Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Gemini

Atrology Transits January 2023 – Ready for Change



Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed. — Terence McKenna



It seems that many people went through most of year 2022 holding their breath, or worse, in depression, doubt and fear. Though year 2023 certainly has its challenges, the energy is dramatically changing. Major planetary shifts in the next several months include:

  • Neptune turned direct in Pisces on December 3, 2022 – your spiritual and creative expression is strong. 
  • Mars retrograde ends on January 12, 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini – aggressive thoughts and speech, but also active, engaged communication.
  • Uranus turns direct on January 22, 2023, at 14° Taurus – big shift in what we hold dear and letting go of outworn security needs.
  • Saturn moves from Aquarius into Pisces on March 7, 2023 – responsibility combined with wonder, intuition and spirituality.
  • Pluto moves from Capricorn into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 – a slow-moving, but major, shift in collective thought.
  • Jupiter enters Taurus on May 17, 2023 – change in our values and thinking positively about money and security.

With the slower-moving planets involved, we can be sure that there will be a major shift, both individually and collectively, in perspective over time. 


December 30, 2022: Mercury turned Retrograde at 24 Degrees Capricorn. Mercury will be in retrograde motion until January 17, when it will station direct at 8 degrees Capricorn. 


January 2: Mercury Sextile Neptune at 22 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. Venus Enters Aquarius. Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces has the effect of slowing down your thoughts and outside communications so you can tune into your inner intuitive insights. If possible, take time to reflect on your inner dreams.


January 4: Venus Sextile Jupiter at 1 Degree Aquarius/Aries. Venus sextile Jupiter is one of those rare aspects that make you feel lucky, benevolent and optimistic. Though short-lived, it is excellent for love relationships and social connections of all kinds.


January 5: Sun Trine Uranus at 15 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. Use the energizing Sun trine Uranus aspect to start new, exciting, mind-expanding studies. Keep track of any sudden insights that you have now. They can be amazingly helpful in solving seemingly unsolvable problems.


January 6-7:  Full Moon at 16 Degrees Cancer. Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury at 16 Degrees Capricorn. The Cancer Full Moon promises to be an emotional time. The Moon is very strong when it is full in its own sign of Cancer. Family matters and all issues related to caretaking and nurturing are featured now. Spend some time tuning into your emotions and needs. Areas to examine:

  • How do you nurture others? How do you nurture yourself?
  • How do you wish others would nurture you? 
  • What is the difference between nurturing and smothering?
  • What kind of people, places and objects make you feel cared for?
  • How will you bring about the desired emotional changes? 

January 8-9: Retrograde Mercury Trine Uranus at 15 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus.
Venus Trine Mars 15 8 Degrees Aquarius/Gemini. Use retrograde Mercury trine Uranus to go back over and fine tune any ideas that came to you under Sun trine Uranus on January 5. Mercury is especially strong when retrograde. Use it to find and correct flaws in your ideas and/or thinking. Pay especial attention to sudden insights.

Venus trine Mars is excellent for solving touchy relationship issues. Mars helps you assert yourself, while Venus softens your tone. Venus trine Mars is also excellent for money matters and for attracting or furthering love relationships. The main caution is to curb impulsive, impatient actions.


January 11-12:  Retrograde Mercury Square Chiron at 12 Degrees Capricorn/Aries. Venus Sextile Chiron at 12 Degrees/Aquarius/Aries. Retrograde Mercury square Chiron means that it is time to relook at and heal those life experiences that wounded you in some way. Use Venus sextile Chiron to send healing love to yourself and to those who wronged you. Something to try: 1) visualize a pink cloud around yourself, 2) send that pink cloud to the person who has hurt you and finally 3) release the pink cloud to the universe with love.


January 13-14: Venus Sextile Neptune at 12 Degrees Capricorn/Pisces. Venus Square Uranus at 14 Degrees Aquarius/Taurus. Venus continues to offer love and healing when it sextiles Neptune. If possible, connect with nature and beautiful surroundings. A romantic night out with your special someone would also be wonderful when Venus is sextile Neptune.

Venus square Uranus can make you feel flirtier, so be careful who you flirt with. It may also leave you feeling a little unsettled, bored, impulsive and impatient. Use some estraint. Instead, use Venus square Uranus to look at where you need to make changes to freshen things up in your life.


January 18: Sun Conjunct Pluto at 28 Degrees Capricorn. Sun conjunct Pluto is an intense and, most likely, upsetting aspect. Our ego needs (Sun) are strengthened and intensified (Pluto). Because everyone is being affected by this aspect, it is best not to provoke others and to stay away from dangerous or challenging situations and places.


January 19-20:  Mercury Turns Direct at 8 Degrees Capricorn. Sun Enters Aquarius on January 29. The Sun moving into Aquarius begins the profound shift we will all feel when Pluto begins its long journey in Aquarius in the next several years. As Mercury turns direct and moves forward in Capricorn it will help you make grounded, stable plans. Use the Aquarian Sun to use technology and/or to implement new ideas.


January 21: New Moon at 1 Degree Aquarius. The New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Capricorn practically shouts to you to examine where you have been and where you want to go. Pluto in Capricorn is about tradition, responsibility and “the way things have always been.”  The New Moon in Aquarius is about new ideas and the future. This Aquarius New Moon sets that energy in motion. If you have felt sluggish, stymied and sidelined, use this New Moon to imagine and embody new insights and possibilities.



January 22: Venus Conjunct Saturn at 24 Degrees Aquarius. Venus conjunct Saturn is excellent for making a budget and financial plan for the new year. Venus rules money and your values, while Saturn gives you a sense of restraint and responsibility. The sign of Aquarius helps you see and be open to new possibilities around making, saving and investing money.

You may not feel as warm and affectionate as usual when Venus is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. However, new relationships begun now can be long-lived and down to earth.


January 24: Sun Sextile Jupiter at 4 Degrees Aquarius/Aries. Sun sextile Jupiter is a very positive, active aspect, especially when it falls in Aquarius/Aries. Think big (Jupiter), pay attention to insights (Aquarius) and let yourself shine (Sun). This aspect is especially beneficial for those with the Sun and/or ascendant in Aquarius or Aries. For everyone else, look to the natal houses where Aquarius and Aries are located to see where to put your energy for positive results.


January 26: Venus Enters Pisces. Venus will be in Pisces until February 19. Venus in Pisces is outstanding for those of you in creative or artistic endeavors. It also adds a dreamy, romantic vibe to your love relationships. 


January 29: Sun Trine Mars at 9 Degrees Aquarius/Gemini. Mercury Trine Uranus at 14 Degrees Capricorn/Taurus. The Sun trine Mars and Mercury trine Uranus bring an active mind and a burst of physical energy. Use this dynamic aspect to finish old projects. The negative of Sun trine Mars is that you may be feeling more impatient, aggressive and/or hostile than normal. The more you divert the Mars energy into positive action the better.


Moon Movement During January 2023: Note: Dates given are for New York City, NY. The time of the Moon’s movement into a sign will vary depending on where you live.

January 1:        Moon in Taurus

January 2:        Moon enters Gemini

January 5:        Moon enters Cancer

January 6:        Full Moon at 16 Degrees Cancer

January 7:        Moon enters Leo

January 10:      Moon enters Virgo

January 12:      Moon enters Libra

January 15:      Moon enters Scorpio

January 17:      Moon enters Sagittarius

January 19:      Moon enters Capricorn

January 21:      Moon enters Aquarius

January 21:      New Moon at 1 Degree Aquarius

January 23:      Moon enters Pisces

January 25:      Moon enters Aries

January 27:      Moon enters Taurus

January 30:      Moon enters Gemini




I will be giving a talk at the Spiritual Center in Carbondale, CO on Sunday, January 8, 2023, at 10:00 am. I will be talking about some of the major shifts in year 2023. I would love to see you there.


I am still doing astrology readings by telephone or Zoom. My readings consist of transits, progressions, solar arc directions and solar return (year ahead) in relation to your birth chart. One-hour readings are $160 and half-hour readings are $80. Readings are recorded and payment is by PayPal, Venmo or Zelle. Send an email to to schedule your reading.




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