Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Scorpio

Astrology Transits November 2024 – Intense Soul Searching

Image by Roman Mikhailiuk from 123rft

Water gushing out of thousands of springs at different places cannot move the wheels of a big engine to carry out very heavy tasks. But the channeled flow of the same water in the bed of a stream will, however, be irresistible and can […] Continue Reading…

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Astrology Transits October 2024 – Balance Amid Turmoil


Image by Anja from Pixabay

Throughout the infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe. — Nikola Tesla

When I was preparing this newsletter, I was struck by how many aspects were either a quincunx (also known as an […] Continue Reading…

Astrology Transits September 2024 – Simplicity Among Complexity

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci
Now for the complexity! Retrograde Pluto moves back into Capricorn and Uranus begins its retrograde motion. The chart for the full Moon partial lunar eclipse on September 17 features a rare kite formation. Then, just a couple of days later, the […] Continue Reading…

Astrology Transits August 2024 – Let Yourself Shine

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” – Hafiz
Amid all of the craziness in the atmosphere due to the Mars/Uranus square last month, and continuing through August, there is reason for optimism with some strong Venus […] Continue Reading…