Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Gemini

Astrology Transits May 2021 – Value and Values

Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values. — Dalai Lama

As I begin to write this newsletter, it is Earth Day and we are reminded to reflect on our values with regard to Mother Earth.  Indeed, this month we see the energy shift from fiery Aries into practical, earthy, value-oriented Taurus. Taurus is a stable, fixed earth sign. As such, it doesn’t make snap judgments or engage in sudden actions.  That stable energy is modified by Uranus, the planet of sudden change, as it transits Taurus at 10-11 degrees during the month of May. Thus, we can use the grounded earth energy in new, and innovative ways to remove blockages and self-imposed limitations.

Now is the time to slow down the pushy, active Aries energy and consolidate it in order to bring about manifestation.  We need to ask ourselves:

  • How can I nurture myself?
  • How can I nurture and preserve the bounty of Mother Earth?
  • What are my values?
  • Am I living my values?

Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius asks:

  • How can I bring about change while being true to myself?
  • What am I investing in?  Do those investments bring be joy?
  • Am I able to hold on to my values during a time of chaotic change?

April 30:  Sun Conjunct Uranus at 10 Degrees Taurus.  When I saw that the Sun is conjunct Uranus today, my first thought was “Whee!”. Think of that feeling you get when the roller coaster begins to descend from its highest point.  This is another one of those “expect the unexpected” aspects. In its positive expression, it brings an electric, exciting energy to the day. If you have been trying to change your life in a major way, Sun conjunct Uranus can certainly help you do so. In its more problematic expression, it can foster disputes, accidents, and impulsive, rash actions. Those of you who have planets around 10 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo), will feel it the most.

May 1:  Mercury Trine Pluto at 26 Degrees Taurus/Capricorn. 

May 2-3: Venus Sextile Neptune at 22 Taurus/Pisces.

Sun Square Saturn at 12-13 Degrees of Taurus/Aquarius.

Mercury trine Pluto is an opportune time to speak out about any issues around control, power and will power.  It would even be good to journal (Mercury) your feelings around taking back your power from something or someone.

Venus sextile Neptune brings an enchanting, dreamy veil of beautiful you, beautiful everything. The energy is especially strong because both Venus and Neptune are in the sign they rule (Venus rules Taurus and Neptune rules Pisces).  Sun square Saturn bring a touch of reality to the lovely feelings. Sun square Saturn reminds you that you need to tend to your responsibilities, even while enjoying yourself. Watch out for clashes with authority figures during this time.

May 4: Mercury Enters Gemini. Mercury in Gemini until May 25 is custom made for all intellectual, communicative, and corroborative matters.

May 6: Venus trine Pluto at 26 Taurus/Capricorn. Venus, the planet of love and blessings received, softens Pluto’s autocratic vibes. Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn is very helpful in taking control of your finances. If possible, pay off credit cards and/or make a financial plan for 2021 under this helpful aspect.

May 9:  Venus Enters Gemini. Venus in Gemini until June 2nd brings a touch of light-hearted fun and a need to socialize.  This would be a great time to get to know your new neighbors or to reach out to family members that you rarely contact.

May 11:  New Moon at 21 Degrees Taurus. It is always beneficial to set your intentions at a New Moon. This new Moon in Taurus trine Neptune in Pisces is especially favorable.  Neptune encourages you to dream with no boundaries.  Taurus’ grounded energy is advantageous in trimming those dreams and making them practical.

May 12:  Mercury Trine Saturn at 13 Degrees Gemini/Aquarius. Mercury trine Saturn right after the Taurus New Moon is especially good for writing, speaking, and organizing. If you have projects that require attention to detail, bring them out and complete them under this aspect. Saturn stabilizes Mercury and adds the necessary steadiness to Mercury’s free flowing ideas and impatience.

May 13: Jupiter Enters Pisces.  Jupiter in Pisces is great for humanitarian endeavors and increases interest in psychic, past life and “occult” matters. Use this time to explore your intuitive and mystical gifts. We are all intuitive, but many of us do not know it. Jupiter stays in Pisces until July 28, when it retrogrades back into Aquarius.

May 16-17: Sun Trine Pluto at 26-27 Degrees Taurus/Capricorn. Sun trine Pluto in the earth signs of Taurus and Capricorn adds a favorable spin to money matters, career advancement, and other practical matters. Use this powerful energy to consolidate career and financial matters.  Taurus and Capricorn Sun signs are especially favored under this helpful energy.

May 19:  Venus Trine Saturn at 13 Degrees Gemini/Aquarius. Venus trine Saturn provides an excellent opportunity for a group outing, sharing with others, communicating your views to friends and other situations in life that pertain to human relationships. This is an excellent time to discuss relationship issues of all kinds. Venus provides good will, while Saturn keeps you tuned into reality. Venus lends a loving vibe, while Saturn tends to keep relationship discussions from spiraling out of control. There is some danger of hurt feelings, where no slight was intended, so use the Venus energy to keep your focus on love and caring.

May 20:  Sun Enters Gemini.  The Sun in Gemini through June 20, focuses on all things related to communication, including writing, speaking, studying, teaching and socializing.  This would be an ideal time to sign up for a class in something that has always interested you.

May 21:  Sun Square Jupiter at 00 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. Sun square Jupiter in the mutable signs of Gemini and Pisces is a really useful aspect for enhancing your life both materially and spiritually. The Sun sheds light, while Jupiter enhances what it touches.

May 24: Saturn Retrograde at 13 Degrees Aquarius. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius until October 12, 2021, urges you to integrate the old, outworn energy (Saturn) with the new, innovative way of looking at things (Aquarius). After the upheavals of 2020 we know that nothing is the same. Saturn retrograde provides a pause in which to integrate the old and new for the best of both.

May 26:  Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 Degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. This Sagittarius Full Moon has entirely different vibes than last month’s Scorpio Full Moon.  The Full Moon in Sagittarius is much more light hearted and playful. All full Moons are emotional, but this one is more geared toward playfulness, partying and communication.  The Sun and Moon are square Jupiter in Pisces, which brings a challenge around over exuberance, exaggeration and a tendency to throw caution to the winds. Be aware, and if going out be sure to have a designated driver.

Because this Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, it is also a good time to take stock of what you have accomplished, what you need to keep and perfect and what you need to let go of. Those with personal planets from 0 to 10 degrees of the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo) will feel this Sagittarius Full Moon most strongly.

May 29:  Mercury Turns Retrograde at 24 Degrees Gemini. Mercury retrograde in its own sign is very strong. Use retrograde Mercury in Gemini to rethink old plans, ideas and projects. Once Mercury resumes direct motion on June 24, you can put your perfected ideas into action.

Moon Movement During May 2021: Note: The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

May 1:    Moon in Capricorn

May 2:    Moon enters Aquarius

May 4:    Moon enters Pisces

May 7:    Moon enters Aries

May 9:    Moon enters Taurus

May 11:  New Moon at 21 Degrees Taurus

May 12:  Moon enters Gemini

May 14: Moon enters Cancer

May 17: Moon enters Leo

May 19: Moon enters Virgo

May 21: Moon enters Libra

May 23:  Moon enters Scorpio

May 25:  Moon enters Sagittarius

May 26:  Full Moon and Lunar Total Eclipse at 5 Degrees Sagittarius

May 27:  Moon enters Capricorn

May 30:  Moon enters Aquarius


Claudia and I (Aspen Intuitives) have been accepted into the Aspen Saturday Market, the Basalt Sunday Market from the middle of June until the end of September 2021 (Covid permitting).  We will also  be at the Carbondale Mountain Fair.

I finished teaching a beginning astrology classes on March 25, 2021.  Let me know if you are interested in attending another class sometime this summer. In addition, I plan to hold a once-monthly astrology meet-up where we can explore all things astrological.  At this time, I am taking a much-needed break, but will resume such activities later this summer. Reach out to me with any questions.

I will be giving a Zoom talk on Chiron on May 23 at A Spiritual Center. I plan to post it on YouTube later if you wish to view it.

If you have not yet viewed my video regarding the energy of 2021 and beyond you can find it on You Tube at


Astrology Readings  

My full readings cover your current solar return year ahead, the current transits and your progressions. My astrology readings are $150 for one-hour readings and $75.00 for half hour readings and include a recorded MP3 of the reading.   Readings are via telephone and via Zoom online.  Payment is through Paypal. 


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