Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Full Moon
Full Moon

The moon is currently in Leo

Astrology Transits October 2021 — Balance and Adjustment


Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. – Robert Fulgham

The Sun moved into Libra on September 22 changing the energy from a detail oriented, organizational mode into a relationship mode. We are urged to examine our life with the goal of bringing our various activities and time allocations into balance. The month opened with Mercury retrograde square Pluto at 23-25 degrees Libra/Capricorn. The first few days in October may be filled with tension around decisions and a nagging feeling that “others” are in control of your life. In addition, with Mars and Pluto activated all month, watch your anger level and avoid angry, aggressive words.

In addition, there are an unusual number of inconjunct aspects between various planets throughout the month.  The inconjunct aspect occurs when two planets are 150 degrees from each other. Two planets that are inconjunct have nothing in common and, thus, find it hard to relate to each other.  An inconjunct requires adjustment and more adjustment. So …. All through October you are urged to stay balanced and to make adjustments in all areas of your life. Ask yourself:  “How much am I willing to give?” and within that framework: “How can I make adjustments so that I can negotiate an outcome that everyone can live with?” Let’s hope our governments listen to the message.

Retrograde and forward-moving planets are also very active this month:

  • Mercury turned retrograde on September 27 at 25 Degrees Libra.
  • Pluto turns direct on October 6 at 24 Degrees Capricorn
  • Saturn turns direct on October 10 at 7 Degrees Aquarius
  • Mercury Turns Direct on October 18 at 10 Degrees Libra.
  • Jupiter Turns Direct on October 18 at 22 Degrees Aquarius.

October 2-5: Mercury Retrograde Trine Jupiter at 21-23 Degrees Libra/Aquarius. Mercury retrograde trine Jupiter can lead to grandiose ideas that cannot be confirmed.  Fire up your patience as your expectations may not live up to the reality. It would be a good idea to limit travel (Jupiter) and/or to give yourself extra travel time to reach your destination.

Mercury was in its shadow period on September 27 right on my natal Sun. My house key fell off my keyring and I didn’t notice it, so was locked out of my house.  After getting over the inconvenience (required an adjustment), I realized that keys are ruled by Mercury.  On that note, Mercury retrograde will affect you more if Mercury is conjunct, square or in opposition to a major planet or point in your natal horoscope. 

October 4-10:  Sun Conjunct Mars at 11-17 Degrees Libra. Treat relationship matters carefully when the Sun is conjunct Mars. The Sun represents your ego needs and Mars represents how you achieve those needs. The conjunction of Sun and Mars may push you towards asserting those needs in a way that you may later regret.

October 6:  New Moon at 13 Degrees Libra.  The New Moon joins up with the Sun and transiting Mars to create an energetic, but potentially volatile mix. At the same time, the Moon is inconjunct Uranus.  Wowee!! This combination creates highly charged energy that can propel you forward in unexpected ways or waylay you in a wasteland of nervous, tense, anxiety.  Your best bet is to take a hike or workout vigorously to let off some of the explosive energy. If ever there was a time to “make love, not war,” this is it.

October 6:  Pluto Turns Direct at 24 Degrees Capricorn. Pluto moving direct will be felt more on a long-term, collective level than on a personal level. Your many hours of soul searching and introspection around potential life transformations can now be acted upon.

October 7:  Venus Enters Sagittarius. If Covid allows, check out travel deals or, if necessary,  arm chair travel. College courses and trips to the library are favored.

October 10-11:  Mercury Conjunct Sun and Mars at 15 Degrees Libra. See Sun conjunct Mars above.  When retrograde Mercury joins the party, you may speak in anger and haste. Practice patience and count to 20 (or 40 or 60) before you speak.

October 11:  Saturn Turns Direct at 7 Degrees Aquarius. Saturn is a business planet.  Saturn turning direct in Aquarius will stimulate business and employment matters.  Those businesses providing innovative or technical products and services will advance nicely. Brush off the resume and hit the employment market now.

October 13-16: Venus Sextile Saturn at 7 Degrees Sagittarius/Aquarius.  Sun Trine Jupiter at 21-23 Degrees Libra/Aquarius.  You get a little respite now from the tense, angry energy.  Make amends, if needed, and/or invite someone to lunch or a walk in the autumn leaves.  Mercury is still retrograde, so make sure you both understand where to meet.  Keep the conversation light and optimistic.

October 16-17: Sun Square Pluto at 23-24 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. Sun square Pluto can bring major challenges that result in long-ranging life changes. This is another aspect that pushes you to examine your life. You are nudged toward revamping, regenerating or releasing whatever is hindering your self-expression.

October 18: Mercury Turns Direct at 10 Degrees Libra.

October 18: Jupiter Turns Direct at 22 Degrees Aquarius. We should all notice a positive uptick in energy and progress as Mercury and Jupiter turn direct. Things that have been on hold can now move forward.

October 20: Full Moon at 27 Degrees Aries/Libra. The need for balance and adjustment are highlighted in neon colors under the Aries Full Moon. Aries is about self-assertion, action, personal courage and, sometimes, even aggressively getting what you want.  Libra is about compromise, negotiating, balance and diplomacy.  This Aries Full Moon demands that you strike a balance between the need to be assertive and the need to compromise.  Libras need to consider being more courageous in going after what they want, while Aries needs to learn to work with other(s) in achieving their goals. A Full Moon activates your emotions and highlights your needs. Ask yourself:  “Where do I need to take a stand?” “How can I negotiate the conflict between “my needs” and “your needs”. “What would a fair compromise look like?

You will get a chance to work out the deep details when the Sun and Mars move into Scorpio on October 30 (see below).

October 21-22: Mars Square Pluto at 24 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. Mars square Pluto leads to conflict, aggression, tension and disagreement. Mars and Pluto on the Libra/Capricorn axis may flare up around personal relationships. This is NOT the time to resolve relationship conflicts. Pluto ups the power dynamic, while Mars leads to uncharacteristic angry outbursts and anger generally.  Wait until at least the end of the month to air any grievances. The Cardinal signs (Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer) will feel this friction the strongest.

October 23: Sun Enters Scorpio.

October 30:  Mars Enters Scorpio. As the planets continue their march through the Zodiac, we now begin the Scorpio phase of their journey. Scorpio is about regeneration and deep diving into our psyche to bring about long-lasting change. Everything may become more intense as this energy strengthens from now until the third week in November. The strong Plutonian energy that we experienced this month (Sun and Mars square Pluto) set the stage and conditioned us toward the need for change.

Moon Movement During October 2021: Note: The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

October 1:    Moon in Leo

October 3:    Moon enters Virgo

October 5:    Moon enters Libra

October 6:    New Moon at 13 Degrees Libra

October 7:    Moon enters Scorpio

October 9:    Moon enters Sagittarius

October 11:  Moon enters Capricorn

October 13:  Moon enters Aquarius

October 15:  Moon enters Pisces

October 18:  Moon enters Aries

October 20:  Moon enters Taurus

October 21:  Full Moon at 27 Degrees 26 Minutes Aries

October 23:  Moon enters Gemini

October 25:  Moon enters Cancer

October 28:  Moon enters Leo

October 30:  Moon enters Virgo


October 9 is my last day at the Aspen Saturday Market.  Stop in to say hello if you are near.  I continue to offer astrology readings by phone Zoom, and also a few in-person readings.

I finished teaching a beginning astrology classes on March 25, 2021.  Let me know if you are interested in attending another class sometime this fall. In addition, I plan to hold a once-monthly astrology meet-up where we can explore all things astrological.  At this time, I am taking a much-needed break, but will resume such activities later this fall. Reach out to me at




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