Astrology Readings Aspen, CO

My summer farmer’s market mini readings are over, but you can still book a reading with me any time.  Just send an email using the “Contact Me” button.

Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Gemini

Astrology Transits September 2019 – Simplicity and Organization

Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, love more and all good things will be yours. — Swedish proverb

September opens with the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus in Virgo.  The Virgo energy is quite a shift from the fiery, exuberant Leonine energy of last month. Such an emphasis on Virgo energy accentuates critical thinking, simplicity, organization, work, health, study and discrimination.  As children go back to school and the days become shorter our attention is focused toward practicality and simplicity.

In order to flow with this wonderfully grounded energy, you will be well served by turning your attention to self-improvement, organization, and improving efficiency.  There is no better time in the entire year to:

  • start a new health and/or fitness program,
  • break old habits,
  • organize your garage (or the junk drawer), and to
  • eliminate clutter, including physical, mental, and emotional clutter.

You get the picture — anything to make your life simpler, healthier and better organized will be favored during these Virgo transits.

The Virgo planets are in easy aspect to Uranus in Taurus during the first week of September.  Use this easy-flowing energy to break free from past limitations.  The abundance of grounded earth energy (Virgo and Taurus) keeps you focused and the wild-card energy of Uranus opens up new, out-of-the blue opportunities.

September 14:  Full Moon at 21 Degrees Pisces Conjunct Neptune, Opposing Mars; and Sun in Virgo Forms a T-Square with Saturn and Pluto in CapricornJupiter Squares Neptune.  The Pisces Full Moon has the potential to be rather challenging or, conversely, to bring great insights and to unleash hidden potential.

There is an element of confusion, and possibly even fear, when the emotion-laden Moon contacts task-master Saturn and transformative Pluto.  Neptune can bring high spiritual insights, but its flip side is disappointment, deception and confusion. Things and people may not be what they present themselves to be.

Mars in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces shows an internal war between the need to take action and the equally strong need for escapism.  Neither course of action is recommended under this challenging configuration.  Instead, ask for spiritual guidance and stay the course.  DO NOT take drugs or drink alcoholic beverages during this time.  Your body is extra sensitive to such substances and may react in unexpected ways.

September 14:  Mercury Enters Libra.  Mercury was very happy in Virgo where it strongly held forth as the ruler of Virgo.  Thoughts were organized and your power of discrimination was easy.  Now, Mercury in Libra brings some indecision around everything.  Should I do this, or should I do that? The infamous Libra indecision makes Mercury less sure in its thoughts.  Be wary of the tendency to let others unduly influence, or to manipulate, your actions and decisions.

September 16:  Venus Enters Libra.  Be aware that you may want to over idealize a potential love interest or financial situation.  Venus in Libra wants love and wants that love served up with a large helping of romance, flowers and candlelight dinners.  On the other hand (Libra words), you may become disillusioned and depressed if you have no one to be romantic with.

Whether single and looking, or in a committed relationship, Venus in Libra urges you to review your relationship dynamics.  Are your relationships working for you?  Do they need to be tweaked to bring them more in balance for both partners?  In any case, Venus in Libra urges you to learn to love yourself and to practice that self-love.

If you have been considering a new and/or better image (new clothes, new hair style, total makeover etc.), Venus in Libra helps you achieve the “look” of your dreams.

September 18:  Saturn Turns Direct at 14 Degrees Capricorn conjunct the South Node and in opposition to the North Node.  Saturn turned retrograde on April 29, 2019, and has remained in retrograde motion all summer.  You have spent all summer turning certain issues over and over (and over) in your mind with no resolution.  Saturn turning direct conjunct the South Node is the catalyst you need to take a new look at those old, unresolved issues from the past and to move them out of your life once and for all.  Saturn direct unleashes the momentum to move forward toward resolution.

Saturn is the planet of business and commerce. Business and employment matters that have been on hold all summer can now be revived and re-implemented with much better results than was previously possible.

September 21:  Jupiter Square Neptune at 17 Degrees Sagittarius/Pisces.    Jupiter square Neptune not only ramps up our dreams, but it can also lead to grandiose ideas about what is really possible. Use the reality check provided by Saturn direct in Capricorn to realistically access your dreams (Neptune) in the cold light of reality (Saturn).  The trick is to dream big (Neptune) with high optimism (Jupiter), while putting your dreams through the Saturn reality detector.  Ask yourself: “What do I need to do to make my daydreams (Neptune and Jupiter) a reality (Saturn).  The results can be impressive!

September 23:  Sun Enters Libra.  The Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Libra bringing partnership matters front and center.  If you are in a romantic or committed relationship, this is a great time to renew your vows and to work out any relationship issues.

If you are in a business relationship, it is time to have a talk with your partner about the direction of the partnership for the next 12 months.

In all areas of your life, Libra, the sign of fairness and balance, urges you to address any issues of balance and fairness.  Do responsibilities need to be reallocated?  Are both partners carrying their fair share.  These issues are particularly important this year with Saturn in Capricorn squaring the Libra planets.

September 28:  New Moon in Libra Quincunx Uranus in Taurus at 5 Degrees Libra/Taurus. The Libra New Moon is a great time for new beginnings relating to balance in your life.  The restrained Virgo energy has, hopefully, resulted in a more organized, simple life.  Now, with the New Moon in Libra it is time to bring more balance into the emotional, social areas of your life.  Spend some quiet time during the New Moon in Libra to think about those areas of your life where things are out of balance and/or where things seem unfair.

However, this is not the best time to make decisions.  Libra is a sign that can be prone to agonizing over all decisions, whether big or small.  Uranus in a stressful aspect to the New Libra Moon magnifies the tension around making decisions.  Uranus wants you to act now no matter what, while the Libra Moon and other Libra planets want to take their time on making a decision.  Mull over the pros and cons during the new moon, then act next week when the moon has moved on to other signs.


Consider getting an astrology reading during September (or order an astrology gift certificate for your Virgo or Libra friend or loved one).  I will look at the transits, progressions and solar return (year ahead) and interpret them for your greatest understanding.  All readings are by telephone, Skype or Zoom and payment is by Paypal.  Sign up here


Astrology Readings

Many of you have inquired about my astrology readings.  My full readings cover your current solar return year ahead, the current transits and your progressions. My astrology readings are $150 for one-hour readings and $75.00 for half hour readings and include a recorded MP3 of the reading.   Readings are via telephone and via Zoom online.  Payment is through Paypal.

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Thank you so much for signing up for my newsletter and for letting others know about me.  As always, its wonderful hearing from you with any comments or suggestions.  I sincerely appreciate it and I sincerely appreciate you. It makes me so happy to see that my articles and newsletters are being read and shared. It means that more people are becoming aware of the amazing ability of astrology to help them guide their lives in a positive way.

If you could please help me spread the word on astrology by forwarding my newsletter or sharing an article from my website or Facebook, I would really appreciate it.   The planets want to help us live a happy, fulfilling life, but we need to do our part.


Thank you again for your continued support.  If you wish to contact me, please send an email to or call me at (720) 362-3305. Ruby, 60 John, Carbondale, CO 81621, USA


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