Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Full Moon
Full Moon

The moon is currently in Pisces

Astrology Transits February 2020 – Honor Your Uniqueness

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out. — Dr. Seuss

The Sun resides in Aquarius as February begins, which highlights the Aquarius/Leo axis.  Leo is about individuality and marching to your own guidelines.  Aquarius is about groups and working within the confines of other’s needs.  There is, therefore, a dynamic tension this month on expressing your own unique “specialness” while working within the needs of those around you.

The emphasis shifts on February 19 when the Sun enters Pisces.  At the New Moon in Pisces on February 23 there are four planets in Pisces (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune).  Mid-February, with its emphasis on Pisces and with Mercury retrograde, is a great time to step back, breathe deeply and re-orient yourself toward your new visions and goals for the year.  Yes, 2020 will have its share of challenges, but there are also many indications toward an energy shift, particularly in the first and last parts of the year.  Jupiter, now in Capricorn, pushes us to consolidate what we have accomplished by moving confidently, optimistically forward (Jupiter) in a measured, grounded way (Capricorn).

February 1: Saturn and Pluto conjunction. Saturn and Pluto form their last conjunction before Saturn moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on March 22nd.  Though Saturn retrogrades back to 25 Capricorn this summer, it will not form another conjunction with Pluto until June 15, 2053.  We truly are living in a historical time — contemplate the fact that Saturn will not conjunct Pluto in Capricorn again for approximately 250 years.

February 2-4: Venus Sextile Saturn and Pluto at 23-25 Degrees Pisces/Capricorn. Venus is not only the planet of love, but also the planet of money.  Venus in an easy connection to Saturn and Pluto, paves the way to build a firm foundation under your dreams.  You can especially anchor and stabilize the changes you made to transform yourself during Saturn and Pluto’s long stay in Capricorn.

Mercury enters Pisces and forms a positive contact with Uranus.  Pay attention to intuition, hunches and “flashes of insight” during this favorable time.

February 7:  Venus enters Aries.  Now is the time to take big strides in your money-making activities.  It is also an opportune time to pursue that elusive someone that you would like to get to know better.

February 9:  Full Moon at 20 Degrees Leo. What a lovely full Moon!  Leo rules play, creativity, children and expressing yourself fully in an unrestrained, dramatic way. The Sun in the opposite sign of Aquarius is about giving yourself permission to be as unusual and quirky as you would like to be.  After a long period of Saturn in Capricorn, we are all craving the energy of this full Moon.  Rest assured, however, there is still plenty of earthy Capricorn energy to keep you grounded.  Enjoy!


February 16:  Mars enters Capricorn.  Action-oriented, impatient Mars has been in Sagittarius since January 3.  Fire planet Mars in fire sign Sagittarius has brought on a lot of anger and aggressive movement. You may have felt more anger than usual and/or more anger has been directed at you than usual.  Capricorn cools off the over-heated energy of Mars.  Hopefully, we will all be more inclined to think before we act and maybe, just maybe, it will temper the overly aggressive drivers that have been in the news lately.

February 17:  Mercury turns retrograde at 13 Degrees Pisces. Mercury retrograde in Pisces gives you a superb chance to rethink your dreams.  Your imagination is at a high level during this Mercury retrograde, so let yourself rethink and reimagine your hopes and wishes. Mercury turns direct on March 10 at 28 degrees Aquarius.

February 17-19: Jupiter Sextile Neptune at 17 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. Jupiter Sextile Neptune in the signs of Capricorn and Pisces brings a lovely patch of easy energy.  Optimism (Jupiter) blends with spiritual idealism (Neptune).  The sign of Pisces brings an other-worldly vibe, while the sign of Capricorn keeps you grounded and realistic.  This is another time when information from your higher self and spiritual guides will easily flow into your consciousness.

February 19:  Sun in Pisces. Celebrate the Sun in Pisces by spending more time contemplating and then implementing your dreams, imagination and visions.  The New Moon in Pisces (see below) is an especially opportune time to do so.

February 23:  New Moon at 4 Degrees Pisces. As the Moon transits into Pisces, it conjoins the Sun at 5 degrees Pisces.  At the same time, it forms nice, easy connections to Mars and Uranus.  New Moons are when we plant the seeds.  When the New Moon connects to the planet of action (Mars) and the planet of breakthrough ideas (Uranus), magical things can manifest.



Wednesday, February 12 through March 18, 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
$210 for 6 weeks
Payable by Paypal, cash, and check (with approval)

The Spiritual Center
Suite 31, Third Street Center
520 S 3rd Street
Carbondale, CO 81623

This class is for total newbies, and for those who know some astrology, but have a hard time putting it all together.

We will start with the basics and by the end of the class, you will be able to read and understand your birth chart and to have a basic understanding of how transits affect you. Visit my class information page for more information.

RSVP by email to to sign up for the class; or if you have questions.

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