Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Scorpio

Astrology Transits May 2023 – Transformation

Change has a bad reputation in our society. But it isn’t all bad – not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life – to keep us moving, to keep us growing, to keep us interested. Imagine life without change. It will be static, boring, dull. — Dr. Dennis O’Grady

The big news this month is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This Scorpio eclipse promises to be intense, emotional and, potentially, life changing. Eclipses are not a one-and-done type of energy. The effects of an eclipse last for six months, sometimes longer. This would be a great time to do your candle rituals and to affirm what you want to manifest during the next six months to a year.

  • Close your eyes and visual what you want. Its best not to be too focused on a certain outcome. Thus, “a loving, warm, supportive relationship, is much better than “I want X to love me.
  • Add emotion – the more emotion the better.
  • Use all five senses and your sixth intuitive sense to see yourself already achieving that goal.
  • Thank the universe, God or other spiritual entity that you relate to for bringing your good to you.
  • Understand that your desires begin to manifest as soon as you believe that they can happen.
  • Release to the universe while saying and believing, “this or something better is mine now.”


The more you can feel your emotions and feel the sense that your desires have already been fulfilled, the quicker your desires will manifest. However, rest assured the universe will bring you what you need at the right time for your spiritual evolution.


May 1: Sun Conjunct Mercury at 11 Degrees Taurus. Sun conjunct Mercury is a short-lived aspect that is excellent for writing, talking and all matters related to communication. Mercury is retrograde so be sure your thoughts and communication are clear and organized.


May 3: Mars Sesiquiquadrate Saturn at 20 Degrees Cancer/5 Degrees Pisces. Mars sesiquiquadrate Saturn is a frustrating aspect that feels like you have one foot on the gas (Mars) and the other foot on the brake (Saturn). Stay calm. Patience is definitely a virtue at this time.


May 4: Venus Square Neptune at 26 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. Venus square Neptune is one of those aspects that can be blissful or can tend towards confusion and delusion. Be especially careful regarding untested relationships under this aspect.


May 5: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14 Degrees 58 Minutes Scorpio. Did I say INTENSE? If not, I’ll say it again – INTENSE. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio ushers in big changes over the next six months. This is especially true for the fixed signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo); especially if you have planets within 9 to 20 degrees of those signs. Ask yourself whether you want to hold onto your collective past or to releasee some of the weight. Power issues are big — both issues with others wanting power over you and you giving away your power. This promises to be a very emotional eclipse, so give yourself the time and space to process your feelings as needed.


May 7: Venus Enters Cancer. Venus Quincunx Retrograde Pluto at Zero Degrees Cancer/Aquarius. Intensity (retrograde Pluto) in relationships (Venus). Express yourself, but don’t belabor the point. The energy is much too volatile under Venus quincunx Pluto. Adjustments (quincunx) need to be made, but wait until the energy is more conducive to discussions with others.


May 9:  Sun Conjunct Uranus at 19 Degrees Taurus. You are raring to go and ready to make changes when the Sun is Conjunct Uranus. Your inventive abilities are heightened, so use this time to find solutions to vexing problems.


May 13: Venus Trine Saturn at 6 Degrees Cancer/Pisces.  Venus trine Saturn is excellent for reassessing your friendships and relationships. You are serious and grounded, which helps you make the right decision regarding problematic relationships.


May 15: Mercury Turns Direct at 5 Degrees Taurus. This has been one of the most frustrating Mercury Retrograde periods for me in a long time. My refrigerator hit the dust, as did my computer and paper shredder. The refrigerator was at least 25 years old and the computer had started to act up, so it was all needed. I am reminded again that the universe creates opportunities for us to advance and find new opportunities. Flow with the setbacks and enjoy the opportunity to make corrections.


May 15: Mars Trine Neptune at 27 Degrees Cancer/Pisces.  Take action (Mars) toward your dreams (Neptune). Trines are easy energy, but they lack “oomph.” Neptune also lacks oomph. Mars trine Neptune adds the necessary push to make your dreams come true.


May 16-23: Jupiter Square Pluto at Zero Degrees Taurus/Aquarius. Zero degrees of a sign is considered to be a new beginning and a chance to forge new paths. Taurus relates to financial matters and security, while Aquarius is about working with groups and friends to achieve your aims. Jupiter brings abundance. Go for it and aim high under this highly beneficial aspect. However, because Mars forms a T-square with Jupiter and Pluto, this time period fosters a certain sense of craziness and hysteria. The evening news ought to be quite interesting. Stay calm; this too shall pass. Use the positive vibes and don’t get caught up in the “stuff.”


May 19: New Moon at 28 Degrees Taurus.  The New Moon in Taurus places your focus on the simple things in life, your security and your connection to the earth. Spend time enjoying and beautifying your home and garden, or buy a new house plant to nurture. Taurus is a sensual sign that delights in the five senses (hearing, touch, smell, and taste). Take time to enjoy the delights of nature. Watch the bees and revel in the beautiful new flowers. Take a long, nature walk or splurge on a new favorite perfume.


May 20: Mars Enters Leo. Mars Opposition Pluto at Zero Degrees Leo/Aquarius. Mars in Leo forms an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. Mars opposition Pluto enhances your energy and motivation to get things done. Push yourself, not others, under Mars opposition Pluto. Actions taken now, can have very positive and long-reaching results.


May 21: Sun Enters Gemini. Sun Trine Pluto at Zero Degrees Gemini/Aquarius. The Sun in Gemini brings our attention to all matters relating to communication, teaching, learning and moving freely about. Sun in Gemini trine Pluto adds emphasis to our communication.


May 23: Mars Square Jupiter at 1 Degree Leo/Taurus. Mars square Jupiter is super for firing up your goals and for taking decisive action. Mars brings a burst of energy and the desire to take action, while Jupiter brings a sense of optimism. Together, they bring exuberance and a tendency to overdo and to take unnecessary risks. Use this dynamic Mars square Jupiter aspect to advance new projects. Just remember to stay grounded and to always act with integrity.


May 24: Venus Square Chiron at 18 Degrees Cancer/Aries. Consider letting go of painful and/or problematic relationships. Venus square Chiron blesses you with the opportunity for more positive and life-enhancing relationships. Such relationships can only appear when you let go of the negative connections.


May 28: Sun Square Saturn at 6 Degrees Gemini/Pisces. Sun square Saturn is an excellent aspect for steady accomplishment. Contrast this with Mars square Jupiter on May 23rd. Sun square Saturn gives you the patience and fortitude to tackle vexing obstacles and to make tough decisions.


Moon Movement During May 2023: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

May 1:    Moon in Virgo

May 2:    Moon enters Libra

May 4:    Moon enters Scorpio

May 5;    Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14 Degrees 58 Minutes Scorpio

May 6:    Moon enters Sagittarius

May 8:    Moon enters Capricorn

May 10:  Moon enters Aquarius

May 13:  Moon enters Pisces

May 15:  Moon enters Aries

May 17:  Moon enters Taurus

May 19:  New Moon at 28 Degrees 25 Minutes Taurus at 11:53 am EDT

May 19:  Moon enters Gemini

May 21:  Moon enters Cancer

May 24:  Moon enters Leo

May 26:  Moon enters Virgo

May 29:  Moon enters Libra

May 31:  Moon enters Scorpio


I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Venmo or Zelle. Send an email to to schedule your reading.




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