Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Full Moon
Full Moon

The moon is currently in Leo

Astrology Transits October 2024 – Balance Amid Turmoil


Image by Anja from Pixabay

Throughout the infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe. — Nikola Tesla


When I was preparing this newsletter, I was struck by how many aspects were either a quincunx (also known as an inconjunct) or sesiquiquadrate. After more thought, I realized that the aspects accurately reflect the October energy.


The quincunx aspect is formed when two planets are at an angle of 150 degrees from each other. The two planets are hidden from each other and thus find it difficult, if not impossible, to have a meaningful interaction. A quincunx in a birth chart will show subconscious behavior patterns that are difficult to realize, acknowledge and confront. Any incompatible energy between the planets just sets there and smolders until it finally, leads to a blow up or blow out. Of course, that same energy prevails when transiting planets aspect your birth chart.


The sesquiquadrate aspect forms when two planets are 135 degrees from each other. Like a square aspect it creates tension and challenges. When the energy is not used positively, the energy can have a compulsive, obsessive or stubborn quality. Used in a positive manner, it can motivate you to push aside any obstacles and to make significant progress.


October 2: New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 Degrees Libra at 2:49 PM EDT. This Libra Solar Eclipse is part of the 8 South eclipse series that began at the South Pole on April 1, 1718. Each eclipse in a series repeats itself every 18 years and carries a similar meaning from the original eclipse. The basic meaning is “to finish something and to feel sad at its completion (per Bernadette Brady)”. The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse starts the new 18-year cycle of the major planetary energy moving into fire and air signs. Uranus in Taurus sesiquiquadrate the South Node, Moon and Sun, suggests that we have all become complacent. Its time to shake things up and move into a new way of thinking and being.


I will be giving a talk about the big, big changes that are coming to our planet ushered in by the recent eclipses and Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius on November 19. I will be speaking at the Spiritual Center, 3rd Street Center, Suite 31, in Carbondale, CO, on October 13, at 10:00 am. Everyone is welcome to attend.



October 4: Sun at 11 Degrees Libra Sesiquiquadrate Uranus at 26 Degrees Taurus.  Venus Trine Saturn at 14 Degrees Scorpio/Pisces. Sun sesiquiquadrate Uranus in the Venus-ruled signs of Libra and Taurus puts the emphasis on your relationships and security concerns, as does Venus trine Saturn in Scorpio and Pisces. This is a good time to take a deep look into any buried issues (Scorpio) that need your attention. Venus trine Saturn can help you sort things out in a realistic, fair (Libra) manner.


October 6: Sun Quincunx Saturn at 14 Degrees Libra/Pisces. The Sun and Saturn are uneasy partners at best. When they are in a quincunx aspect, an adjustment needs to be made between your needs and the limiting factors around you. The Sun in Libra is willing to negotiate and Saturn in Pisces is not as powerful as usual, so it is easier to come to an agreement between competing interests.


October 8: Venus Trine Mars at 19 Degrees Scorpio/Cancer. Venus trine Mars is excellent for working out relationship issues. Venus keeps Mars from being too abrasive, while Mars helps Venus asset herself. Your powers of attraction are amped up under this aspect, so invite that special someone out for coffee or lunch today.


October 9: Jupiter Turns Retrograde at 21 Degrees Gemini. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini until February 5, 2025 is a time to reassess your beliefs. Ask yourself:

  • Where have I become stuck in my belief system?
  • What new ideas do I need to consider about life and the way that it works?


October 11: Pluto Turns Direct at 29 Degrees Capricorn. Pluto moving direct will enter Aquarius on November 19, 2024, which will change everything over the next 20 years. Short terms changes may not be noticeable unless Pluto conjuncts  one of your natal planets in very early Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio.


October 13: Sun Opposition Chiron at 21 Degrees Libra/Aries. Sun Trine Jupiter at 21 Degrees Libra/Gemini. Mercury Square Pluto at 29 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. The Sun opposing Chiron on the Libra/Aries axis puts the spotlight on your fears and past hurts that have stifled your ability to shine as you are meant to do. Mercury square Pluto can bring your deepest, darkest shame and guilt to the surface for healing. This is especially apt, with the Sun in Libra. Libra Sun signs are masters at feeling guilty about anything and everything.


October 13: Mercury Enters Scorpio. Mars Square Chiron at 21 Degrees Cancer/Aries. Mercury in Scorpio until November 1st amplifies your ability to see beneath the surface façades. Use this time to make sense of confusing people, places or things. Mars square Chiron helps you understand and heal your own hidden pain and hurt feelings. Be careful though, as Mars here can cause you to blame someone else and to lash out at them unprovoked.


October 14:  Sun Square Mars at 21 Degrees Libra/CancerVenus Opposition Uranus at 26 Degrees Scorpio/Taurus. Sun square Mars and Venus opposition Uranus in the fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus are flashing a big red warning sign. A few words that come to mind are “angry” and “stubborn”, leading to sudden unreasonable upsets. Be careful when driving and think before you act in a rash, unthinking manner. Venus opposition Uranus can lead to sudden separations, so take a deep breath and count to 20 (or more) before you act.


October 17: Full Moon at 24 Degrees Aries. Venus Sextile Pluto at 29 Degrees Scorpio/Capricorn. Venus Enters Sagittarius. This Aries Full Moon is the planetary complement to the October 2nd Libra Solar Eclipse. The solar eclipse was about letting go of guilt, and misplaced burdens. This Aries Full Moon is about taking action (Aries) to bring in the new and exciting. Notice how a T-square is formed by the Aries Full Moon conjunct Chiron square the Sun, square Mars and also widely square Pluto. Challenging yes, but with high potential to free yourself from old anger, guilt, and power issues. A big, big caution, however. Be mindful in all you do and be careful of acting from emotion.


October 19: Sun Quincunx Uranus and Sun Quincunx Moon at 26 Degrees Libra/Taurus. This could be a rather frustrating day with the Sun quincunx Uranus and also Sun quincunx the Moon. This could be especially taxing if you have planets in late degrees of the cardinal signs (Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Libra) or late degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius). Luckily, the Sun moves fairly fast, so it is a short-lived aspect.


October 20: Sun Quincunx Neptune at 27 Degrees Libra/Pisces. Sun Sesiquiquadrate Saturn at 13 Degrees Pisces. This is another day when frustration (quincunx), limitation (Saturn) and confusion (Sun quincunx Neptune) are in the planetary soup. Stay calm and this too shall pass fairly quickly.


 October 22: Sun Square Pluto at 29 Degrees Libra/Capricorn. Sun Enters Scorpio at 6:14 PM. Sun square Pluto at the last degrees of Libra and Capricorn can be summed up in the phrase: “light meets dark” or “our essence meets the deep, subconscious forces within.” Spend a few minutes today reflecting on any possible hidden motivations that are holding you back. The Sun square Pluto aspect can help you accomplish amazing things once you let go of subconscious fears. The last degrees of a sign are a completion energy. As much as possible, finish what you have started before the Sun moves into Scorpio later today and Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19.


October 24: Mars Sextile Uranus at 26 Degrees Cancer/Taurus. Mars sextile Uranus brings an itchy, restless, impatient feeling. You are prone to making impulsive, and potentially unwise, decisions under this aspect. Though uncomfortable, Mars and Uranus can be helpful in freeing yourself from worn out, unhelpful relationships and situations. Just use caution as you proceed and think before you act.


October 29: 28: Venus Square Saturn at 13 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Mars Trine Neptune at 27 Degrees Cancer/Pisces. Mars at 27 Degrees Cancer Sesiquiquadrate Saturn at 13 Degrees Pisces.  Mars sesiquiquadrate Saturn in the water signs of Cancer and Pisces may bring extreme highs and extreme lows in your emotional body or fluctuations between depression (Saturn) and adrenaline rushes (Mars). Try to stay calm and go with the flow. Everyone, but especially water signs, may find it helpful to go sit by a peaceful ocean or gently flowing stream.


Moon Movement During October 2024: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.


October 2:     Moon enters Libra

October 2:     Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 Degrees Libra at 2:49 PM EDT

October 4:     Moon enters Scorpio

October 6:     Moon enters Sagittarius

October 9:     Moon enters Capricorn

October 11:    Moon enters Aquarius

October 13:    Moon enters Pisces

October 15:    Moon enters Aries

October 17:   Full Moon at 24 Degrees Aries at 7:26 AM EDT

October 17:    Moon enters Taurus at 3:59 PM EDT

October 19:    Moon enters Gemini

October 21:    Moon enters Cancer

October 24:    Moon enters Leo

October 26:    Moon enters Virgo

October 29:   Moon enters Libra

October 31:   Moon enters Scorpio



I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Square or Venmo. Send an email to to schedule your reading.



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