Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Leo

May 2017, Astrological Transits That We Can Enbrace and Enjoy!





   Life is like riding a bicycle.
   To keep your balance you must keep moving.
   Albert Einstein





May brings welcome relief from the stagnant, yet chaotic and restless, energy that we all felt in April.  Anger, impatience, tiredness and frustration are now beginning to lift to be replaced by a more optimistic, yet grounded and realistic, energy pattern.

Venus went stationary direct on April 15 and Mercury follows in her footsteps by going stationary direct on May 3.  Jupiter continues its retrograde motion until June 8.  While Saturn and Pluto will remain retrograde, the retrograde energy is not felt as strongly on a day-to-day basis.  Make no mistake, the energy of retrograde Saturn and retrograde Pluto is still felt, it just doesn’t seem as urgent and stifling.

With the faster moving planets all moving forward and Saturn and Pluto retrograde, it is an excellent time to pursue your short-term goals, while also tweaking and improving your longer-term goals. It is easier to do so now with the new, lighter energy.

The Sun sextiles Neptune on May 3 bringer a dreamy quality to the day.  Nothing seems as hard-edged and urgent.  Kick back if you can and just enjoy the day.

That dreamy energy changes on May 9 when the Sun trines Pluto.  This trine gives you superb problem solving ability.  Your ability to concentrate and apply your willpower are intensified under this aspect.  Mercury conjunct Uranus on the 10th brings original, fresh (even surprising) ideas to aid you in sorting things out.


The veil is lifted on May 10 when the full Moon at 20 degrees Scorpio sextiles Pluto and trines Neptune.

Moon/Pluto aspects (especially with the full Moon) can bring up intense, buried and sometimes painful emotions.  However, it is an outstanding time to do deep meditation or to probe the depths of your motivations.

Old emotional patterns uprooted now may bring helpful ideas and insights at the May 25 new Moon at 4 degrees Gemini.



Then around May 11th and 12th we have some crazy Mars see-saw energy.

Mars square Neptune.  Mars square Neptune can bring questions around your life, your life direction and a general feeling of confusion.  This is not a good time to make decisions or to blindly follow the advice of others.  This transit can totally deflate your ego, so remember that it is only temporary (lasting only a day or two at most).  If possible spend time alone rather than mingling with others.

Mars trine Jupiter.  This is traditionally a risk-taking energy.  Risks taken now are likely to turn out well.  You have the desire and courage to make your own luck.  This is an extremely helpful aspect to further your career or to promote your business.

See what I mean by crazy and see-saw energy?  It seems that the universe is telling us to seek solitude so we can deal with any negative feelings and to then move forward optimistically and energetically.  Mercury trine Saturn and Mercury conjunct Uranus during this time period is, interestingly, giving us somewhat the same message.

Saturn trine Uranus on May 18 brings change (Uranus), but because of Saturn’s influence it isn’t a “wham” kind of change.  You have some control over how the change comes about.  This is a relatively slow moving transit so it is good for longer-term changes.  Learning a new craft or skill is especially favored under this transit.

Venus opposition Jupiter and then Venus square Pluto on May 19 through the 25th.

Mars sextile Neptune on May 28 is similar to Mars square Neptune discussed above, but the energy is milder and can be somewhat helpful.  It will bring a lower energy and, possibly, the need for solitude.  It is a good time to tune into your psychic abilities and to practice any spiritual disciplines.

The month ends with Mars opposite Saturn and Mars sextile Uranus.  Mars opposite Saturn acts like this:

  • You throw accelerant on a fire (Mars)
  • You douse the fire with water (Saturn)
  • You add kindling to the fire (Mars)
  • You throw a fire blanket over the fire to put it out (Saturn)
  • Repeat . . . . . .

This one requires lots of patience and you may have to bite your tongue and suppress your anger and simmering frustration quite a bit.

Mars sextile Uranus acts like this:

  • An accident happens (Mars/Uranus)
  • “Well it probably won’t be so bad after all – this insurance company is cooperating and it wasn’t my fault.”
  • Your car breaks down.
  • The repairs aren’t as bad as you thought they would be.
  • Repeat . . . . . .

June brings Venus trine Saturn (actually quite good) and Jupiter turning stationary direct (very good).

Enjoy the forward momentum!

10 Things to Do When Venus is Retrograde:

1. Check in on your value system. Your values change over time.

Are your actions and daily conduct in tune with your current values?

Or are they in tune with what your parents or some other “authority” told you should be your values?


2. Are the people in your life meeting your needs?


If not, can you negotiate with them to bring about a better outcome?

If not, is it time to let go of the relationship?


3. Are you meeting the needs of those close to you?

If not, how can you be a better lover, friend or family member?

If you no longer wish to try to meet those needs, what is the best way to withdraw from the conflict?


4. Do you want more love in my life?

If yes, what can you do to attract a lover, friend or other supportive person into your life?


5. What is your relationship with your pets.

Your pets are a reflection of your relationship to the world.


6. When was the last time you took a good look at your financial picture?

Venus retrograde is custom made for taking another look at how you earn and spend your money. Any tidying up of your money matters will pay dividends when Venus resumes forward motion.


7. Are you surviving or truly living?

If life has become a drudgery pit, Venus retrograde can help you revitalize your everyday existence. First, do some soul searching and then act decisively after Venus goes direct.


8. Is it time to change your outer appearance to make it more in tune with who you are or who you are becoming?  Venus is all about beauty and outer appearance. The Venus retrograde pause can help you reassess your public face.

If so, how can you begin to make those changes?


9. How can you change your life to express your true values?

If you are having trouble discerning your true values, look to where Venus is in your natal chart, the second house of your chart and the houses with Taurus and Libra on the cusp.

And Most Importantly:

10. Do you really and truly value and love yourself?


The more you love and value yourself the easier it will be to implement all of the other Venus retrograde benefits.

Consider booking an astrology reading if you need help with assessing where you are now in your life and help with reaching your goals.


Mercury Retrograde December 2016



Mercury, the planet of communication, ideas and quick thinking is entering its shadow period before it goes stationary retrograde on December 19, 2016. We have all heard about Mercury retrograde and many of us have fears around what a Mercury retrograde will bring to our life.

It’s true that Mercury retrograde can bring:

  • Miscommunication. You thought you were meeting each other at 10th and Elm but one of you waits at 12th and Elm instead.
  • Glitches in all of your electronic devices: cell phones, computers, tablets, electronic thermostats, traffic lights, etc.
  • Slower reflexes and thought processes.
  • Travel problems: delayed or canceled flights, outdated maps or GPS instructions and booking errors. Be especially careful with distracted driving. Best to turn your cell phone completely off while driving.
  • Talking about cell phones, best to limit multi-tasking while on your cell phone—your brain is working slower and will not process information as efficiently during Mercury retrograde. This could result in running red lights, kitchen mishaps and a general lack of awareness of what is around you.

Here are some ways to successfully navigate the Mercury retrograde period:

  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Think before you speak.
  • Repeat appointments, addresses and directions out loud to help your brain remember and process information.
  • Back up your computer and make sure that any important paper copies are stored in a safe place.
  • Take care of any neglected car maintenance before Mercury turns retrograde on December 19.
  • Make sure that your virus scan software is up-to-date and working.
  • Use the Mercury retrograde period to rethink your plans and goals.
  • Revise those plans and goals as necessary.
  • Realign yourself to your highest truth about yourself, your goals and your life path.

Because both Neptune and Uranus will be out of their retrograde periods when Mercury turns direct on January 8, 2017, you will be in a great position to confidently move forward with your revised plans at that time.




April 2016 Astrology Forecast Newsletter

It’s not only moving that creates new starting points. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift in perspective, an opening of the mind, an intentional pause and reset, or a new route to start to see new options and new possibilities.    Kristin Armstrong


March was a month of change due to a solar eclipse in Pisces and a lunar eclipse in Libra.  Our spiritual relationship to the world and our close personal relationships were targeted for change.  The cosmos asked us to release any stuck areas in our lives.  The equinox was a balance and decision-making point.  The first week in April is an action week.  Put things in motion now.  The energy changes next week.

Snail on Coins4

The rest of April is a time to slow down, take stock, revise, re-evaluate and re-structure.  It can seem like life is moving at a snail’s pace, especially after Mars turns retrograde on April 17.
Jupiter and Saturn were both in retrograde motion when the month began.  Mars turns retrograde on the 17th,  Pluto on the 18th and Mercury turns retrograde on the 28th.
Let’s take a look at how Mars retrograde and Pluto retrograde impact your life in April 2016.

Mars Retrograde from April 17, 2016 until June 29, 2016

Mars in your birth chart rules how you act, your energy, your drive, your determination and how you assert yourself.  Of course we need to continue our daily routine when Mars is retrograde, but certain activities are not favored when Mars is retrograde.
Actions to Avoid When Mars Is Retrograde
  • Refrain from starting new activities, including strenuous exercise programs.  If you must start something new, put extra effort into planning for the unexpected.  Others involved in new projects will tend to oppose your efforts.
  • Mars retrograde is not conducive to lawsuits and mediation matters.  Try to get things settled before April 17th or extended until after July 2nd when Mars is once again moving forward.  This is not a good time to have “that talk” with your significant other.
  • Postpone any elective surgery until after Mars goes direct.  If possible, be especially careful not to schedule surgery around the Scorpio full Moon on April 15.
  • Mars rules iron and machinery so it is not a good time to buy such items.  Make sure all mechanical items are in good repair before Mars turns retrograde.
Actions to Take When Mars Is Retrograde:
  • Conserve your energy.  Mars retrograde generates a lot of stress.  Stress overworks the adrenals and thyroid glands leading to a feeling of tiredness and depletion in your body.
  • Monitor your frustration level.  Frustrated, grouchy feelings are common when Mars is retrograde because of the lack of progress and movement.  Does it really matter if you get through the check-out lane in seven minutes instead of five minutes?
  • Do remain calm when others act aggressively toward you.  Confrontation is not advised at this time.  Retrograde Mars square retrograde Jupiter can turn small issues into out-of-control, dangerous situations.  You may be more accident prone—be careful and mindful.  Fires can quickly grow out of control; practice care when using fire.
  • Spend time planning how you will conquer that job or love search when Mars resumes direct motion.

Pluto Retrograde from April 18, 2016 until September 26, 2016

Most of the time Pluto retrograde won’t be noticed on a daily basis.  It is a transformative planet that works powerfully, but quietly, in the background.
Actions to Avoid when Pluto Is Retrograde:
  • Do not become overly suspicious of the motives of others.  Do not create trouble where there is none.
  • Control and power issues can be your downfall under Pluto retrograde.  Things to ponder and correct are:  “Why do I continually give my power away?”  Are you so defensive that you attract attacks from others?
Actions to Take When Pluto Is Retrograde:
  • Let go of unproductive attitudes such as rigid emotions, judgments and bias.
  • Determine what you really need.  What are your true values?  Is it acquiring more material asset; is it relationships; or is it peace of mind and a sense of knowing that you are making a difference?  You must be true to yourself—think it over.
  • Spend time assessing any control issues.  What makes you feel out of control?  How do you act when you feel out of control?  How are you trying to control others?  How does your defensive attitude cause others to react negatively or aggressively toward you?  Is it worth it to stay with a certain controlling person?
  • Pluto retrograde is a stellar time to gain greater control over your professional, financial and health concerns.
  • Think “regeneration” in all matters.  Regeneration could mean internal cleansings, detox regimens, meditation, tai chi, chi gung, yoga or finding the motivation to seek psychological help for ongoing issues that have kept you stuck.
  • Pluto’s retrograde journey is an optimum time to tackle chronic or major health problems.  Use Pluto’s ability to ferret out little known information and to find new medical research studies, etc.  If your belief pattern permits, it would be an excellent time to visit a medical intuitive.

Mercury Retrograde from April 28, 2016 through May 22, 2016

I discussed Mercury Retrograde in a prior post.  Some of the information is outdated, but much of it remains valid.

Use this pause in activity to shift your perspective, open your mind, reset your attitudes and priorities and to prepare for new options and possibilities.

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