.  Dealings with your father come into focus. 

Eclipse on Your Moon.  An eclipse on your moon could bring about new living arrangements and changes with family members.  Relationships with women are highlighted.  You may become more introspective and private with widely fluctuating emotions.  Negative emotions can have an adverse effect on your digestion, stomach and the fluid balance of the body.

Eclipse on Your Mercury.  It may be time to let go of an idea that didn’t work, or conversely, to take an idea you have had for awhile and run with it.  However, because Mercury is now retrograde you may want to wait until it goes direct on November 27 to implement important conversations or ideas.  It can indicate a job change and increased interactions with siblings and neighbors. 

Eclipse on Your Venus.  This solar eclipse can bring an emphasis on money matters, earnings, material assets and your day to day comfort (or lack thereof).  There could be sudden attractions (possibly karmic) or separations, especially as it relates to love relationships.  If Venus is in your career house, it could bring benefits in the career area.

Eclipse on Your Mars.  A long-brewing conflict can come into focus.  Beware of becoming over-stimulated and aggravated under a Mars/Eclipse aspect.  Positively, you can become energized so that you can start or finish an important project.

Eclipse on Your Jupiter.  An eclipsed Jupiter can give you a sense of confidence and motivation—“I can take on the world.”  If so, beware over extending yourself and/or taking on too much risk.  You may question old spiritual or philosophical beliefs, or wish to refine those beliefs.  You may attract material goods, spiritual growth or teachers, and blessings.  It may bring lots of travel or expose you to higher learning of some kind.

Eclipse on Your Saturn.  An eclipse to Saturn brings professional and business concerns into focus and can bring more stability in career matters in the long-term.  Because of the nature of solar eclipses, you may have to give something up to achieve this. You may find a mentor, or an older person who has beneficial advice for you.  It could highlight a need to take care of your bones, teeth and skeletal structure.

Eclipse on Your Uranus.  Breaking chains—exciting times are ahead!  You must learn to be flexible and handle change, but it can bring a new sense of freedom and excitement.  It may bring a person into your life that will have a profound and positive effect on you.

Eclipse on Your Neptune.  An eclipse on Neptune can bring inspiration, spirituality, creativity and bliss.  Or, it can bring addiction, confusion and delusion.  Choose wisely.

Eclipse on Your Pluto.  Most certainly will bring lasting changes to your life.  It may feel like the rug is pulled out from under you, but long-term can set you on a better path.  Can bring intense, complicated relationship matters or power struggles and confrontations.

Eclipse on Your Chart Angles.  An eclipse on your ascendant can change your appearance and how you think about yourself; on your IC you may question your family ties and/or early life foundation; on your descendant it may bring relationship changes; and on your midheaven will bring changes in career and public standing.

17 comments to Scorpio Solar Eclipse November 13, 2012

  • dd817

    hello Ruby, how r u ?
    Nice to hear from you, november is full of eclipses and we r very much intrested :))
    Will this eclipse mostly effect my working conditions ? Will it be for good?
    I am gemini asc. and mercury is retrogating, so I am very curious actually..

    Bith info : Izmir Turkey 06/22/1982 04:00 – Adjust -3.00 ST 20.48 Lat 38.25 Long -27.10

    Thanks in advance

    • Ruby

      Hello DD, Thanks for checking out my website again. The November 13, 2012 eclipse falls in your 6th house of work in opposition to your Venus/Chiron conjunction in the 12th house. I think that overall it will be good for you. The idea would be some kind of transformation of your working conditions and the ability to use some skills from the past (natal Venus/Chiron in 12th) to make things better for yourself. Note that the transiting South Node is conjunct your natal/Venus conjunction in the 12th also. I would say that there may also be attitudes about work from your past that need to be looked at and changed. The Mercury retrograde may delay something regarding work, and you should also be especially careful about work communications until it goes direct at the end of the month. Good luck with everything.

  • Aqyarius40

    Hi once again astroherb –

    I last contacted you regarding the 12/10/11 Eclipse about my job prospects. I am STILL unemployed but now it’s going into the 3rd year. I admit it – I’m desperate. I have no idea what to do. I keep applying for jobs but no one appears to want to deal with me.

    Inspite of transiting Jupiter in Taurus having gone over my Midheaven back in May 2012. Inspite of transiting Jupiter in Gemini residing in my 10th house of my (Placidus) chart.

    This upcoming eclipse at 23 Scorpio will be directly opposite my 23 Taurus Midheaven and sit in my solar 10th house.

    Do you see any movement happening this year about my getting a job or is there something I am greatly missing?

    P.S. My progressed Moon is leaving my 12th house Leo (after approx. 2 years) to go into my 1st house Virgo like any day now. Mu Pluto in Virgo also sits in my 1st house. Should I focus on this aspect or just the eclipse?

    Many thanks.

    1-26-62 6:58 pm NYC,NY

    • Ruby

      Dear Aqyarius40, Though I never use Placidus houses, I did use it for this reply so we would be talking about the same thing. The eclipse in the 3rd house will square your natal South Node in Leo in the 12th house and your North Node/Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius in your 6th house. Becasue of the 3rd/6th house and Mercury (communication emphasis), my guess would be that your “mnessage” is not being heard or it is being misunderstood. The other thing that jumps out at me is that you have 7 planets plus all of the angles and the N and S Nodes in fixed signs. Are you being flexible enough. Do hiring managers see you as being inflexible? What would not seem inflexible to you, may seem very inflexible to them. Are you sure that the interviewer understands what you are trying to say? Just something to thing about.

      Additionally, with 5 planets plus the South Node in Aquarius, you are very much your own person and don’t like conforming to the mainstream views and customs. You do much better when you can forge your own path, dress in your own way, and follow your own way of doing things. You have brilliant ideas, but they may seem odd (not brillian) to a very conservative person. People with a lot of Aquarius planets often have thoughts that are way ahead of the time they are in. Also, how are you dressing for an interview? If you are applying for a conservative job, you must appear in the conservative “uniform.”

      Think about those things and maybe fine tune your interview skills. You may want to role play your interviewing skills with someone.

      Ultimately, you would be much happier in a job where your unique talents can be put to use and you wouldn’t have to worry about conforming. Are applying to the kinds of jobs where the “get” you?”

      Good luck.

      • Aqyarius40

        Thanks for the reply, Ruby.

        I’m applying for any and every job that I can physically do. I’m not being particular at all. If I think I can do it, it gets my resume. As for “dress code,” I wear a sort of standard black pants & jacket/white shirt combo. Despite my stellium in AQ, I’m much more of a Saturn influenced AQ rather than Uranian. I;m not quite as “eccentric” as some AQ.

        I, too, don’t use the Placidus chart; I’ve found that it doesn’t address my questions in a realistic manner. I brought it up because I thought it might be of help in analysis. I prefer to go by the actual transits.

        I’m actually thinking that it’s the presence of Pluto sitting on my 12th/6th houses that presenting most of the challenge. Uranus trining my stellium and Pluto trine Pluto should be advantageous positions but it’s just not manifesting that way. As for the 3rd/6th house squares from the eclipse, well, that would really apply mostly if I were getting many interviews to begin with. The few I’ve gotten didn’t go that badly; I mean, they weren’t obviously terrible.

        Thanks for your help,


      • Ruby

        Hello Aqyarius40, I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for you. As for trines, they are not always beneficial. It just means that the energy flows more easily. Of course, in most cases that will make them more beneficial, but not always. Also, please note that you are going through a Chiron return, which shows up in your 10th house of career. With Neptune also there, it still seems to me that there is a lot of confusion around employment and your public standing. Anything you can do to alleviate this confusion in some way will be good. Good luck.

  • Pisces19

    Hi Ruby,
    Was curious what events this eclipse will unfold.
    3/19/74 5:45pm
    Panama City, Panama

    • Ruby

      Hello Pisces19, The November 13, 2012 eclipse falls in your third house of communications and is inconjunct (a 150 degree aspect) your South Node/Saturn conjunction in the 10th house. It could be a time to pay more attention to communications in your career or in your interactions with the public. If you have siblings, it could also show a need to reevaluate your connection to one of them.

      It does seem like you have been going through some big changes in your life as evidenced by transiting Pluto in your 4th house of home and transiting Uranus in your house of relationships. You may have had to let go of someone close to you and/or there could have been some kind of power struggles within the home. It is time to assert yourself and to find your own power (eclipse in Scorpio).

  • Pisces19

    Thanks for the input. =)

  • Fernanda

    Hi Ruby,

    Was wondering if you could give me your input on this eclipse, because even though I’m just an astrology enthusiast, I always try to figure out trends on certain transits to my natal planets and aspects. This time the eclipse hits a series of doubts I have:

    1) The eclipse happens in my 12th house.
    2) It falls conjunct my natal Venus-Uranus-conjunction with a 4degree orb.
    3) This natal conjunction aspects a bunch of stuff in my chart: square mars; opposite Chiron; conjunct Lilith; square pars fortunae; square MC; trine true node. They should all be activated by the eclipse?
    3) Also, my greatest doubt is that it connects with a Boomerang Yod (Pluto and Neptune quincux Chiron and sextile each other, while Chiron opposes the mid-point Venus-Uranus conjunction)… if you consider Chiron, that is…

    See for yourself: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 05-October-1981, 08:40am.

    Any and all comments would be appreciated. Thanx! 🙂

    • Ruby

      Hello Fernanda, Your chart is, indeed, lit up with the solar Scorpio eclipse. The eclipse in your 12th house means that it is time to let your authentic self show (conjunct Uranus). I would imagine with Uranus and Venus conjunct in Scorpio that you have always kept a tight rein on your uniqueness and your intensity. The eclipse says “mo more.” Bring out your true self and go for your true life purpose (trine North Node). Also note transiting N Node conjunct the eclipse (same message). Eclipse opposite Chiron in 6th – what is the meaning of service – am I giving to much to my job and others or not enough? Maybe it is time to heal and put myself first.

      The yod contact shows that it is time to bring some resolution to the yod (difficult but not impossible). Yods are usually recurring themes in your life that come back over and over like a recurrent itch. Basically the same message. Pluto is karmic energy. In Libra you gave too much so that you lost your own identify. Uranus in Scorpio – you failed to free yourself from conforming to others expectations. The eclipse gives you a push to remedy the situation and to express your true, wonderful self with all of its quirks and imperfections. The world needs the true you.

      • Fernanda

        Thank you very much for your comments, Ruby.

        You’re right: I have always kept a tight rein on myself. I believe that natal saturn exactly conjunct my sun also contributes to that. I’m pretty critical and rigorous with myself… Ever since my 1st saturn return started a couple years back, life has been even more oppressive. Specially with so many natal planets in libra… Now saturn is off to scorpio, but I also have a bunch of planets there, so, maybe it won’t be a walk in the park any time soon?

        And with pluto conjunct my natal moon and just about to square natal sun and saturn, I’d be scared, if I wasn’t just exausted… I feel like I just need a break and for things to work out fine for a while, you know? Like aqyarius40 above, lack of work has been worrying me a lot for a year now and i gradually came to feel powerless…

        If this eclipse somehow pushes me to remedy the loss of identity, then bring it on, cause I need a push. Though some astrologers say that eclipses don’t work immediately, having effect for months or even when another planet activates the eclipse point later on… How does that work?

      • Ruby

        Hello Fernanda, I’m sorry about the hard time you have been having. The Pluto/Uranus square (among other things) has been very, very hard on many people. The only way to get through it is to just surrender to a certain degree. For instance, I have talked to so many people who are having their house foreclosed on because they no longer have employment. Its wise, of course, to try to keep what you have worked so hard to buy. However, there comes a point, when the wisest course of action is to just surrender. Many who have done so feel a sense of peace as if a great burden had been lifted.

        Anyway, the thing to remember with these hard, outer planet transits is that the energy is entirely IMPERSONAL. Your troubles are most likely not due to something you did or didn’t do. It is just the energy that is out there at this time and it does get better. Whereas, the transits of the inner planets are more personal.

        As far as the questions of how long eclipse energy lasts, there is wide disagreement among astrologers. My personal belief is that the eclipse point does become re-activated every time a significant planet goes over that point, especially if the transiting planet forms an aspect with other natal and transiting planets.

        Good luck,

  • pippsidoodle

    Hi Ruby, I came across your site because ive always been intrigued with the stars and astrology. I would like to learn more and would like to know more information on your classes and readings as well. I would like to know what this eclipse meant for me as well. 😀

    • Ruby

      Hello Pippsidoodle, If you will give me your birth date, time and place, I can give you a quick overview of what the eclipse means to you.

      As far as my readings, I do one hour telephone readings for $125, one-half hour readings for $65. Payment is by Paypal. Until the end of the month (November 30, 2012), I am also offering a 20 minute mini-reading for $30.

  • pippsidoodle

    My birthday is November 4 ,1981 at 8:54 pm in Lexington Kentucky.
    Obviously it’s past the November special, but I am also interested in classes as well 🙂

    • Ruby

      Hello Pippsidoodle, I’m sorry I did’nt reply to your comment sooner. I thought I had answered everyone. As I’m sure you know you are under some heavy influences at this time. Pluto has gone into your 7th house of relationships. With Pluto hanging out here, close relationships must be transformed in some way or let go. If there is hope for a relationship then the parties to the relationship need to do deep, heavy work on getting rid of the stale, unproductive habits that have not worked. Not easy but worth it if it can be done. Saturn is coming up to a conjunction with your Sun in the 5th house of creativity and children. Here too, you need to do the hard work that is required to make things work better. Not an easy time for you, but if you do the hard work required things will improve in time. Its a time that calls for faith and just putting on foot (so to speak) in front of the other.

      Regarding my eclipse readings, there are several coming up in April and May of 2013. I hope to be offering mini readings once again. Sign up for my newsletter on the upper right hand corner of my website to hear of future specials.

      I am still trying to work out technical issues of teaching online so haven’t started any classes yet. I am making headway and will announce those in a newsletter also.

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